(But not for long. Read the comments.)
I find these results very interesting:
Do you?
I also find the following percentages very interesting:
Edward Snowden: 72%
Barack Obama: 0.2%
In other words, for the kind of people who vote in this sort of poll…people who vote in elections, most likely…Edward Snowden is so far 360 times more deserving of the Person Of The Year award than is Barack Obama, who is tied w/the Koch Bros. in terms of popularity. And Snowden is 720 times more popular than Chris Christie, who came in at 0.1%.
This after truly massive media attempts to brand Snowden as a traitor and Christie as the next coming of The Holy President.
Maybe Bill de Blasio’s NYC mayoral election wasn’t so strange after all.
Of course, Time being a major government media complex cog, they also include a loophole.
As always, TIME’s editors will choose the Person of the Year, but that doesn’t mean readers shouldn’t have their say.
The PermaGov disclaimer writ large.
The U.S. is of course a democracy and alla that, but if …harrumph, harrumph…if we disagree with what the populace wants, we will choose the winner. You don’t like it? Buy another
magazine…errr, ahhh…country.
Now there is always of the course the possibility of a curveball fix…build up Snowden to further tear down Obama, etc., etc., etc. I notice that Hillary Clinton isn’t even on the list of approved candidates.
Very interesting.
Bet on it.
Snowden 720, Obama 2.
Of course, it’s early in the game, but if this were say the first 5 minutes of a basketball game, who do you think the winner might be?
I can hear the White House spinners on the phone now.
Bet on it.
As always, you can vote if you want to, and we’ll let you know who wins. Perfect!
Thanks Arthur.
Omertica The Beautiful.
Even some of the bosses are horrified.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Go buy some baubles and await the next bubble.
Miley Cyrus pulls ahead!!!
I wuz worried there for a minute!!!
Thought we might be getting serious.
But NOOOOoooo…
And of course, Barack O’Bomber is in essentially a dead heat for last, nearly tied w/Diana Nyad and Ted Cruz.
Ah jes’ cain’t wait fer the final resultsz!!!
Kin you???
Later…gotta go see a man about a duck.
Oh yes, because whatever did the world do without twerking.
Obama still beating the Tsarnaev brothers. But Modi (the Indian Obama?) has a chance to overtake the twerker.
Interesting that the baby Prince George made the list but not Kerry or Hillary.
By standard measures of changing history, Vlad and Rouhani should be at the top. (Obama and Kerry were for the wars before they were against them.) A conservative selection would be Pope Francis.
Not Kerry or Hillary?
That’s because they are still in play, Marie. The fixers don’t want to take a chance that someone they are inflating will end up up south of O’Bomber, now do they? O’Bomber’s already been thrown on the rust heap of the future…the place that all lame ducks must occupy until possibly (like Bill Clinton) they are once again of some use to the fixers. Kerry is being hyped as the saviour of Western Civilization by his front man role in the (Sure to fail w/in a few months…as sure as ObamaCare. Watch.) Iran nuclear “settlement,” while Hillary is being run as either “The First Female Preznit!!!” or “Jeez!!! She can’t even win against a fat man!!!”
But the rest?
Alice pinned it.
Maybe they thought the contest was for Pig of the Year?
So Miley Cyrus, eh. You’re right Arthur, we ARE in big trouble.
I been tellin’ ya!!!
As of 3:30 EST, 11/29/13, still Miley Cyrus by a twerk!!!
Erdogan in 2nd place…but it’s the day after Thanksgiving, so sympathy for the word “Turkey” is still quite high in the Omertican NeverNeverLands. The indigestion/tryptophan vote.
El Sisi? What kinda God-fearing Omertican doesn’t love a real military strongman who is in U.S. pay? Eh?
Modi? Hmmmmm…do ya think that maybe various “supporters” are stuffing the ballot box? In Omertica? Naaaaaahhhh…
And finally, poor Comrade Snowden. Once the voting really got rolling the truth came out. Betcha he doesn’t much like footsball, neither. Dirty Commie!!! However, he can take comfort in knowing that he is still way, way ahead of O’Bomber, the man who has undoubtedly given the OK for Snowden’s assassination just so long as it can’t be traced back to any preznidential standing in the polls.
Love it or get outta the way!!!
Happy Thanksgiving, Turkeys.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Wake The Fuck Up!!!
At 0.6% he is half as popular as Bashar al-Assad, Jimmy Fallon, Rand Paul, Hassan Rouhani and Vlad (The Destroyer) Putin.
Yes!!! Hope springs eternal, eh?
Heavy stuff.
Heavy duty.
I wonder if he’ll move in with Bush II once he’s deposed.
That’s what we really need!!!
An ex-White House.
Sing Sing’s right up the river from me. Whadda ya say? Great views, too.
Bush I, Bill Clinton, Bush II and O’Bomber could talk about the good ol’ days!!! Hey…Hillary only lives about 10 miles away. She could come visit!!!
Whadda buncha maroons!!!