The Washington Post reports that there are divisions within the Republican Party about whether or not they can effectively use a threat to destroy the country’s credit rating and cause a global recession to extract spending cuts from the Democrats. If they did it before, why not do it again?
Meanwhile, the New York Times focuses more on the big picture divisions like immigration, women’s rights, gay marriage, and letting the NRA dictate the GOP’s policy on guns.
In both cases, it is really a divide between conservatives and Republicans. The near-total capture of the GOP by conservatives has created a situation which has now come to a head. They call it the Conservative Movement for a reason. They have places to go. The problem is, the American people do not want to go there. The conundrum presents itself in stark terms in the debate over the debt ceiling. Countless Rush Limbaugh fans and Fox News watchers have been seduced into an alternative reality where they are both the good and the aggrieved. But they don’t want to see the party destroy the country’s credit rating, millions of jobs, and the value of their nest eggs, all in the name of reducing the worth of their earned benefits and eroding their retirement security. The conservatives carried the ball so down the field that people are in the shadow of the goalposts. And they don’t want to score.
Something similar is going on with their strategy of stoking white resentment, anxiety and religious tribalism. It holds whites within the coalition who would otherwise split, but not enough of them…not anymore. Ralph Reed explains their predicament:
“The Republican Party can’t stay exactly where it is and stick its head in the sand and ignore the fact that the country is changing,” said Ralph Reed, the founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition and onetime leader of the Christian Coalition.
“On the other hand, if the party were to retreat on core, pro-family stands and its positions on fiscal responsibility and taxes, it could very quickly find itself without a strong demographic support base.”
Their aggrieved white base may not be big enough anymore, but without it the Republicans collapse into oblivion. And, yet, what better way to dissolve their aggrieved white base than to make a deal on immigration or to vote to raise taxes or to agree to gun restrictions or to soften their stance on gay marriage or reproductive choice? Compromising on those issues will feel like a cynical betrayal to Fox Nation.
The truth is that the conservatives like feeling aggrieved more than they like exercising authority. They are happiest in the minority and least happy having to govern (especially if they have to make compromises from a position of weakness). Republicans, on the other hand, exist to win and hold power. Newt Gingrich understands this distinction. He was the one who realized how the conservatives could seize control of the party and win back the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. He was the one who came up with a strategy that could break the conservatives out of their lethargy and acceptance of permanent minority status. Gingrich was a hybrid, and it’s no surprise that he is telling the House Republicans to change strategies and stop threatening people over the debt ceiling.
On the other hand, Speaker Gingrich quickly discovered that movement conservatives were more interested in blowing up the government than in governing it slightly differently. After two government shutdowns, two bad election cycles, and the reelection and subsequent impeachment of Bill Clinton, Gingrich was gone. What was left behind was a party that looks nihilistic from one angle and overzealous from another. It was a party built for graft that simultaneously railed against pork barrel spending. It was a coalition that had to sustain itself through an ever-increasing series of delusions and denials and lies. More and more dependent on the white angst and resentment of social conservatives, the party began to denounce evolution and plate tectonics and climate science. It invented a War on Christmas and a threat of creeping Shariah Law. It lost any trust or investment or even connection to academia. It retreated into a cult for home-schoolers.
And when it all blew up in their faces…when Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction and the Iraqis met us with IED’s instead of flowers and chocolates…when starving the government of revenues didn’t create economic growth…when the Republican congress proved more corrupt than their predecessors…when lack of Wall Street oversight led directly to economic collapse…when the country reached it’s lowest level of effective taxation since the Truman administration…that’s when they launched the Taxed (T) Enough (E) Already (A) Party. Has anything more stupid ever happened?
The disastrous culmination of a 28-year campaign to make the rich richer and the middle class poorer was interpreted as the perfect time to launch a tax revolt on the behalf of people who had never paid lower taxes. At the peak moment for government spending, they launched a war on the only available economic stimulus that might save them their job, their home, and their savings. It was no surprise that the whole venture was financed by plunderous plutocrats in their desperate (and successful) attempt to cause a distraction big enough for them to evade accountability for their actions.
The conservative movement is too stupid to live, but the Republican Party is too advantaged by law to die. It would like to remake itself into a party that reflects the values of enough Americans for them to win. But conservatives would rather wallow in their own impotence and rage than change their core beliefs. The GOP will remain bitterly divided for quite some time. The splits will grow when we debate guns and when we debate immigration and when we debate climate and energy. The coalition cannot hold. The most reactionary of the bunch have the advantage of being correct about one thing. Without race-hatred and religious tribalism and gay-bashing and attacks on women’s rights, the GOP has no coalition at all. It would simply scatter to the winds. So, they will persist.
How do you see this ending, though? Does the party die? Do they moderate and a lot of their base come back to the Democrats where they were prior to 1964-1968? It’s a paradox: moderate views, and then their base has nowhere to really go (kind of like conservatives threatening to move…where are they going to go?); or continue down the scorched Earth, putting themselves back where they belong in minority status?
Also, Gingrich threatened to take the debt ceiling hostage back in the 1990’s, but he backed off eventually and never got close enough to take it. Boehner might be too much of a coward to his base rather than his moneyed interest this time.
On bad days, I see it ending in nuclear annihilation when we fuck-up and lose power to these fanatics and they act out their foreign policy fantasies without proper regard for other powers. That’s really why I fight. Same thing, to a lesser degree, on climate, but they are winning that slow motion apocalypse even in the minority.
Less dramatically, one of two things will happen. They will do something like succeeding in outlawing abortion or crashing the economy in the name of taking our retirement away that fractures their coalition to the winds. In that case, moderate Republicanism based on more multicultural perspectives will reemerge.
Or two, the conservatives will hold onto power in the GOP like grim-death, and we’ll have another long run of Democratic power in Congress like we saw in the mid-20th century.
A third possibility is that a charismatic leader will emerge and lead them out of the wilderness somehow.
These are fascinating times. I don’t know if this will play out over the next two years or twenty, but I agree with your analysis and am glad I’m here to see whatever unfolds and participate in the fight to win hearts and minds.
Wait a minute??? That sounds to me a lot like that Antichrist fellow that the religious base of the GOP is always screaming about.
And here I thought all along it was Obama.
Silly me.
They’ve already outlawed abortion. The day Roe goes, abortion’s gone, in 30+ states.
I have only one thing to say about that third possibility.
All of this calling out Christie’s laying on the Ratpubs? Combined with the shining statements he has made about Obama? He’s planning to take over the Rats by 2016 and simultaneously covering his ass if he cannot do so.
If he manages to sufficiently dominate the more centrist elements of the G.O.P…and make no mistake, that’s the first thought on his mind every morning when he wakes up (except for maybe breakfast)…he’ll run for president. He would be a serious threat to any Democrat, Hillary Clinton included. He’s smart, he’s tough, he’s ruthless and if we are still foundering around in a financial/international morass he can claim total innocence regarding the creation of those problems.
If he fails in the attempt? He’s still young for a national pol. (51, I believe.) He can jump ship to the Dems and wait’ll he sees his chance.
The only things that could get in his way would be:
1-Some kind of awful scandal…sexual, financial, whatever.
2-Health problems stemming from his weight.
P.S.I personally don’t think Hillary Clinton is going to run. The last pic I saw of her…leaving the hospital surrounded by healthy folks…her face was quite literally blueish.
At the very least she has had a serious scare, and I do not believe that she was all that sure about running before the scare. A weakened Hillary Clinton in a race with someone like Chris Christie? He’s eat her up.
P.P.S. Sorry about the Christie appetite jokes…ah cain’t he’p mahse’f. Apparently neither can he.
P.P.P.S. If he jumps parties early enough…what a VP choice he would be for a strong Dem presidential contender!!! If of course there really is one in the DemRat party by say mid-2015. The presidential nominee could stay above the fray while siccing Christie on his erstwhile party.
We shall see…
Okay, I’m just going to ask it: what is the big deal about Chris Christy? Why do I keep reading he’s so charismatic? I just don’t see it. He looks like a bully to me. Great quality to have if you’re a Rep. but a sucky one to have if you’re a Dem. After truth-telling about how helpful PBO has been, how does he ever go far enough right to cater to the ‘base’ of the party? I must really be missing something here.
A great quality to have if you want to appeal to many working class white people who now vote solidly Republican. As a Dem? Where would the Dems go who do not particularly like his brand of working-class feistiness? They would have nowhere left to go. And anyway…if the media can paint an honorable man like Ron Paul as a totally racist, insanely irresponsible lunatic then they could remake Chris Christie into Mahatma Gandhi II.
A bully? Bullying is terrorism.
And what are the killer drones except terrorist weapons?
WMDs v.4
Weapons of Mass Depression
I’d rather have some fool yell at me, thank you very much.
I remember the same things being said about Rick Perry, he was the “great white hope” of the GOP. Another straight-talkin’, charismatic southern governor. But then we saw him shoot himself in the foot, the other foot, and his head. (“Oops!”) I think Christie would do himself in the same way, somehow. His tough guy act would get tiring quickly.
But Perry was stupid. Bone deep stupid. Christie is not.
I can’t see Hilary running or winning. Just based on her personal appearance. She looks really bad. And I’m not just talking about her recent episode.
I see the Conservatives primarying a number of apostates and, if the Democrats are smart (yeah, I know), Democrats offering them the opportunity to run as Democrats and winning, creating (temporarily) the mother of all parties. I see the Left screaming bloody murder in response and eventually splitting off into the Greens or some new party, leaving the Democrats as the governing party that occasionally works with Republicans and occasionally works with Greens to pass legislation. I don’t think that situation would last, and the Left would sooner splinter into warring factions than the Right, but I think something like this is possible.
Option #2 would be that the conservatives primary and beat most apostates and double-down on teh Stupid, leaving us in Limbo for the foreseeable future and a credit rating somewhere in the neighborhood of Turkey.
Option #3: The super-rich totally co-opt both parties and alternate which one the media supports so that the people have the illusion that they actually have power, while the country slides silently into fascism, i.e. the government and corporations are one.
Isn’t that pretty much where we are now?
Yes, I think you are right.
Re: the white bigot vote: too big to fail, to small to succeed.
Not only law, though gerrymandering is clearly the reason the GOP has such a hold on the House. The GOP investment in media, not only Fox but in the cultivation of client “journalists” on all the networks as well as in print, is like the transfusion that Keith Richards apocryphally used to stave off overdose. Our media is so invested in having these particular two parties that they’ll keep the GOP going for decades, I assume.
Maybe there will be some point when a critical mass is reached and it goes out with a whimper, but the media as an entire group will have to abandon the GOP for that to happen.
I’d like to add a third leg to the balancing act of targeted revenue and spending cuts.
Growth of the economy seems always understated in the ways of balancing our budget when it comes to Congressional debate. There’s enough resources to utilize to give each cut, each penny a rating on how it would create jobs and/or expand the econmy.
Likewise, a cut that eliminates jobs would have to balance with a source of new jobs or education for those jobs lost.
As long as the Rep’s are intent on not funding anything without a spending offset, let’s add in an emphasis on the CBO’s estimate of jobs lost.
I realize the Rep’s can’t multitask and this may be PollyAna Sunday, but we need to earnestly bring back growth as a 3rd leg in the discussion.
I read somewhere yesterday that the RNC is reaching out to the SuperPACs to get them to protect the graft-oriented establishment Republicans in Congress from primary challenges from the extreme right. I don’t count out the establishment Republicans from having the power to do this. They forced Willard down their throats in the caucuses and primaries–they still have plenty of influence. Expect them to start doing a lot of opposition research on anyone who dares challenge their candidates and then wield it like a sword to lop them off at the knees. They have a long way to go to unseat the 150+ Tea Party caucus, but they’re just ruthless enough to find a way.
True, but now you’re talking civil war in the Republican Party, which also has its charms.
Obama has a historic opportunity and a dilemma.
On one hand, he needs partners to govern the nation.
On the other, he can help destroy the GOP.
When Kerry was running, I suggested he not acknowledge any candidate or party who advocated torture.
The same could be done here. If the GOP wants to default the nation, if they don’t work the debt ceiling, then invoke the 14th Amendment and deny any legitimacy to the GOP. Say he would meet or work with any political leader not a member of the GOP and state, literally, they no longer have the best interests of the nation at heart. Say that the Republican Party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Reagan is dead. Killed by a virus of radicalism and this vote shows there is no reviving it. Say that a new party is necessary to join the Democratic Party in advancing the US.
What is the GOP House going to do? Not pass his laws? What are GOP Senators going to do? Filibuster?
Party discipline will be needed. No Democratic politician appearing in the media with a "GOPer who wants to damage the nation". No phone calls returned, no money spent in districts where a Rep didn’t vote to stave off default. Cut off the oxygen and let the local people know why.
Either they will fold and become saner, or a splinter group will start a new 3rd party and form a coalition with the Democratic Party in Congress. Yes, there will be defections from the Dems to the new Party, but the danger is greater for the GOP which will become a regional rump party…then wither and die.
But that would take a lot of nerve from Obama…one that he has only shown in dealing with al Queda.
The only way to actually govern is to destroy the GOP. That comes first.