I, too, have been somewhat mystified by how pornography just ceased being a political topic in this country. I remember when Democrats had to at least to pretend to care about the porn industry and its potential effect on the children’s morals. Perhaps that lack of discussion in recent years helps explain why I was so stunned to learn that the Tories are going to make British households opt-in to online porn. If you have an internet connection, the porn will be filtered out unless you specifically request that it not be filtered out.
I guess that’s about the only way to protect children from online porn, but I bet a lot of porn addicts are going to go cold turkey rather than admit that they need their fix.
In any case, I didn’t really see this outbreak of British prudery coming.
Also, too, MSNBC spent this morning wondering whether or not Kate Middleton is “too posh to push” and explaining the benefits (for the baby) of exposure to her vaginal bacterial flora.
Marxist critiques of Ed Meese? Can almost make me nostalgic for the Cold War.
I am going to claw my own eyes out if I read one more reference to the royal @#$%&*! vagina.
Do references to the Royal Who-Ha count as pornography? Can we have a law where everyone is assumed to be shut off from all news about the descendants of George III unless we opt in?
Oh, and as if David Cameron didn’t have enough trouble…Seriously, who takes on the masturbation demographic? That’s…like… a big slice of the electorate.
“the Royal Who-Ha”
You mean Charles?
YES. Too much information, too much information ……
It’a boy. No word on whether he was subjected to the Royal va-jay-jay’s flora.
Do you have to opt-in to see the little prince without a nappy?
“If the child is born before 4:54 p.m. it will be a Cancer. After that, it will be a fiery Leo,
but it may have some Cancer traits because of how narrowly it missed being a Cancer.”
British hype of the day – Will the royal baby be a confident Leo or sensitive Cancer?.
Looks like His Royal Highness is doomed to be a softy, just missed it!
Boy, talking about putting people in some tough positions – males, AND females!
Porn does get brought up periodically. It’s just not the Bible thumpers who seem to do it. The fights about porn seem to stem from how it treats women and the expectations that sets (aka railing against porn is still a favorite hobby of feminists, and they love to characterize all of it as the most extreme type), gay groups and HIV/AIDS groups who rail against the lack of condoms as putting lives endanger and encouraging bad behavior, and recently using it as a scape goat for guys who can’t get off because their expectations are totally warped.
But in all of this the problem isn’t the concept of fucking on camera for cash particularly, but that the sort of stuff that’s being portrayed is causing problems in greater society. And since all of these groups have one gripe with one part of porn, it doesn’t really add up to an anti porn movement.
Almost without notice, the Tories were outflanked by the British equivalent of the Tea Party, except their Tea Party organized as a brand new party. It seems the Tories are determined to chase the rightward. Next, I expect to see Lbour taken over by Banksters.
Oh. You mean just like the U.S. only with more high-falutin’ names, right?
You jolly well are.
Right, that is.
What’s sauce for the surveillance state goose is sauce for the surveillance state gander.
Bet on it.
Folks would need to opt in for porn but streamed violent shows/movies would still be without limitation. Hmm.
I would support a law requiring an opt-in to any web site using the phrase “vaginal bacterial flora.”
Oh, the serious aversion to human sexy-time is still there. It might seem to be deeply buried in the whole cacophony of calls about the horrible things that are going on in the good old U.S. of A right now (well, since January 2009, anyway), which might well force Jesus to come back and spank all our behinds, but it’s still a force to reckoned with.
They’ve had to put it on the back burner for now, though.
There’s a black Democrat in the White House, who might well be the Antichrist, so that trumps all the other stuff that Jesus needs to be worried about right now. Hey, he has to be a multi-tasking motherfucker right now.
I think it became a wrap when the stats proved that most porn was gotten by Red states.
Has anyone gotten Chunky Bobo’s opinion on the British trying to ban porn?
Um, this is just a wild guess, but doesn’t the British tabloid press print a lot of porn? I’m imagining lobbyists and guys who know each other from Leather Chair Land. Same old cronyism, different social geography.
Improve circulation (har) for their page 3 girls.
There were a couple of high profile child murder cases here recently where the perpetrators looked at porn before killing their young victims. In one particularly gruesome case in Wales, a man looked at child porn and methods of killing before chasing down a 5 year old, luring her into her car, and eventually disposing of her body, likely via his fireplace. No one has ever found any remains of her except for a few bone fragments.
The descriptions of the websites he went to were pretty shocking. That, coming after another case in south London with similar circumstances, has turned the public stomach when it comes to porn.