This is not a joke.
Man brings his 12 year old son to the Phoenix Airport. Son is carrying a semiautomatic firearm. Dad was packing a rifle. Coming on the heels of the LAX shootout, some people waiting to board planes were not amused:
ABC15 spoke to a woman who saw them both. She’s asked to remain anonymous.
She was there when a man with a rifle slung over his shoulder showed up with his young son, who had a handgun holstered to his hip at Terminal 3.
She said she was very uncomfortable and was not the only one.
“I was outraged by it and others around me were outraged,” she said.
But not to worry. It’s perfectly legal to carry guns into airports in Arizona. Besides, the local law enforcement had it covered:
The Phoenix Police Department confirmed that the man and his son were at the airport waiting for a passenger on one of the flights. The man reportedly told police that he brought the weapons because he feared for his family’s safety while at the airport.
“The vibe that I received from them was that they were rather smug about what they were doing that they knew the law. They knew what they could and could not do,” the woman who witnessed the incident explained. “I think there are circumstances where people should be able to carry guns and have guns, but I don’t think this is one of the good ones.”
Police escorted the two out of the building after their passenger arrived. Authorities said that no laws were broken because Americans have the right to carry guns in unsecured areas of the airport.
You know, one of these days two or more of these idiots in Phoenix or Tuscon are going to bring fully loaded guns to the same airport, and one of them is going to get the wrong idea about the other “man (or woman) with a gun over there.” Or maybe a law enforcement official will get the wrong idea about these idiots’ intentions. And that’s when a gunfight at the Sky Harbor International Corral is going to break out. Sadly, when that day comes (and these gun “enthusiasts seemed determined to make sure it does), many innocent people will be caught in the crossfire. All because some bozos think its the “cool kid” thing to do to parade their AK-47 knockoffs and Glocks at a public facility filled with thousands of people. Mark my words.
Is this really the kind of society you want to live in, America? Most of us say “hell no!” even in Kansas. Unfortunately, a few cowardly and/or well paid politicians and the NRA lobby insist that we all must live in fear of incidents like this one, or shootings at schools, malls or anyplace else (even where we vote) where large crowds of people gather. And this isn’t limited to the wild, wild west. Just ask the good folks of Kentucky.
Firearms that are openly displayed can now be carried into facilities that are owned by municipalities.
That means people can openly carry weapons into facilities owned by municipalities, such as libraries, parks, the zoo and city halls.
I guess this is a one way to get people to buy body armor for their personal use. You know, as a Christmas present for that frequent flyer in your family. Or Mom when she goes shopping at the local mall. Or for the school teacher in your family. Or maybe just for yourself, because – you know, Guns = FREDUM! The freedom to be shot in particular by people exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. I mean, it’s not as if we haven’t made it about as easy as it can be to allow criminals, domestic violence offenders and mentally disturbed individuals to buy guns thanks to the private sale loophole and non-enforcement of straw purchases, etc.
In fact, in states like Kentucky, Kansas, Florida, Arizona and many other states where anyone can carry their “personal protection device” openly in public I highly recommend you invest in body armor. Just remember, as the body armor manufacturers will tell you none of their products are completely bullet proof. Still, when your government at all levels, state, local and federal, continues to allow itself to be bullied into allowing the authorized carry and use of guns in public, what other option is available to you? Sure you can carry your own gun around, but statistically speaking, owning a firearm increases your risk of being wounded or killed, not lessens it.
The first anniversary of the Newtown shootings is rapidly approaching. Can anyone say we, collectively, as a nation, as a people, as human beings living in our society, have learned any lessons from that tragedy? That our lives have been changed for the better? That our children, teachers, travelers and shoppers have been made safer. Sadly, my answer to those questions must be a resounding no.
Just ask Mr. “I can parade around with my rifle and my son can carry a pistol at Sky Harbor International Airport and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me” guy. Or ask George Zimmerman, the man who saved us all from a hoodied black kid armed with Skittles and a can of Iced tea. Arizona Ice Tea. Now that is ironic.
And when it happens, the NRA will be right there to hand out more guns. Oddly enough, when state and local governments are writing those “pack your heat anywhere you please” laws, they always seem to exempt their own meeting places.
The 12 year old was allowed to pack heat because he was wearing it on his hip? And obviously we know what kind of whacked parent the guy is.
Mebbe Arizona progressives need to have a show-your-weapons march. A lot of these smug folks think that liberals are completely unarmed. If it’s legal in Arizona for them, it’s legal for liberals too.
Another problem here is the police stop their normal airport duties to escort people carrying guns thus leaving some area of airport security unmanned/under manned…..that makes no sense.
It’s just a form of bullying. They’re basically saying “fuck you” to anyone who walks by, and it makes them feel powerful. Of course, you don’t need to feel powerful if you actually are. These guys are reacting, consciously or not, to the sea changes that are taking place in American society, none of which favor the good ‘ol boy lifestyle.
I prefer to say it is some sort of Self-Esteem issue in that man’s life. The only means of feeling important and is getting attention by carrying a gun to the Airport.
Yeah, low self esteem derived from the no doubt sub-standard performance of a small portion of his male anatomy. NRA Viagra.
Notice how they like to stroke the barrel?
when you’re brandishing high-power firearms, it’s no longer bullying.
it’s terrorism.
I don’t think government has “allowed” itself to be bullied. It’s right there in the constitution. We basically have no choice. And it’s one more argument for moving beyond the fucking thing.
It’s curious that “it’s right there in the Constitution” never was a problem until 1977 when the NRA was taken over by a bunch of rightwingers. Just in time to set up the gun issue for Ronald Reagan’s election.
Prior to 1977, the cry from the right was crime in our streets, fund the police out of federal funds.
The Constitutional literalism is specious. And has only been implemented by states with politicians desperate for wedge issues because they can’t get elected if government isn’t doing anything.
So far this new gun “right” has just been recognized for possessing handguns (whatever those are) in the home, although it is likely that the nation’s “conservative” Justices will expand that at some point, perhaps next year.
But this is a newly concocted “right” created by the Roberts Court. Roberts’ Repubs had to overrule prior cases sensibly limiting the second amendment to state militias in order to do it, just as they had to ignore the entire opening clause (and sense) of the amendment. It was also a way to “teach” lib’ruls about recognizing abortion rights.
Roberts’ Repubs needed to create a new right for their “conservative” backers and audience. It’s just good politics, even if absurd constitutional law…
And the supposed “right” to attend an integrated school was similarly invented by the Warren Court. And didn’t they also make up the supposed “right” to an abortion?
By using “supposed” and “so-called” and putting “right” in quotes, you are branding yourself as believing in nullification or Natural Law. In other words, rights you believe in are real rights, but rights that you don’t are phony rights.
Like it or not (and mostly I do not in regards to the Roberts Court), the Supreme Court’s rulings on Constitutional Rights and the Law of the Land. Until changed IAW the Constitution of the United States.
Well, you’re right, Heller is the law of the land–until one day it’s reversed as an unjustifiable and biased reading of the Constitution. Just like Dred Scott. And Plessy. And Citizens United.
Religious conservatives didn’t ever regard Roe as the law of the land, either. And as a result they have consistently fought it and have completely undermined it, whatever its textual basis.
How far do you think Heller rights should go?
Not as far as they said. The gun safety part, trigger locks and such were reasonable regulation in so far as unattended storage goes. Not having read the whole thing, if DC required the guns to be unloaded and locked while in the owner’s immediate presence, then Heller did not go to far.
I think reasonable bans on public handling, for want of a better word, is or should be OK. Surely, you can safely transport your weapon in the trunk of your car on the public streets, for instance. Even at the airport if they are in a locked trunk. But, municipalities should have the right to ban public display, i.e. open carry and also concealed carry where public safety dominates like in a school at a political rally and many other situations. Those who have reasonable fear for their safety and possessions, such as cash merchants should be allowed concealed carry in situations where a reasonable person reasonably fears. Women should be allowed to concealed carry if their lawful occasions take them to high crime areas or into sparsely populated areas or any other situation where they might reasonably fear attack. Open carry is an invitation to attack IMHO.
Much depends on the definition of ‘reasonable’. Unfortunately, that has to be hashed out by juries. I think a woman can carry on her way to an abortion clinic but demonstrators may not. I’m sure there are lots of other opinions. To me it’s,”Who is in fear vs who is generating fear.”
notgo too farI don’t see how anyone can look at the entire second amendment and conclude that it gives free license for any yahoo to carry any weapon they want anywhere they want. It’s a muddled statement that is related to state militias. It is being interpreted the way it is because of an aggressive, well-funded political movement that has been spreading propaganda for over 30 years.
I am fine if people want to own guns, any type of gun they want, in the comfort and privacy of their own property.
I don’t believe that guns should be allowed in the public commons, unless properly permitted and secured in a case.
I am, however, a huge proponent of allowing swords in public.
First of all, it’s a hell of a lot easier to subdue someone with a sword; especially if they don’t know what they are doing.
Secondly, my theory is that 99% of people that have swords don’t know how to use them, and wind up doing the majority of damage to themselves.
The 1% that does know how to use a sword properly, are smart enough to leave it sheathed.
I’m ok with the sword thing as long as all sword-carriers must speak in a very pronounced Monty Python Middle Ages Dialect.
Come to think of it, perhaps we should also mandate that gun carriers speak like Yosemite Sam.
You mean they all don’t speak like Yosemite Sam?
Because nothing says “safety” like an armed 12 year old!
We live in a society of dark comedy, watching “conservative” male assholes like this imbecile (and junior) make their “political” statements about their second amendment “rights”. Of course there will be bloodshed some day as a result of this posturing insanity, perhaps that’s even the point of the show. It’s going on everywhere, there’s no escape from it.
The Roberts “court” opened this little gun drama in the 2008 Heller ruling that one has a supposed second Amendment “right” to possess handguns in the home. So far, all the rest of this public-carrying lunacy is the result of the NRA-demanded weakening of state gun laws, allowing any asshole to carry their weapons around in public. These state laws could be repealed anytime, but there is nothing more unlikely. I had imagined that perhaps one needed to be an adult to publicly carry dangerous semi-automatic firearms around, but of course not.
Could the FAA regulate firearms at airports where federally licensed air carriers operate? Could Congress pass a law banning all guns on the premises of international airports? Probably. But that will never happen in Idiot Gun Nation, and it wouldn’t do anything for all the rest of the public areas of the (many) states that now allow gun nuts to brandish their weapons wherever they like. And in many other states, the nuts are just carrying them around concealed, if that makes you feel safer, haha.
Of course bringing some of your arsenal along when picking up Mommy from the airport is a form of bullying and intimidation by vicious turds. And 12 year olds especially like it! Gives you an idea of the mentality of Gun Nation. Blam!! You’re dead!
OT: IL House and Senate pass marriage equality bill. Gov. Quinn will sign it. IL is now #15
I usually don’t agree with you on gun control, but I’m with you a hundred per cent here.
Let’s see, I can’t carry a penknife on an airplane or have a real steak knife with an airline meal, but I can walk around with a rifle? A minor can walk around with a handgun like Billy the Kid? The world has truly gone nuts.
The chicken shits come home to roost. At least it’s a step up from concealed carry, in which no one would know about the “feared for his family’s safety” crowd until they actually carry out their revenge fantasies.