Hello again painting fans.

This week I will be starting a new painting. The photo that I will be using is seen directly below. I will be using my usual acrylics on an 8×8 gallery-wrapped canvas.

This is a building I have seen many times on my trips out west.   This relic is located in the town of Holbrook, Arizona, where it stands just off route 40.  It is a former service station from what is likely the late 1930s.  The building is done in a fabulous streamlined ovoid style.  I visit each time I go by just to see if anything has been done with it.   It continues in a state of benign neglect.  I finally decided to make use my photos and imortalize it in acrylic paint.

Below is another photo.

 photo gasstation.jpg

I started with a pencil grid followed by an outline in the sweet potato paint used in the last painting.  I’ve added a layer of blue to define the sky.

The current state of the painting is seen directly below.

 I’ll have more to show you next week. See you then.

Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.