Many of you know that I do some consulting for Democracy for America. As part of that, I sometimes highlight things that the organization is doing. That’s what I want to do in this piece. DFA is getting ready to launch a brand new website and they are also going to unleash some cool organizing tools. As part of their promotion for the new site they are going to be giving away some DFA gear that has been autographed by Howard Dean.

Because DFA wants more input and engagement from their million-strong membership, they have created a way for you to create your own petitions. If you follow this link, you’ll land on a page that will allow you sign in (or sign up). Once you do that, you’ll get an email when the new site goes live (i.e., soon).

When the site is live, you will be able to create a petition which other DFA members will be able to sign. Anyone who creates a petition in the first 48 hours of the site being live will be eligible for some Dean-autographed DFA gear.

So, do me a favor and start thinking about good petitions. If you were in charge of a million-member progressive organization, what would you want them to work on? That’s what we’re asking you. So, let us know what you think.