(But not for long. Read the comments.)


I find these results very interesting:

Do you?

I also find the following percentages very interesting:

Edward Snowden: 72%

Barack Obama: 0.2%

In other words, for the kind of people who vote in this sort of poll…people who vote in elections, most likely…Edward Snowden is so far 360 times more deserving of the Person Of The Year award than is Barack Obama, who is tied w/the Koch Bros. in terms of popularity. And Snowden is 720 times more popular than Chris Christie, who came in at 0.1%.

This after truly massive media attempts to brand Snowden as a traitor and Christie as the next coming of The Holy President.


Maybe Bill de Blasio’s NYC mayoral election wasn’t so strange after all.


Of course, Time being a major government media complex cog, they also include a loophole.

As always, TIME’s editors will choose the Person of the Year, but that doesn’t mean readers shouldn’t have their say.

The PermaGov disclaimer writ large.



The U.S. is of course a democracy and alla that, but if …harrumph, harrumph…if we disagree with what the populace wants, we will choose the winner. You don’t like it? Buy another magazine…errr, ahhh…country.

Now there is always of the course the possibility of a curveball fix…build up Snowden to further tear down Obama, etc., etc., etc. I notice that Hillary Clinton isn’t even on the list of approved candidates.


Very interesting.

Bet on it.
