Since I am not Catholic and wasn’t raised Catholic, my interest in the conclave that will elect the next pope is a totally detached kind of interest. It’s kind of like how I view the election of a new prime minister or president in a powerful foreign country. I care. I might have some preferences. But it’s not personal and I’m not invested in the outcome.
I am personally much more interested in the political outcome in Israel, where Benjamin Netanyahu has just received an additional two weeks to form a government. I would very much like him to fail. It’s not that his failure is guaranteed to lead to a better result. I just don’t like Bibi, and I am tired of his face. President Obama is scheduled to visit Israel, but the trip might be cancelled if no governing coalition is formed by March 16th.
In any case, do you care if the next pope is European or not, Italian or not, white or not, reform-minded or traditional? How do you think American Catholics would react to an African pope? A Canadian one? An American one?
I couldn’t care less about where the pope is from. But I’d love it if he (or she — imagine!) were open to ideas that might have been thought progressive in the early-20th Century (you know, like — oh, I don’t know — birth control). Would be grand to have a pope who cared about the poor (and by “cared” I mean someone willing to invest a sniggle of the church’s immense resources). But, hey, what the hell do I (a Jewish Sufi) understand about Catholicism (other than that I was married to two Catholic women and they both thought it sucked).
Oops, my last sentence contains an ambiguous “it.” Was it the church that sucked or being married to me (or both)? I’ll call them and ask.
Nah, it’s not you. It’s marriage that sucks in general.
Safe to say the pope won’t make that mistake.
not with a woman he won’t
Alter boys don’t count.
Not interested at all in which sexist pedophile that they elevate.
I am not Catholic.
I am interested in the Conclave.
I admit…I’m still back at hearing over the radio that the Pope can just up and give God a ‘two week notice’.
It’s still a W-T-F to me.
if the Pope turns out to be Black this time, folks will begin to think they’re in end times…LOL
I was raised Catholic and remember a conclave from my youth and being on pins and needles waiting for the color of smoke from the chimney. Now I get that the ultra-conservatives are completely in control of the Cardinals and that there is zero hope that a reformer would be elected. Doesn’t even matter what race or nationality the new Pope is…he’ll be just as conservative and backward thinking and misogynistic and racist at Gregory. So I’m only mildly interested in the Conclave.
Frankly I care more what happens on Scandal with Captain Ballard cuz I like Scott Foley so much.
I remember that, too. A very vidid childhood memory. Back then I believed there was something terribly holy about the pope and the process of electing one. It’s most discouraging to see that it’s really about dirty politics.
Now? New pope, same as the old pope. Maybe even worse. If that’s possible.
I am Catholic and educated at Jesuit St. Louis University. Not interested at all about the Conclave, only if the Vatican Secret leads to a schism. I am interested in Israeli politics, it’s as divided as US Congress on social-economic issues for the people or hardline national interest issues in opposition to a two-state peace proposition. I have some confidence in John Kerry, that’s why his travels is on my watch list.
I am not Catholic. I find the whole thing a giant yawn.
Well, I DO find the discussions about the real reason for the resignation mildly interesting, and ight prick up my ears a bit if it were ever revealed.
I’m not Catholic and my interest in the conclave is at best passing. I believe American Catholics will react to the election of the next pope more or less the same as they react to every pope – “Who?” – and then continue with business as usual.
I recall the joke amongst several of us lapsed Catholics when Pope Paul died: “Is the Pope Italian?” Then a moment of feeling bad when John-Paul died so quickly. But we recovered and moved on to “Is the Pope Catholic?” Perhaps Rick Santorum has thrown his hat in the ring.
I think we should take this opportunity to dissolve the catholic church altogether.
But that’s just me.
And Bibi, too, while we’re wishin’ big.
I care because the Catholic church does a lot of social service types things across this planet in places where there are few other options and their conservatism impairs that work.
Two birds, one stone: Pope Bibi.
Snoop Dawg should be the next Pope.
Just my .02.
OPININIONATED Ancient writings that have led to Judeo-Christian ideologies have become too deranged for me to accept any religion CREATED BY MEN as GOD’S WANT on Earth as well as the entire Universe. If religion isn’t wholly accepted here how can it be wholly accepted elsewhere in the creation. The Pope is pomp to me!
There is no chance there will be a liberal pope. The last two conservative popes have stacked the College of Cardinals. The rest is far less interesting.
The only interesting thing is the Catholic Church still uses the same mechanism to choose their next human figurehead and the old soviet system did, and current Chinese system does.
They choose one among the former princes of the old figurehead. Really no difference to those at the bottom for the systems at all. Very conservative rule, because those who game the system the best make sure of it.