Where do you fit in?
The Democrats are now the coalition of permanently aggrieved alienated minorities: the rich Jews who bankroll the whole enterprise, deracinated White liberals, single women, homosexuals, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and public sector employees.
I guess I am a “deracinated white liberal.”
Whether the Democrats have abandoned efforts to win the hearts of “racinated” whites or not, there is a certain point of view that sees the browning of the country as a kind of genocide for white people. One commenter in that thread talks about being “vanished.” It’s an interesting psychological phenomenon because, on its face, it doesn’t seem rational. Losing your status as the majority doesn’t involve the death of a single white person. No one disappears in any literal sense. Yet, it feels like a looming extinction to some people.
We can talk about white privilege (and the fear of losing it) and white supremacy, but there’s also this existential angst that is driving the opposition to the Senate’s immigration bill. Is that angst what is driving Mickey Kaus in his crusade?
Maybe he meant this and nothing to do with race:
I had to look it up since I’d never heard that word before and needed to see which part of it I wanted to make fun of first.
Upon reading the word, all I could think of first hand is that it might mean:
recently left Racine, WI
another good thought
Booman failed to quote this Mickey Kaus gem:
If people we don’t like (“this disagreeable coalition” of women and minorities) are going to out-vote us [southern white males and northern working class whites], then let’s end democracy or the United States!
Why? Because. . . . Freedom!
And this will be possible because a government elected by liberals, women and minorities will “lose its legitimacy” — just like the Soviet Union.
All this posted in a blog that features a big Rebel Battle Flag with the quote:
So said Rhett, the slave owner and member of the South Carolina Succession Convention.
If you’re quoting South Carolina slave-owning secessionists on “liberty” then by definition you’re a racist.
But that’s nothing new for Southern racists is it? About the only thing that’s changed with these scum since Lester Maddox is that they’ve learned to use euphemisms rather than shout the N-word at Civil Rights workers.
That’s one sick blog this Kaus article is posted in. Check out the one before:
Holy Cow! I’m glad I don’t frequent those parts of the interweb.
Or a theater company that eliminated plays by Jean Racine from its repertory.
Deracinating is how you get to be a rootless cosmopolitan.
Deracinated. That’s like being parboiled, right?
It’s another example of their extreme projection. They have mistreated minorities for such a long time that they assume they will, in turn, be mistreated. Those of us who don’t judge by skin color assume we won’t be judged by skin color. Relistically, I know both will occur at some point. But until then, our frame of mind is both healthier for us, and less likely to encourage more mistreatment.
I guess I’m bankrolling the whole thing. Who knew?
So what’s left when you pull all of the above into the Democratic party? Minority of angry white people?
Sure seems that way.
WTF was that site you linked to(the one up top)? A Tea Party site?
It’s called “Occidental Dissent.” Occidental means western, as in Western Civilization. As in, European/White supremacy.
Hahaha. I misread and thought it was “Occidental descent”. As in the Race that Dare Not Speak its Name.
The commenters on that website, no surprise, are real pieces of work. They enjoy talking about the evils of public education. I loved this point from one of them:
“Damn right I’m for vouchers. Imagine what $3000 a year off my tax bill would look like!”
Yes, because there is no need to publicly fund a voucher program. GodDamn, that is truly stuck on stupid.
This is awesome. Let’s re-fight the Civil War. Did you see the quote in the sidebar under the slavedriver flag?
I hadn’t heard of Robert Rhett, but he was a leading secessionist. So basically he knew what he was talking about when he talked about slaves, because he had a bunch of them.
But yes, I’m totally a deracinated white liberal, although it’s possible I might qualify as a permanently aggrieved alienated minority. I’m not sure, but this guy’s probably so old fashioned that he hates Catholics too, and all my ancestors were Catholics.
But it may be difficult to get SC on board for redux if Stephen Colbert’s sister wins
Like all Southern boasters they talk a lot about secession but they don’t mean it. Just like those Texas idiots. They just want to prevent everybody they don’t like from voting and wave their Confederate flags.
That’s much better than leaving the union. Boy did Abraham Lincoln make a HUGE mistake keeping those scum in the union!
Just think how much better off we would be without South Carolina! And Mississippi and Alabama could go too. They could form their own Republic of Freedonia — no corporate or income taxes and only sky high sales taxes. No abortions or separation of church and state. A real Republic of Jesus!
It would be just like Haiti. And an object lesson what happens when you try to implement right-wing fantasies about the “takers” and the “makers.
Sadly, this will never happen. For all their blather, they will never leave voluntarily and we’re just stuck with them.
Where the hell did you find that guy?
Not Mickey Kaus, who’s more than bad enough on his own, but the dude you linked to who wants the Confederacy to rise again?
Mickey’s exactly the same thing, just more “polite”. The other guy merely translated his crap into blunter English.
Recognition that the Republican brand won’t be soon be expanded. (I am a public sector employee.)
“Obama’s 39 percent showing among white voters [in 2012] matched the percentage that Bill Clinton received in 1992 — albeit it in a competitive three-way race — and exceeded the percentage of the white vote earned by Walter Mondale in 1984, Jimmy Carter in 1980 and George McGovern in 1972.”
Black and female…I’m a twofer
You mean to say you don’t love Robert Brownwell Rhett, the South Carolina fire-eating secessionist and slave owner?
Clearly you’re not a “real ‘Merkin.” So, you don’t count.
What, no mention of the alienated enviro-nazi minority? Or the Femi-nazis? Aren’t they “permanently aggrieved [and] alienated” as well?
The Dem party has been a multi-racial coalition for some time now, while the Repubs have been (overwhelmingly) a party of bitter reactionary white people for some time. Of course to even make his (stupid) argument, he has to act as though 40% of the (majority) race in the country is somehow a “minority”. I thought we were talking racial politics and coalitions here, Mickey? So the whole bag of shit is phony and incoherent.
Anyway, you’d think this increasing racial pluralism would cause some political concern in Republand based on such simple concepts as, oh, demographics. Instead, Kaus makes it sounds like the last days in Hitler’s Bunker, with a level of anger and bitterness and hatred toward the ACTUAL America which is stunning. THESE are the “patriots”?
And what’s up with this rancid shit: “the rich Jews who bankroll the whole enterprise…” Speaking of Adolph, can someone tell me why this isn’t barefaced anti-semitism? Does anyone think this is a compliment to Jewish philanthropy? It’s one thing to pander to the legions of fearful whites, but this is too much.
I have long maintained that the main thing that stops many, many whites from being Dems is assuredly NOT the party’s (weak) economic populism, support for gub’mint programs or actual policies. It’s the fact that many whites simply will have nothing to do with a party that has blacks, hispanics, gays and asians in the coalition. THAT is the real basis of their “conservatism”. White tribalism will wreck this county yet.
No. Nobody can tell you why this isn’t barefaced anti-semitism. Because it is. (Simple answers to simple questions)
Has Mickey stopped blowing goats yet? Is goat-blowing what “racinates” him?
DWL for sure.
Has anybody ever enjoyed being in a racial minority?
Think about it.
“…the rich Jews who bankroll the whole enterprise, deracinated White liberals, single women, homosexuals, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and public sector employees.”
You know, that sounds like the more fun parties I’ve been at.
Because the postal workers bring the beer!
Are you funking serious??? I don’t want to Godwin anybody, but Kaus (who is Jewish) has gone all the way to Otto Weininger territory here. It is beyond shocking to me that this man still has a market for his writings.
Wait, no, Kaus didn’t write that, it’s just the (more or less open) Nazi who’s admiringly talking about a Kaus article from the Daily Caller. I apologize unreservedly for typing that without checking first.
Sorry, I thought it was clear that if Kaus was going to say something like that, he’d choose different words and probably leave out the part of Jews running everything.
It is clear but seeing the words made me do what my daughter calls losing my shit. It is funny, don’t you think, that the folks at that neoconfederate site likely think Kaus is a wholesome Teutonic name. I hope Kaus knows that the three or four readers he has left in the world include these guys and I hope it gives him a twinge of understanding what he has become. I’d guess he Googles himself often enough that he’ll end up on this page–Hi, Mickey!
Hide your goats, hide your wife!
From Oxford dictionary: uproot (someone) from their natural geographical, social, or cultural environment:
a deracinated writer who has complicated relations with his working-class background
I think it’s hysterically funny that the guy capitalizes “White” and includes public sector employees on the list.
The white supremicists (i.e. 98% of Republicans) think they’ve got “the Truth” all sorted out.
Their xenophobia runs so deep, they just know some kind of new civil war is coming. They assume one “side” will prevail and the other will suffer.
One sentence at that site stands out for me because of how closely it matches McConnell’s language and actions against Obama:
The election and re-election of Barack Hussein Obama II has made some White folks LOSE THEIR DAMN MINDS.
The RE-election is what sent them beyond reason.
Willard Romney received 60% of the White Vote..
And it wasn’t even close.
Wasn’t even close.
If you spent your entire life being told that what you say `goes’ and you have all these ` others’ telling you and showing you that they mean business and what you say just may not ` go’ anymore…
They’re shook.
I continue to call it – clinging to that WHITENESS
that white vote number is overwhelmingly due to the south – in the rest of the country, the white vote is more evenly split.
yes, though I guess white ppl in the UAW are deracinated because the auto industry should have been let go bankrupt
For the record, I’m one of the rich Jews who bankrolls the Democratic Party. I gave literally tens of dollars to Barack Obama and other candidates in 2012.
I’ve got you beat and I’m mostly Irish. While Kaus & co are obsessing about Jewish people, the Irish Mafia is pulling all the strings. We’ve got big plans. We’re not sure what they are yet, as we are still yelling at each other loudly and cooking bad food, but when we are done, we will seriously be up to something.
If you add up all those groups
I’m pretty sure
You get
More than 50%
Just sayin’, Mickey.
As an additional note, in addition to it’s obvious anti-semitism and racism, it’s nice to see us single ladies called out clearly. Republicans hate us, because we won’t sleep with them. We want credit for that.
Credit duly noted, though really it’s just your genetics kicking in, the elementary desire for survival – not to mention passing better genes on to your offspring, should you have any.
Hey, he missed godless atheists! I feel left out…
In the diseased mind of this “writer”, each of the categories he lists are subsets of Godless Athiests.
Except for Hispanics. That’s why the hearts of the New Confederacy beat with hope that they’ll pull the Hispanics to them. Just a matter of getting the Browns to ignore the racism and accept the Jesus that they are offered. It’ll work any year now.
What, no angry Native Americans? Bastard.
“We” (speaking as a racinated White here) killed them all already, remember?
You forget that our president was made an honorary Crow citizen back in 2008
“Deracinated”. That must be fancy Yale-speak for “integrationist”.
Oh, my mistake, Senor Kaus is a “Hahvahd” bigot.
“Deracinated,” in this case, means white folks who, consciously or unconsciously, reject the mindset of white supremacism that is not only the basis of white identity for the past 500 years or so, but the very reason Europeans invented the concept of race as a social construct in the first place. That’s a lot of crap to unlearn, but guys like this are angry at people who want to unlearn it, and terrified that it might threaten his white privilege.
Funny how the people most anxious to preserve white or male privilege – privileges you get just for being born – are, more often than not, people who can’t get any respect for any other reason (like, say, their behavior).
They’re mortally terrified of comeuppance.
Google comments on Django Unchained. Conservatives who saw that movie came completely unglued, and started making comments like “Arm yourself now!”
They see Obama as literally an agent of minority revenge, distributing “entitlements” (I hate the double-meaning being exploited in current usages of that word) and “bribing” constituents so as to bring on the coming race-war, where we, the white people, lose.