The Speaker of the House finds an acorn:
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he believes the primary goal of President Obama’s second term is to “annihilate the Republican Party.”
“Given what we heard yesterday about the president’s vision for his second term, it’s pretty clear to me that he knows he can’t do any of that as long as the House is controlled by Republicans,” Boehner said in a speech Tuesday to The Ripon Society. “So we’re expecting over the next 22 months to be the focus of this administration as they attempt to annihilate the Republican Party.
“And let me just tell you, I do believe that is their goal — to just shove us into the dustbin of history.”
Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way. The Republicans could help us invest in clean energy and research. They could help us pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill. They could help us keep semiautomatic weapons out of the hands of criminals and the mentally insane. They could agree to a balanced deficit reduction plan.
But, since they don’t plan on doing any of those things, they must be put in the dustbin of history along with the commies.
What do Republicans have against the dustbin of history? That’s where they get all their best ideas.
Or, their ideas anyway.
With his major league whine, Boehner is simply having a sad because that mean President isn’t willing to split his own agenda 50-50 with the GOP agenda. Well boo fucking hoo. That’s not how it works, Mr. Speaker.
If annihilating the Republican Party is really Obama’s goal, all he has to do is give up trying to talk them off of the ledge.
It’s a lot easier to consign a party to the dustbin of history when it’s already making a nest there.
In a way, the GOP is working to anihilate itself. Take the recent electoral college cheating, the proposed plan to divide votes in VA, PA, OH, etc by congressional district… I think, ultimately, this will result in a movement towards presidential elections through popular vote (plus making the GOP look like the dicks they are)
The pattern is death by overreach.
Death by overreach. Well put.
I was thinking much the same in the last few days. In a democracy, when you run counter to the will of the people, the people eventually fix that. And if you win by cheating enough, the rules get changed on you.
What Boehner ascribes to Obama is remarkably similar to McConnell’s wish a couple years ago. So is this a bad thing, or a good thing?
I was just going to comment the same thing. How is this perception about Obama’s goals re the Republicans any worse than turtle man’s outright statement about working to see that Obama failed? Project much?
It wasn’t just working to see Obama fail, but making that the goal of the GOP’s entire legislative agenda.
They’ve climbed into the dustbin of history all by themselves. All Obama is doing is closing the lid.
Yes. That is what he is doing. he has set out to destroy the two party system and replace it with one party. The Media Party.
By occupying the Republicans’ foreign policy territory through subtler means.
Drones and independent contractors/secret missions instead of B 52s and Marines.
The Republicans’ domestic policies are already a shambles. They boil down to “If you don’t look like me you are wrong.” Almost every right-thinking adult in this country knows what’s up with that shit. All they have going for them now is a 50+ year-old white working and middle class that’s scared shitless of being blown away by a new, multi-racial generation that is increasingly not only multi-racial but multi-sexual as well. The Republican minority is still mired in the domestic and foreign policy past.
As the Democratic Party moves right…and it must move right to get closer to the center if it is going to rule…therewill be created a vacuum on the left. The Democratic Party of to day is the Republican Party of tomorrow. A kinder, gentler, more efficiently murderous party. And those of us who claim to be “progressives”…instead of party line-toers…will be faced with a new responsibility.
We need a new party.
A real progressive party. One that will answer “As soon as the ships can get there” when asked how quickly it will bring the troops home. The criminal acts of the U.S. over the past 50+ years…including what is going on in the Islamist countries and other parts of the underdeveloped world today and will continue to go on as long as Barack O’bomb’em is still president, bet on it…are horrifyingly vast. From the carpet bombing of SE Asia right on through the relatively recent total destruction of Iraq and the farce still being played out in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the rest of the Absurdistan countries, our ongoing criminality in the name of economic imperialism is beyond measure. As long as the U.S. continues its economic imperialist path it will never see a peaceful day.
That is a stone guarantee.
Will we get that party?
I doubt it.
The government media complex has too much control over the minds of the people. The faintest whiff of the possibility of real change and they will shut down whoever and whatever is producing it. Ron Paul? The Occupy movement? Same same. Criminalize them and/or disappear them.
What remains?
A vast, clomp, clomp clomping, middle remains. One that fools itself…is fooled by the media, actually…into thinking that Western Europe, the U.S. and their few allies outside of those areas can dominate the rest of the world forever.
Ain’t gonna happen.
So, this happened nine blocks east of where I lived when I started this blog.
Hence a cheap .22 “Saturday Night Special”, not a dreaded “Assault Rifle”. BTW, weren’t Saturday Night Specials outlawed decades ago?
Perhaps shove is too strong a word. A simple push is all that is needed.
Yes it does have to be this way — the GOP has evolved to seek and destroy every single threat to an oligarchy of the stupid and corrupt. They are no more capable of helping the country than a rabid wolverine is capable of becoming a guide dog for the blind. As with that wolverine, the only responsible thing is indeed annihilation, which they seem to be accomplishing nicely for themselves without help from Obama or anybody else.
Well said!
well rabid animals begin foaming (and some begin frothing) then collapse and die
So do hard line right wingers when faced with facts and reality.
Yes indeed.
The goal is not to annihilate the GOP, but only the insane portion of it.
Oh, wait….
PS, Boo: One of your best headlines yet.
Rhetoric like this is just meant to justify any means necessary-Illegal, unethical, non-transparent and undemocratic methods-to retain control over the majority of Americans. To them “all’s fair in war” even a made-up one..
“Republicans were hopeful the president would use that speech to lay the groundwork for a partnership over the next four years, but he instead made it a rallying cry for an active federal government — including on such politically charged issues as climate change, gun control, gay marriage and immigration.”
Did Boehner really think Obama was going to partner in destroying Social Security and Medicare? Talk about blind!