Betty Woodruff doesn’t make any judgment on what she reports, so there is no way to know how she feels about the continuing influence of the Tea Party on Republican politics. Does she approve of signs that say, “NEXT TIME . . . ELECT AN AMERICAN”?

As Republican senators continue to work on achieving an agreement on immigration reform, there remains a strong element within the party that opposes any bill whatsoever, regardless of what provisions might be contained within it.

I actually watched a few minutes of Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News last night. Hannity knows that his boss, Rupert Murdoch, supports comprehensive immigration reform, and he has been open-minded about the issue since shortly after the election in November. But his guest, Michelle Malkin, was completely dismissive of reform no matter how strong the border enforcement elements in the bill might be.

Malkin is an Asian-American most famous for her support of Japanese internment camps during World War Two, so she could be dismissed as a crank. But the episode is illustrative of the problem the Republicans will have getting to ‘yes.’