In a comment to Booman’s recent post Thinking Too Hard, Unabogie wrote:

At the end of the day, the only real question is whether or not this [a Syrian reprisal strike] is the right thing to do. And if the answer is no, then supporting it just because losing on this issue will hurt the President isn’t a convincing reason to just go ahead with it.


For any number of reasons.

Read on for more.
In fact, “hurting” this president politically could very well result in a sea change regarding American politics in general. Yes, the Republicans are by and large very hawkish, but then…in a slightly more subtle manner…so are the Democrats.

Republicans=War by proclamation and media-distributed disinformation.

Democrats=War by “reasonable argument” and media-distributed disinformation. (However, the reasonable argument thing is quite obviously not working very well.)

The “proclamation” idea was thoroughly discredited by the failure of the Republicans to get anything at all done well…not in terms of foreign affairs and not domestically either…during the Butch II Supreme Court-dicated reign…errr, ahhh…administration.

Why isn’t “being reasonable” working now? Because it’s just a kinder, gentler approach to proclamation, and the American suspension of disbelief regarding the miraculous power of the Permanent Government has reached a nadir not seen here since the Great Depression hit in the late 1920s. Almost no one really trusts the (feral) federal government now. Anyone who doesn’t believe this is simply walking and talking in the wrong neighborhoods.

So what happens if the Republican and Democratic “loyal voter” ponds dry up past a certain point? A new paradigm begins to emerge, that’s what. The anti-war, anti-militarily enforced economic imperialist right and the equally (for different reasons) anti-war, anti-militarily enforced economic imperialist left coalesce into a powerful gravitational force that in turn begins to pull even more voters away from the centrist Democrat/Republican PermaGov scam.


The strong opposition…opposition that we are now witnessing both internationally and domestically in terms of elected legislators and influential media…to taking yet another chance on an Iran-style war fiasco is being driven by pure self-interest…real “democracy in action.” Obama’s opponents are not necessarily more morally driven than are the cheerleaders for a Syrian strike…they are simply reading the progressing change in the electorate’s opinion of the current PermaGov and covering their own asses..

Long may it wave, this change.

Long may it wave.

It’s about damned time!!!


2016 is going to be…very interesting.

Bet on it.

I am reminded of the many “police strikes” that i have witnessed in my life. Invariably, the crime statistics go way down during the strike only to spike after its settlement.


Maybe instead of a Permanent Government what we really need is a Lame Duck Government.

Wouldn’t that be “Verry interresting!!!”

Or…are we already there?

