Wait until the Republicans realize that their breakthrough deal on immigration reform will create 20,000 government jobs! Amazing how that works. Never mind that they will be roaming around in the desert along the border with Mexico, they will be employed.
But the government doesn’t create jobs.
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Momina Amjad 4 dagen geleden
I thought I wouldn’t survive 47 minutes of Tom Friedman’s bullshit but Mehdi Hasan and the audience were good.
Al Jazeera: Head to Head – Is the US a force for good in the world?
hah. The House didn’t even come close to passing the Farm Bill, even after adding drug testing for food stamps. Idiots.
What happens if this Congress fails to pass a Farm Bill at all? Do things just stay status quo?
Farmers will vote for abortionists.
The GOP’s line seems to be that it’s all Pelosi’s fault, because she didn’t deliver 40 Democratic votes for their piece of shit bill.
Yes, well, the Farm Bill has no provision for increasing the number of guns on farms, did it? The border security bill has lots and lots of guns. Millions of ’em, floating around in the desert like a spaghetti western or Lawrence of Arabia flick and, voila, problem solved. You see? So it’s really the Democrats’ fault — for failing to find a way to include firearms in the Farm Bill and appeal to the puny reptile brains on the other side of the aisle.
Therefore, let’s work on getting guns into legislation on food stamps authorization, green house gas regulation, health care reform, child care subsidies . . .
The Border Patrol already gets more money than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined.
Pure, unadulterated political pandering, but probably sadly necessary.
I think a lot of Republicans should be required to write the following sentence on a blackboard several hundred times.
I want a small, limited government that catches 90% of illegal border crossers.
I see where this is headed. Come back in 50 years and the security wall will actually be an alligator infested, sewerage and toxic sludge-filled, mile-wide moat with cluster mines on both sides. It’s perfect. Low cost, spectacularly violent, kills everything that gets anywhere near it. Migrating animal herds? Fuck migrating animal herds! We don’t need any damn Mexican animals in the U. S. of A. And Mer’can critters would never want to go south; they’d probably get dysentery down there. Also provides a perfect use for all that wonderful sewerage and toxic sludge coming out of Texas. In time, it could be their main export.
Then I heard about the “border security surge” amendment to the CIR Bill, I thought both about the permanent GOOD GOVERNMENT JOBS that Republicans would be voting for (many, many more jobs than would be created by the environment-wrecking Keystone XL pipeline), as well as the use of the term “surge” to help catapult the propaganda for ideologically hamstrung GOP’ers.
I’m also struck by Senator Sessions’ methods in trying to kill CIR in the Senate. He just now spent a half-hour calling the national Chamber of Commerce lying sacks of shit in claiming that they can’t find Americans to do the work in certain sectors of the economy, particularly in agricultural and high-tech industries. P. Beauregard even called out Facebook/Zuckerberg by name (roughly accurate paraphrase): “I bet if Mr. Zuckerberg posted Facebook’s available jobs online with duties and compensation included, he wouldn’t have the problems hiring he claims he’s having.”
Well, good for you, Pete!! Now that you conceded in the lengthy rant you just unleashed on the Senate floor that businesses are trying to undermine American workers by flooding the job market, will you help us reduce or eliminate the work visas that are in the bill?
It was also interesting to hear Sessions read into the Senate record the parts of the CBO report on the proposed bill which anticipate that unemployment would not go down rapidly and worker compensation levels would remain stagnant (each further reasons to yank the guest visa provisions), while he completely ignored the CBO’s estimate that these reforms would cause Federal budget deficits to be reduced by hundreds of billions of dollars and would increase yearly deficit reductions over time.
What happened to the deficit being the great issue of our time? Oh well, for J. Beauregard it takes second place when there’s an opportunity for him to oppress colored people.