{Update1} LIVE! Blog Egypt – MORSI IS OUT!

US defense secretary Chuck Hagel has spoken with General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi twice in the past week.

General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is speaking on state TV

CAIRO, Egypt (The Guardian) – General el-Sisi is addressing the nation from behind a podium. Sitting behind him are leaders reportedly including Coptic Pope Tawadros, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Mohamed El-Baradei, Tamarad or “rebel” movement leaders and Hizb el-Nour leaders.

Sisi has finished speaking. Tahrir erupts in fireworks, cheers. Morsi is out.

Egypt’s Real-time News (French)

BREAKING NEWS: Security Forces place travel ban on Egypt’s Morsi, top Brotherhoof officials

(RT.com) – A military coup is underway in Egypt, according to President Mohamed Morsi’s national security adviser. Security forces have placed a travel ban on President Morsi and a number of top Muslim Brotherhood officials.

The adviser stated that he expects army and police violence to remove pro-Mursi demonstrators from the streets of Cairo. A Morsi presidential aide stated that “no military coup can succeed against popular resistance without considerable bloodshed.”

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has offered a consensus government as a way out of the country’s crisis, but offered no new compromises. The leader has refused to step down, and instructed the military not to “take sides.”

David Kirkpatrick on twitter

egyptian security officials: a travel ban on President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide, and his deputy Khairat el-Shater

BBC News: Morsi awaits verdict of Army generals

See my previous diary – Egypt Army Gives Mursi 48 hrs to Compromise.
My comment in today’s fp story by BooMan – Western Powers to be Ousted from ME .