What’s going on when you can’t even order a taco, go to a punk rock concert, or a gun show anymore without getting shot? Four more people got shot in Philly last night. The global media is all over the latest massacre with an AR-15, this time in New Mexico. That probably doesn’t do a whole lot for our tourism industry. The Wild West wasn’t this dangerous. And yes, this country is filled with crazies.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It’s a gun world, Boo. Get with the program.
A massacre a day, that’s all I ask.
— Yer Friends at the NRA
Clearly, if all those folks had carried guns they could have prevented and/or minimized those incidents. And if they all carried garlic, they could have kept away vampires.
The article on your last link has a link to Alex Jones on the Piers Morgan show. words fail me
And, of course, don’t forget that the “liberal media” is suppressing all those stories of the dozens of lives saved every day and criminals blown away by John Q. Gunowner, while defending his castle and his women folk.
And now we have a culture where whatever the question is, the answer is a gun.
Totally Off Topic: I am SO HAPPY that we don’t have to spend the next eternity hearing that Tom Brady is the savior of mankind.
No, that is Eli Manning.
Got a whole year before that question arises again. We do know that Payton is NOT the savior for the moment. And that is a huge relief.
They are still wasting time playing football???
Missing Savannah man found murdered in Effingham Co. home
Philadelphia Gun Crisis is a terrifying site.
It makes me incredibly uncomfortable to continue living here.
I’d either stop reading it or get involved with them. Otherwise, yeah, it will just freak you out.
“What’s going on” is that Gun Nation is now reaping the whirlwind it intentionally sowed by proclaiming that gun nuts have a constitutional right to own and brandish as many handguns as they wish, while the braindead nihilist “conservative” movement furiously opposed and destroyed any and every attempt at the most water-downed gun regulations that are timorously proposed or enacted.
You go out in public in Gun Nation at your own risk now, armed or unarmed, and one can’t say that they weren’t warned or didn’t understand the actual situation. Doesn’t matter if you are in a sprawling Blue City or a podunk Red hamlet. Gun lunacy is actually official US policy as far as I can tell. It is our (cherished) “culture”.
Given the above, it is way past time for the world’s foreign ministers to issue coordinated travel warnings to their citizens about visiting Insane Gun Nation. Of course a prudent traveler shouldn’t dream of vacationing in a country awash in automatic weapons (over 300 million!), heavily peopled with crazed lunatics who believe they have a “natural right” to have a personal armory and carry weapons to Taco Bell and Burger King. To say nothing of having a major political party that supports, defends and encourages every symptom of this gun lunacy and frustrates every hapless attempt at the most meaningless reform. Slippery slope, donchaknow…
That many tourists want to visit sites smack in the middle of our worst gun insanity compounds the need for the warnings. Blowing the whistle on the inherent risks of tourism in Insane Gun Nation might also get the attention of some of our plutocrats, who make a nice piece of change on tourism.
Just look at what has happened to the stock price of Ruger (symbol RGR) since Obama was elected! A ten-fold increase!
My High School Economics teacher told us, “When you don’t understand what’s happening, follow the money.”