Preferably read my earlier diary about the issues – Bloggers pro-Obama and anti-Greenwald – A Distraction on Issue. Do read recent comments – How 2 GCHQ members dropped by at the Guardian’s office and smashed computers to bits.
Nevertheless, here about the non-issue everyone is talking about in the US.
BooMan’s fp story linked to an article by Paul Canning a writer/blogger/activist from London, UK. Canning has harsh criticism for Greenwald’s pro-Iraq War stance. As an activist and voice for the Iraq LGBT community, that may have caused some concern. That Glenn Greenwald and Paul Canning are not on the same page can be seen here and here. The vociferous attack on Glenn Greenwald and his work seems quite outrageous. Greenwald was known for his criticism of the Bush administration on the Human Rights issues. The last three years he has been critical of the Obama administration on the same issues, did the universe change? Canning has been critical of Ms Clinton handling the LGBT issue in Iraq after warnings of pogroms.
Read Greenwald’s Salon article and reference to his book – “Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics” [April 2008].
Of course Greenwald has his shortcomings and he can’t be right in all of his writings. He undoubtedly has voiced an opinion off-topic about an issue he has no leading knowledge about. One example: Glenn Greenwald’s Portman/Obama Comparison on Marriage Equality is Crap.
A recent article at Huffington Post combined with an interview … does Greenwald attract the world’s attention or a combination of his work whether useful or controversial.
Glenn Greenwald, Guardian Reporter, Blasts Media, MSBNC Over Edward Snowden Stories
(Huff Post) July 25, 2013 – Greenwald also took aim at MSNBC on the radio show. He quoted one of the network’s former producers, Jeff Cohen, who recently charged that the network and several of its talk show hosts are protecting the Obama administration in coverage of the NSA story. Cohen is the founder of the media watchdog group FAIR.
“If you’re a loyalist of the Obama administration, as most of MSNBC is,” Greenwald said, “you are desperate to distract attention away from these disclosures.”
In particular, Greenwald criticized MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, who penned an open letter to Snowden:
“We could be talking about whether accessing and monitoring citizen information and communications is constitutional, or whether we should continue to allow a secret court to authorize secret warrants using secret legal opinions. But we’re not. We’re talking about you! And flight paths between Moscow and Venezuela, and how much of a jerk Glenn Greenwald is.”
Noting that Harris-Perry is free to talk about whatever she wants on her show, Greenwald accused the host of being part of a media outlet dedicated to defending the Obama agenda.
Greenwald said that while he received a positive reception from MSNBC when he was reporting on civil liberties abuses during the Bush administration, “the fact that I’ve spent the last three years reporting about the civil liberties abuses of the Obama administration changes the universe for partisan hacks who are on MSNBC, whose role is to defend the president and the White House.”
Exactly. To put it more bluntly, it makes those laws out to be nothing more than a sick joke. I suspect that more than a few of us who thought the US and UK were rather oppressive back in the 1980s view what has happened in the intervening years with disgust and horror.
At the motivation in enacting these laws in the first instance; if the ambiguity was unintentional then the exercise of these laws in this case is inexcusable. In the absence of official inquiry, however, we can only assume the worst; that these laws are intended to overturn centuries of hard won legal protections for ordinary citizens.
We are a tuppence worth of difference away from abandoning habeas corpus and presumption of innocence. Once that is hollowed out the slippery slope down is well known.
Only just saw this.
Huh? I don’t mention Iraq in the post. I think you’re getting me mixed up with someone else.
Why don’t you address my argument in the last block, headed ‘here’s the problem’?
I end with this quote
I am getting it together to post a postscript but one thing is a thread throughout all the criticism – the failure to address the points in that last block – when they are central to my argument.
Rather, critics get lost in the long grass around specific points around GG’s writing or around GG’s personality. (On the latter, it’s not a ‘distraction’ when we’re being asked to judge any sources claims. If it were anyone else with form as a liar …)
Or critics just say I must be a Security State plant …
I also find the failure to address African American critics truly suspect. This isn’t just you btw.