Betty Woodruff doesn’t make any judgment on what she reports, so there is no way to know how she feels about the continuing influence of the Tea Party on Republican politics. Does she approve of signs that say, “NEXT TIME . . . ELECT AN AMERICAN”?
As Republican senators continue to work on achieving an agreement on immigration reform, there remains a strong element within the party that opposes any bill whatsoever, regardless of what provisions might be contained within it.
I actually watched a few minutes of Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News last night. Hannity knows that his boss, Rupert Murdoch, supports comprehensive immigration reform, and he has been open-minded about the issue since shortly after the election in November. But his guest, Michelle Malkin, was completely dismissive of reform no matter how strong the border enforcement elements in the bill might be.
Malkin is an Asian-American most famous for her support of Japanese internment camps during World War Two, so she could be dismissed as a crank. But the episode is illustrative of the problem the Republicans will have getting to ‘yes.’
“Malkin is an Asian-American most famous for her support of Japanese internment camps during World War Two, so she could be dismissed as a crank.”
Boy this drives me crazy. Michelle Malkin is a Filipino, not just Asian. It would be hard to overstate the burning hatred many Asians feel, to this day, for the Japanese. It might be foolish and self-defeating to support that type of racial profiling but there is a suggesting that this is some kind of self-loathing behavior and it isn’t.
The Japanese were responsible for a great many atrocities during World War II and even now, can’t bring themselves to apologize; not even for the Korean “comfort” women who were essentially sex slaves. I’m not hating on Japan. I lived there for three years and had many friends but there is a whole lot of history in Asia that we, in America, don’t really think about.
Japan has changed a lot since WWII but even today, 7th and 8th generation Koreans living in Japan are unable to obtain citizenship.
That might explain her position, but her position is still an outlier.
Has anyone asked her about this though? Is this why she supports internment camps? Or is it just her general racism.
people who were not white were locked up. I imagine that’s about as deep as it gets for her.
I have a high school friend who is african american who thinks this way. Anything any non-white person does is always wrong. She hates Obama, wrote to all of us about how evil the aa students union was at her college, wrote a book about evil minority kids harassing innocent white kids (self-pub). There’s several layers of psychology involved in it that I have yet to figure out, but it seems to be a “thing” sort of like women who hate other women and so on.
She’s always struck me as a pure grifter, making a living by being the non-white person who’ll tell right wingers what they want to hear for money.
For someone seeking to succeed at that job, being a non-white person who will say what racists want to hear can be very lucrative.
I’m not sure why the word “kapo” just entered my mind. I’d never dream of calling Michelle Malking such a thing, so it can’t have anything to do with her.
That’s exactly what she is and it is a very lucrative hustle.
to Orly Taitz and the fringe movement. In this instance more likely an expression of the birthers with perhaps an implied racist duplicity. These Bushies slowly fade from memory, do need to prop up enthusiasm for the next mid-term election in 2014.
I belong to a site called The Fogbow which keeps an eye on her antics, as well as assorted other birthers and nutjobs. (Redundant, I know.) Still, the amount of overt or poorly-hidden racism prevalent in the Republican Party these days is pretty sad.
Malkin is also an anchor baby.
They’re down to 13% here. Support for a pathway to citizenship is polling at 87%, so “No amnesty for lawbreakers” is the voice of 13% of the American people.
When it comes down to it, most Americans can tell the difference between robbing a liquor store and coming to a country seeking a better life. The whole “they broke the law!” thing is soooooooooooooo 1990’s.
It’s like some folks want credit for just being born here, as if that’s some sort of amazing accomplishment on itself. Which is convenient, I suppose, for people with no other actual accomplishments.
We’re all accomplices, too. Well, I’ll go ahead and make a confession here. I buy produce regularly, and I have never once checked to make sure the grower wasn’t breaking any immigration laws.
So yes, I have been subsidizing law breakers. Who are breaking the law.
Malkin projects her self-hatred onto everyone who she thinks is beneath her.
Especially other minorities.
She’s desperate to be accepted by the white power-brokers in this country – and so she says and does things she think will gain her more acceptance.
Ok, I that’s more than enough of the 5 cents worth of psychologizing from a hack like.
If you want more, call Lucy Van Pelt.
I was kinda shocked reading this on TPM
This lady is running as a Republican. They are truly eating their own now.
In this case, if there is one thing I am not, it is shocked. Isn’t it funny, the nasty things people say when they think they are among “friends”?
whatever is Asian for slave catching coon is what Malkin is