…is Sarah Palin.
I’m doing family stuff today, so talk among yourselves. Something went down in Syria last night. Supposedly, Israel bomber something in Syria. I don’t know why or what the fallout from that might be.
…is Sarah Palin.
I’m doing family stuff today, so talk among yourselves. Something went down in Syria last night. Supposedly, Israel bomber something in Syria. I don’t know why or what the fallout from that might be.
Well, it’s Syria, not Iran, so the “fallout” won’t be nuclear.
Unless, maybe, they have Saddam’s old stash?!?!?!?!
Sister Sarah, the Sinister Simpleton Saint of Sitka, pulled out chewing tobacco, to make another point.
I have to give credit where credit is due – Sarah Palin is the single greatest Performance Artist in our generation (de-generation?)!!!
Hey, don’t knock Sitka!
Indeed. Southeast Alaska in general, and Sitka (among other towns, like Ketchikan and Haines) in particular, is far more progressive than the rest of Alaska. Sitka itself is about 600 air miles and, culturally and politically speaking, a universe away from Wasilla. Each would be mortally insulted to be lumped in with the other.
It’s nice alliteration, but Spenard, Seward, Soldotna, St. Paul, Sand Point, and even Skagway would work just as well and (in roughly that order) would be a better comparison to the libertarian exurban hell that is Wasilla.
You had me until Spenard. Those are fighting words, mister.
Seriously, though: Why pick on the most bohemian neighborhood in Anchorage? I would expect to find more Palinites in Hillside. Not that that alliterates.
Then again, I’ve been out a while. Has it changed all that much?
Sarah Palin? Worst person in the world? Bah. She’s certainly a gigantic asshole, but I don’t have enough respect for her to rank her number one in any category. Besides, Cheney isn’t dead yet.
A world-class grifter, working the marks.
Only your donations can stop Obama’s thugs! Can I get an Amen?
While ol’ Sarah the Grift Queen has been slowly fading into the sunset, like any good vampire she manages to be revived. If there’s money to be stolen or a spotlight to be hogged, we can always count on this washed-up harpy to aooear, dressed in her best trailer trash fashion to stimulate the Republican mouth-breathers and raise money for causes like banning gun control measures.
Sarah, you media whore, why don’t you just retire? Your sell-by date is up.
I’d have to say Niall Ferguson is worse.
And you know it wasn’t a mere off-the-cuff thoughtless comment as he claimed in his apology. It took a great deal of thought to construct such a convoluted explanation for Keynes perfectly obvious statement.
So is the CIA slush fund for warlord bribery in Afghanistan subject to the sequester? Are mujhadeen and opium runners going on furlough?
Hey if you really want to hate life today, you can contemplate the fact that a failed and already obsolete fighter jet, the F-35, not even yet fully designed and tested, is already the most expensive weapons system ever. Consider it has a 1 trillion dollar program cost that has been declared essentially untouchable by the MIC, amidst relentless squealing from the ruling class about the sacred necessity for austerity and the need for grand bargains which slash our safety net while leaving the plutocrats untouched.
Ever wondered what 1 TRILLION dollars and counting buys you? Why it buys you ~2000 obsolete hunks of fantastical military tech that don’t work and will almost never be used in actual military interventions, and if they are it will be a pretty clear sign of a neo-con style regional clusterfuck.
This is essentially the purest and grandest form of dependency a government could ever dream of fostering amongst it’s corporate citizens. But we have a section of the population that genuinely believes that Obama has a secret army of darky welfare mooches who are fiendishly creating the deficit and enervating our national fiber or some other dog whistle horse shit.
Now that’s stiff competition. And given that Ms. Palin has, so far as we know, never actually killed anyone with only two legs unless it was a wolf or moose she’d already crippled from the helicopter, she probably doesn’t win the title.
Where she is a world champion is the sheer number of other people she has inspired to be just as awful as she is, and proud of it. And, contemptuous of anyone who isn’t as awful. In those areas, and in the category of “Biggest Gap Between Self-Identified Level of Intelligence and Actual Level of Intelligence,” she is not only a world champion, but has to be closing in on some type of lifetime achievement award.
As to that gap, we have in our house a tuna casserole that thinks it invented string theory. After finding out about Sarah, in despair it gave up on chasing the “Biggest Gap…” title and begged to be eaten.