Rep. Marsha Blackburn tells us that some people don’t want the tyranny of Obamacare, because they like Fords and not Ferraris, etc. True story. Watch the video:
And you know she may be right about some people.
Some people want to be denied health care for a pre-existing condition.
Some people want the right to have no health insurance and depend on fundraisers, church bake sales and the kindness of strangers to pay their medical bills when they get sick.
Some people would rather you or I die, rather than grant us the ability to receive affordable health care at competitive rates.
Some people may want health insurance companies to place lifetime limits on how much they must pay for health care costs.
Some people would rather pay more for crap health care insurance rather than shop for better, cheaper insurance because – freedom.
Some people will believe anything Fox News tells them about the Affordable Care Act.
Some people don’t understand that the only death panels are the ones health insurance companies have in place to deny claims, coverage and life-saving treatments for their policy holders.
Some people think Medicare changed because of Obamacare and have panicked.
Some people believe the ACA is going to increase the deficit when the Congressional Budget Office has already determined that in fact it will cut the deficit and result in health care savings.
Some people still buy snake oil remedies from late night hucksters on TV and send their life savings to faith healers.
Some people are stupid idiotic morons (or morans if you prefer that neologism).
The automobile industry and the health care industry have nothing in common other than they both exist to generate profits. Marsha Blackburn knows this. She knows that health insurers have gouged American consumers for years. So why is she making such ridiculous and farcical arguments about the ACA, and relentlessly attacking Secretary Sebelius like a third grade mean girl?
Well, here’s a hint for you. She received over $607,000 from the Health Care industry, her largest donor group next to the Pharmaceutical/Health Products Industry, which contributed over $379,000 to her campaign chest to ensure that she would “represent” the interests of the health care industries over the interests of everyone else, including her own constituents, who will benefit from the Affordable Care Act.
Marsha Blackburn is either lying about the Affordable Care Act or she is really, really stupid. Something tells me (i.e., the groups financing her political career) that the former is more likely than the latter. She’s expecting some people (and hoping even more people) to fall for her dissembling and obfuscation, and to believe that the ACA is the worst thing since the Edsel (hey, two can play at the automobile analogy game).
Don’t be some of those people. Learn the facts about the ACA. Get yourself the best healthcare available, whether through your employer or through the insurance exchanges. And don’t listen to Republicans like Martha Blackburn who care only for the interests of the health insurance industry, which could care less whether you live or die so long as they can get away with cheating you out of every last dollar they can before you buy the farm.
Marsha Blackburn is one of the worst people on earth.
This week, looks like the crown for her, but can she hold it? To be fair, she has lots and lots of ferocious competition.
Thanks for highlighting this, Steven. This is the prime example of the black heart of the conservative movement, and you are very articulate in calling it out.
I mean isn’t every industry in business for profit? For some industries profit is the primary reason to be in business, for some honest business owners it is just part of being in business and doing good is more important. Last year Torquenews reported that even the foreign auto companies have started to create jobs in the United States and bringing back outsourced jobs back to US. That’s certainly is a good news.