Any entity that can pay a $13 billion fine and still be profitable can also pay a lot of people to say that the entity is the victim of “government zealotry.”
And then there are the suck-ups who don’t even need to be paid.
Any entity that can pay a $13 billion fine and still be profitable can also pay a lot of people to say that the entity is the victim of “government zealotry.”
And then there are the suck-ups who don’t even need to be paid.
And they had something like $23 billion on hand available for litigation. The sums are staggering yet still without any great impact in this context.
If the fines aren’t big enough to fire Jamis Diman over, they just aren’t big enough.
The $13 billion fine really isn’t even that. I heard that it’s deductible on their taxes, such as they are.
There’s this in a Newsmax email link to its fear mongering and conspiracy oriented financial news site,
I chose not to provide a link as I try really hard not to go there.
Any entity that can get hit with a $13 billion fine but is still laughing its ass off because it stole so much more than that, can hire all the people it wants to say anything it wants them to say. Especially in Congress.