House Speaker Boehner wants nothing to do with responsibility or accountability for negotiating a deal to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff. Obviously he has no control over his caucus. In situations like this one can lead one’s party’s members to accept that they have a duty to fashion a compromise with the Denmocrats and the President, or one can do what Boehner just did – Punt.
House of Representatives leaders talked Wednesday and said they’d wait for the Senate to act on legislation to avert the fiscal cliff. House leaders said that once the Senate acts, they will consider whether to take up that measure.
The House , which has a Republican majority, in August passed a bill to extend all the Bush-era tax cuts, which expire at the end of the year, for one year. It has also approved legislation last week that’s an alternative to the $109 billion in automatic spending cuts due to take effect Jan. 2.
The Democratic-run Senate this summer passed a measure to extend only tax cuts for individuals earning less than $200,000 and families making less than $250,000.
Read more here:
Shorter Boehner: I like being Speaker of the House, I just don’t like the hard work and the political fallout that comes with it.
In effect, Boehener is saying he won’t can’t consider a compromise because his members won’t let him. His mealy-mouthed press release is a weak attempt to pass the buck onto the Senate (i.e., Senate Democrats), and claim they and the President are solely responsible for the lack of progress in negotiations because they failed to consider the House’s DOA bill for extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. He knows as well as anyone that the his “secret negotiations” with the President failed because no one in his caucus would “follow his lead” despite the President placing Social Security cuts on the table (either an incredibly naive action or a very cynical one by Obama – take your pick).
It appears, thanks to House Republicans, that the lame duck Congress will “do nothing” and in January, Boehner may very well be out of a job. Probably for the best. I’m tired of his sprayed on tan and his crocodile tears. His replacement will likely take an even harder line in negotiations to appease the crazies among the Republicans House members (and those who fear being primaried by crazy teahadists in 2014). The only question is how will a larger Dem caucus in the House, and an enlarged Dem majority in the Senate, respond to the GOP’s ongoing game of Russian Roulette. I already fear we know how the White House will play this out, and I’m not sanguine of any deal getting done that protects seniors, the poor and the rapidly shrinking middle class.
He won’t do anything about this either:
Here’s what it looks like when a man gets gunned down in front of his five year old kid (from my old neighborhood):
If my 3 year old child died this way, I’d kill my brother/brother-in-law.
Just as they did in 2010, today’s Repubs absolutely refuse to allow the newly elected prez to enact the economic plan that he campaigned on, and won on. That is a lesson Congressional Dems need to take to heart. Repubs have (repeatedly) decided to flout the result of national elections and operate to ensure that even a prez election cannot induce any action or resolve a single issue, not even the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
A rogue minority party (largely regional and gerrymandered) has completely paralyzed the national government. Their price is capitulation by the majority to their ideological will, while flouting and frustrating the clear expression of the nation’s will.
To what degree should Obama negotiate with (domestic) terrorists? That is what he will have to decide.
oops, excuse me: 2008, not 2010.
It seems unfair to blame Boehner for lacking leadership skills. Alexander the Great couldn’t get these House Republicans to stop acting crazy and fall in line.
Oh I think he could. He tended to kill suspected threats to his position as King of Macedon.
Unfortunately Obama can’t resort to Gordian Knot remedies; I daresay the knowledge that he could would have a salutary effect on GOP intransigence.
He could invoke Patriot II arresting the Republicans and claiming a conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism. They would be held without trial or lawyers as enemy combatants like Jose Padilla. That way leads to Caesarism. I don’t think he will take it, but the choice is there. The damned law is on the books. Someday someone will take it.
The damned law is on the books. Someday someone will take it.
Only for so long as the war authorized on September 20, 2001 (the Afghan War, and the War Against al Qaeda) is ongoing. The language of the 2011 NDAA cites that resolution as it the source of that power, so when that resolution is no longer in effect, neither is the detention power.
Those resolutions can last a long time. Jimmy Carter ended the Korean war Emergency and several others. Note that the Korean “Emergency” lasted a generation. Power tends to accumulate and I think the War on Terror (with whatever name) will last a long long time, like the Cold War.
Could it be that there is a hidden agenda on both sides? Consider: If Republicans recognize the need to increase taxes and cut defense spending, they cannot openly acknowledge that lest their base tear them to shreds. If Democrats recognize that meaningful tax increases can only come from taxing the middle class and that non-trust fund spending must be cut back to avoid inflation, they cannot openly acknowledge that either. Then, the sane course for BOTH parties is to enter a kabuki dance standing firm on their principals and pointing the finger at the other side. By refusing to compromise, both sides whip up their base while the automatic roll back of the Bush tax cuts and the sequestration take place. The secret policy goals are achieved while BOTH sides score points with their respective bases and get to paint the opposition as the villain. And Obama gets to show how he TRIED but those awful Republicans just spit on him, while the Tea baggers tell Wall Street that they TRIED but that awful Kenyan just wouldn’t listen to reason.
Or are the Democrats just clueless and the Republicans much better at playing chicken?
The next week will show which proposition is correct.
Principles not Principals. My eighth grade teacher would box my ears.
Apart from the fiscal cliff, can the Republicans survive the arrival of $8.00 dollars for a gallon of milk too? Due to their failure to pass a Farm Bill.
General Dynamics, Huntington Ingalls win huge U.S. submarine orders
What happened to conserving the cash because of the debt limit? And Republicans crying because Defense spending will be cut? No wonder SS was offered up on a platter. I would have thought new ballistic missile submarines were eminently deferable.
Sounds like AG was right.
So if tan man loses the speaker seat, who wins it? Cantor? What would do differently with this motley crew?
What is needed is someone who is not afraid of neither the nut jobs nor of asking for democratic votes. In other words someone who sees the political advantage of actually governing.