Here are a few snippets from Jennifer Steinhauer’s puff piece on Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) in the New York Times.
Seven months into Senator Barbara A. Mikulski’s new assignment as chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, there is already a saying among members: “We loved Byrd, we respected Inouye, we fear Barbara.”
During a March floor debate, Ms. Mikulski ordered Senator John McCain of Arizona to go back to his office and read a bill so he could properly vote on it — and Mr. McCain, chastened but cheerful, agreed.
“I will now try to carry out my mission as assigned by the distinguished chairwoman,” he said.
“She is tough, she is determined, she is prepared,” [chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Hal] Rogers said. “She is also accommodating. But once she gets to a place, she is a bulldozer you can’t move.”
Unlike her most recent predecessors, Mr. Inouye and Mr. Byrd, Ms. Mikulski is more than happy to raise her legislative voice. She relentlessly lobbies Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, to put her bills on the floor, a luxury of attention that many appropriations bills have not had in years. “I would guess if Senator Mikulski goes to see the majority leader about her bills,” said Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee, laughing, “my guess is he drops what he is doing to listen.”
Her values as a spender stem, said several members, from her social activism, Roman Catholic faith and shameless Maryland boosting. She will talk for hours about the need to protect the National Institutes of Health, both because it is in her home state and because of her interest in health care.
She has no patience for attempts to gut programs for the poor, and is eager to pass her bills in part to distinguish between her priorities and those of House Republicans. “Our bills will show the difference,” she said.
The biggest difference she brings from previous Appropriations chairmen Sens. Robert Byrd and Dan Inouye is energy. She’s no spring chicken, but Byrd and Inouye were so advanced in age that they had to leave most of the work to staff. She also has a more combative style and she’s much more liberal. I’m glad people fear her. It might be the only way to avoid a government shutdown.
In a sane republic, she’d be prez timber. Exactly the sort of experienced senior pol the Founders imagined would be selected prez, if they could have imagined women in elected office, that is.
An ACTUAL “spine of steel” and decades of accomplished hard-headed public service…but too “shrill”, or whatever the approved (double-standard) term for denigrating powerful wimmen is…
Well, Pres Bill Clinton once thought she was at least Vice Presidential timber, as he suggested privately (though perhaps not to the nominee) that Al Gore select her as his VP running mate. Smart (smarter than another woman being considered, DiFi), well-spoken and tough — the kind to give Dick Cheney fits in debate and on the stump, a no-nonsense Barbara Jordan type.
Good to know too, from reading this post, that she’s still around. I can’t recall the last time I saw her on cable, even Msnbc, and I don’t watch C-Span any more. Workhorse rather than showhorse I suppose, though not a lot of work gets done these days in the senate.
She’s not only still around, she’s the most powerful committee chairman in the city.
I hope that you meant to call her a firebrand instead of a fireplug, which is more a comment about her shape.
She’s 4’11”. The article I reference makes it clear that her shortness is no indication of her stature.
I like “fireplug.”
Firebrands throw off a lot of heat and look impressive and then burn out. All it takes is a little water to put them out.
You hit a fire plug with your car, and it just sits there while your car gets totaled.
Firebrand = incendiary
When congress dicked us over with the sequester, the NIH intramural (Bethesda, MD) budget was untouched. That is Mikulski’s work at hand. I respect that, although us extramural (competitive) grantees got extra dicked over as a result.
In the mid-80s, I lived in Maryland. I am a retired US Navy veteran which means I know bull-shit when I see it.
My daughter was married to a sailor and they were stationed in Bermuda. Daughter was having some kind of problems re: Navy housing and her sailor husband was not as aggressive as his wife or I thought he should be.
So, I wrote Sen. Mikulski a letter explaining the problem. Apparently the good Senator got some one in the Navy’s attention because my son-in-law asked me never to do that again.
I have written numerous letters to my elected Reps/Senators. The letter to Sen Mikulski is the only one I ever saw any action as a result.
Maybe HRC should pick Mikulski for VP.
I have always liked Barbara Mikulski. And, man, she’s been around a long time. Lots of smarts, lots of good values, and lots of experience.