I stopped paying any attention to Geraldo Rivera a long time ago. I used to watch him when he had a show on CNBC, but I guess that was back in the 1990’s. My impression of him back then was that he was a fairly standard liberal. When he took the contract with Fox News, I assumed he would play the Alan Colmes role of weak advocate for the left. Over the years, I have occasionally seen video clips of Geraldo trading barbs with Bill O’Reilly. Once in a while, I’ve noticed him doing something stupid like revealing the location of our troops in Iraq.

I did not think he considered himself a Republican, and I am surprised to hear that he is considering running for U.S. Senate in New Jersey as a Republican. I thought that conservatives considered Rivera a laughingstock, just slightly more credible to them than Al Sharpton.

I guess I’ve lost touch with Rivera’s career or something. Or maybe he just wanted to get some attention.