NY Times, 12/2/12:
The Syrian military’s movement of chemical weapons in recent days has prompted the United States and several allies to repeat their warning to President Bashar al-Assad that he would be “held accountable” if his forces used the weapons against the rebels fighting his government.
The warnings, which one European official said were “deliberately vague to keep Assad guessing,” were conveyed through Russia and other intermediaries.
What exactly the Syrian forces intend to do with the weapons remains murky, according to officials who have seen the intelligence from Syria. One American official provided the most specific description yet of what has been detected, saying that “the activity we are seeing suggests some potential chemical weapon preparation,” which goes beyond the mere movement of stockpiles among Syria’s several dozen known sites. But the official declined to offer more specifics of what those preparations entailed.
As usual, no names of sources and no evidence. It’s Yellowcake City all over again. Gotta love the NY Times…it obeys its masters when called to do so. Bet on it. I wonder who’s playing the Judith Miller role.
And of course all the other little media pets follow in its wake. This story is now a viral “reality.” Bet on that as well. Search Google News for <chemical weapons + syria> for all you need to know on that point.
Why? How? Read on
This about covers it. From Counterpunch:
A Pretext for Deeper US Intervention
The Syrian Chemical Weapons “Menace”
With dubious reports that Syria is preparing its stockpile of chemical weapons for use now dominating US media coverage, the familiar menace of WMDs in the Middle East has been resurrected once again to haunt the American public and gin up support for military intervention.
First appearing in a report Sunday in the New York Times, the latest Syrian WMD scare surfaced with an assertion from an unnamed US official that the Syrian military had begun “some potential chemical weapon preparation.” The official went on to state that the US is “worried about what the [Syrian] military is doing.”
One day later, yet another unnamed American official, again citing classified intelligence, told Wired magazine’s Danger Room blog that, “Engineers working for the Assad regime in Syria have begun combining the two chemical precursors needed to weaponize sarin gas.”
“International observers,” the Danger Room report continued, “are now more worried than they’ve ever been that the Damascus government could use its nerve agent stockpile to slaughter its own people.”
Similar reports on Syria’s purported preparation of chemical weapons have subsequently proliferated throughout the US media. Yet, as McClatchy reported, despite the widely published claims of anonymous US officials, “no public evidence” has been offered by the administration to justify its amplified concerns. Nor, it might be added, has any explanation been offered as to why the Syrian regime would knowingly seek to provoke a foreign military intervention by actually using its chemical weapons.
Of course, the propagandizing on behalf of the US government by the loyal legion of stenographers in the elite American media has allowed the Obama administration to renew its threat of military intervention.
“We think it is important to prepare for all scenarios,” Carney said. “Contingency planning is the responsible thing to do.”
(US officials have previously stated that any effort to safeguard chemical weapons in Syria would require 75,000 troops.)
Breaking Free From Electoral Shackles
This stepped up US posturing towards Syria comes amid reports that the Obama administration, now free of any electoral restrains, is seriously contemplating greater intervention into the Syrian crisis.
As the New York Times reported late last month (11/28), the Obama administration is now “considering deeper intervention to help push President Bashar al-Assad from power.”
According to the paper, “the combination of President Obama’s re-election, which has made the White House more willing to take risks, and a series of recent tactical successes by rebel forces, one senior administration official said, `has given this debate a new urgency, and a new focus.'”
The precise nature of the administration’s “deeper intervention” into Syria became clearer Tuesday, as the US-dominated NATO military alliance approved the deployment of the American-made Patriot anti-missile system along the Turkey-Syria border. According to a military source quoted by AFP, “up to six Patriot batteries and some 300-400 foreign troops to operate them” are to be deployed along the already tense border.
In explaining the need for deploying the Patriot batteries, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen directly cited the revived Syrian “chemical threat.” As Reuters reported, Rasmussen asserted that the specter of Syrian chemical weapons “made it urgent for the alliance to send Patriot anti-missile missiles to Turkey.”
The NATO alliance, of course, maintains that the missile deployment is simply defensive in nature. (A suspect claim repeatedly made regarding missile defense systems.) In fact, Rasmussen even went so far as to claim that the “weapons could help deescalate tensions” along the Syria-Turkey boarder. How exactly the deployment of yet more advanced weapons could function to deescalate tensions, Rasmussen left unclear. Instead, as Russian President Vladimir Putin countered Monday while in Istanbul, “increasing (military) potential will not settle the situation but create the opposite effect.”
Indeed, for in actuality, the NATO missile deployment will likely function to effectively carve out a “no-fly zone” in northern Syria. This, then, will pave the way for creating–a la Libya–a NATO-enforced safe haven for rebels fighting to topple the Assad regime.
Dressing Up Intervention
The provocative deployment of the Patriot batteries, coupled with the orchestrated media furor over Syria’s WMDs, thus makes it quite clear that the process of preparing the American public for the very real possibility of yet another US-led military intervention in the Middle East has begun in earnest. And once again, we see the veil of a humanitarian intervention and the “responsibility to protect” hastily donned to cloak nefarious motives.
The deafening silence of the US during just the latest round of Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip mere weeks ago, however, ought to give pause to any still suspended in the illusion that humanitarian interests guide US foreign policy in the least. US foreign policy is instead dictated by imperial ambitions and imperatives. And these ambitions, it should to be noted, are not confined to Damascus, but stretch all the way to Tehran.
Note well these three phrases:
1-US officials have previously stated that any effort to safeguard chemical weapons in Syria would require 75,000 troops.
2-Breaking Free From Electoral Shackles
3-Dressing Up Intervention
There y’have it, bubbas.
It’ll probably go down in concert with some part of the “fiscal cliff” nonsense over the next month or two. And/or hooked in with the re-inauguration of our king president on Jan. 20th. It’s all about politics, and U.S. politics is all about economic imperialism.
It won’t go down in as flashy a manner as did the Iraq invasion…the O’Bombers are as subtle as Butches were crude…but it will go down.
The only possible action that could stop it from happening would be Assad hightailing it outta Dodge.
Can he afford to lose the billions it would cost him and his allies/controllers? Has he been told by certain forces that he cannot leave because he has to fight for their money? Fight or die? Is he ready for the Saddam Hussein option?
I dunno.
We shall see, soon enough. There are probably offers and counteroffers going down right now behind closed doors. Who gets what/when and where does Assad land if he books.
Nasty work on both sides.
After what has gone down w/the so-called “liberal” Musilim Brotherhood in Egypt, does the U.S. even really want the rebels to win?
High stakes poker, babies.
As has always been the case in The Great Game, money and human lives are the chips being used.
Mommas, don’t let your children grow up to be cowboys.
Or killers, either.
Obama on hold … anyone interested in the job at the Pentagon or perhaps the CIA. Less worrisome for US foreign policy, job at the State Department will likely go to an
aggressive ‘diplomat’ Susan Rice, says boss Hillary Clinton. We got some job openings on economics and finances to sail around the approaching fiscal cliffs.
See my new diary – Dublin Talks: Syria at the Brink of Catastrophic Collapse
Sequels sell well in the US. Once the stench of US military debacles such as My Lai and Abu Ghraib and the public has forgotten the cost of our meaningless wars have been flushed down the memory hole, we’re ready for more war — as long as something, practically anything, is said that suggests it’s not a rerun.
Syria has been a tough sell to the US public because neither the country nor the leader has been demonized long enough and relentlessly enough to stoke that fear in the minds of Americans. The Syrian regime should have taken a lesson from the China — replace the top dog at least once a decade. (Or promote when they’re old enough that they may not last longer than ten years as Saudi Arabia has been doing. Although deposing or assassinating one that isn’t working out isn’t unacceptable.)
History doesn’t repeat itself; it rhymes.
This time we know exactly what Syria has because it has faithfully fulfilled treaty obligations. And that is a bunch of chemical weapon artillery shells and the capability to put a chemical warhead on a Scud missile.
And this time you have a President who is trying to get to being a peacetime President instead of a wartime President.
So I’ve not gotten too hysterical over this bit of news. The US pro forma “red line” language was to reassure Israel that we “take their intelligence seriously” whether we actually do; the Israeli government these days is prone to hystrionics. Turkey’s request for Patriot batteries is likely intended to prevent conventionally armed Scud attacks, which likely will not happen unless Syria thinks guerrilla attacks are being launched from Turkey.
The main concern of the US is what happens if the Assad regimes falls and in the chaos, operatives of some organization public or private do with the chemical weapons stockpiles what a similar bunch did with the artifacts in the Iraq Museum after the fall of Baghdad. There was a similar issue in Libya, but the Libyan chemical weapons command defected to the opposition early on and helped secure the chemical weapons sites. Even with all of the many militias still in being in Libya, the US does not have the same concern it has about Syria.
Second term generally means a focus on foreign affairs and what historians will say about the administration. The two holy grails of American foreign policy at the moment are an end to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (how depends on the administration) and renormalization of relations with Iran (either through diplomacy–Obama goes to Teheran–or through regime change). The President is constrained by the domestic politics in which moves toward peace get labeled as “treason” and threaten the military-industrial-media-intelligence-money complex.
Very reasonable.
We shall see.
I prefer the Ron Paul approach, myself.
Which of course tacitly presupposes the other end of the “Walk quietly but carry a big stick” approach.
Nuclear-armed subs with the coordinates of most major Islamist cities (and other possible attackers…N. Korea, etc.) permanently dialed into their computers. They’re out there, cruising around waiting for their orders. Bet on it. Lots of them.
Would our enemies call our bluff if they were truly convinced that we were changing out economic imperialist act? I doubt it. Would you? Too great a risk.
You are being vey reasonable about what Obama is doing, Tarheel. You’re a good Democrat, I guess. Hoping for the best.
i wonder how reasonably these people are taking our murderous adventures in The Great Game?
Every time we kill an innocent Muslim…and believe it, we have directly or indirectly killed thousands (maybe even tens of thousands) since 9/11…we make more enemies. It’s an ongoing geometric progression. Bet on that as well. When does the number of enemies that we have made reach critical mass? After all, we can’t kill everybody who disagrees with us, right?
Like I said…we shall see.
Obama/U.S. “reasonableness” versus bin Laden’s April 15, 2004 statement of reason and intent:
That also sounds fairly “reasonable” when examined from a moderately neutral point of view, doesn’t it?
When does it end?
My sig?
Amp up that “lesser of two evils” idea to a power of thousands and what do you get?
Lots of it.
When does it end?
“As soon as the ships can get there”…to take our troops outta their faces.
And not until.
After that?
After that it would be time to stop the American exceptionalism/American entitlement routine. If that set of actions started in earnest this very day it would still be two or maybe even three generations before the U.S. was once again trusted and admired by most of the people in the world.
If we don’t?
1,2,4,16, 256, 65,536, 4,294,967,296, etc. The geometric progression. You do the math.
When does it begin to reverse itself?
Not until the ships can get there to bring home the occupiers.
Or of course…we can go the Roman Empire route.
And you know where that eventually takes a country, right?
Only now, things move faster.
Much faster.
And much louder, too.
Uh oh!!!
You’re a good Dem.
Think on it.
I just realized. Obama really is a progressive.
A geometric progressive.
Progressively adding to our enemies list.
Very true. At least 600,000 dead Iraqis. 3,000 dead American soldiers. Al Qaeda killed a lot of these people. Al Qaeda followed us to Iraq and went on a genocidal rampage. There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until there was a U.S. in Iraq. There was no Blackwater until we brought them. Now Afghanistan how many dead? Waziristan how many dead?
Bin Laden is dead. Lets regain our senses here. I’m sick of the insanity we have radicalized the whole region. Lets fucking go home and do sane stuff for awhile.
And on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on….
Please, people. Go look at Google maps. Select Syria, earth view and labels. Then zoom out until you have the rest of the world in the picture as well. What do you see?
Bounded by Western Sahara/Mauritania, southeastward down through Somalia, the Mediterranean on the north and then northeastward into Absurdistan territory…Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan etc….what do you see?
You see a stretch of land that is by far the world’s largest semi-barren area. By far. It’s a desert out there.
And this is where all the trouble is coming from? From the deserted? Can’t blame ’em. I guess. Short of serious oil reserves, they were given the dry end of the stick. But really…a five year U.S. sprint towards energy independence (one that would produce hundreds of thousands of jobs, by the way, and hopefully included serious efforts to develop non-polluting energy sources)… and what leverage would they have left?
None. It’s now or never for them. Peak oil is the death-knell for their influence and probably for their economies as well.
Let’s leave them to their own devices. (Preferably non-nuclear, please.) Reality would soon set in. Build a well-functioning industrial/economic system that is independent of oil reserves or leave. And get off of our case in the process.
But NOOOOOoooooo…
We are on them like white on rice.
Because of the misguided beliefs of a far right that was itself serenaded with a nascent funeral march in the last election? It’s already almost over for them. The tar pits await forthwith. Fuggedaboud’em.
Because of the power of the Israeli hustle brigade here? Why bother? They are our client, not the other way around.
Because of “humanitarian” reasons?
Well…maybe. But if that’s the case, how “humanitarian” is drone warfare?
How “humanitarian” was the Iraq fiasco?
Ask any Iraqi who isn’t on the U.S. dole.
How “humanitarian” have been (and remain) Israel’s actions towards the Palestinians?
Get the fuck out.
Before another sandstorm buries us all.
the Syrian conflict is all about Iran! The ayatollahs wanted to estabish a route to a sea port, or was it Russia. Ooops, never mind. We must be very fortunate to have Obama again.