I get the feeling that Ed Rendell wakes up every morning, brews himself a pot of coffee, and then spends the next few hours fielding phone calls from Washington reporters so he can talk shit about the president. And that is on the days that he doesn’t take a limo to New York City to talk shit about the president on the cable news programs. It appears to be a full-time job for Rendell, who having served as mayor of Philadelphia and the governor of Pennsylvania, has nothing better to do career-wise. I am assuming, at this point, that this is personal. Rendell clearly has some kind of grudge that he’s nursing. Yesterday, he was whining to Ron Fournier and today he is whining to Edward-Isaac Dovere of Politico.
I don’t understand the point unless Rendell is simply addicted to seeing his name in print. I don’t actually think that he’s doing it on the behalf of the Clintons, although his motivation probably stems from something that happened during the 2008 primaries. Rendell could probably count on a cabinet job in a Clinton administration without spending all his time tearing down Obama. It’s not clear that the Clintons even want Obama to be torn down, since a weak Obama will make it harder rather than easier for Hillary to win the presidency.
In any case, Rendell has turned himself into a clone of Harold Ford. He’s a walking joke.
I don’t understand the point unless Rendell is simply addicted to seeing his name in print.
Speaking of, I have a link later to someone just like “Easy” Ed. As a resident of PA, you should know that you better not get between Eddie and a camera. Why do you think he does the Eagles post-game show on the local Comcast ESPN wanna-be? Speaking of another attention whore. TNR had an interview with Chuckie Schumer. The interviewer comes off just as bad as Chuck. Here is the link:
Schumer is both a defender of middle class families and a Wall St. stooge? How can one be both at the same time? Is that some kind of TNR logic?
Well, isn’t the purpose of Rendell to serve as the “Dem” side of whatever Hesaid/Shesaid skit the particular corporate “news” cesspool is enacting on a particular day? Isn’t he just a cut rate Lieberturd?
Presumably there is some level of remuneration for frequently appearing as a corporate guest stooge, and an ex-big shot like Rendell has to have some way to fill up his time, getting limo-ed around, grabbing free food n’ drink, while waitin’ for his next “public service” gig. The question is what kind of elected Dem would employ him? Not a progressive kind, haha.
But if the rancid Rendells didn’t exist, they would have to be manufactured by the corporate media. Just another routine spectacle of professional disinformation in our failing nation.
“The question is what kind of elected Dem would employ him?”
My working assumption is that he, Lanny Davis and the gang who keep finding ways to get interviewed think they are auditioning for a job in the H. Clinton administration.
Isn’t he just a cut rate Lieberturd?
Both are DLC’ers. I don’t know if he’s cut-rate or just held different electoral offices.
I just meant that for perennial, reliable Dem-on-Dem abuse, Lieberturd really was the gold standard, perhaps for all time.
On issue after issue after issue, the Old Faithful of Dem backstabbers. He never failed to satisfy his Repub pals.
People forget how he won his place in the Senate in the first place. People forget the campaign he ran against Lowell Weicker. If they remembered they’d know he was a scumbag who was not to be trusted. It’s part of the reason I wrote in Springsteen/Clemons in ’00. I lived in CT once upon a time. I knew what kind of scum Lieberturd was long before Lamont ran against him.
(shrug) expecting better from hillary people is as silly as expecting better from teabaggers
“…fielding phone calls from Washington reporters…”? Shit, seems like he’s self-interested enough to call reporters himself.
OTOH, he’s established his availability and interest in providing this service, so the reporters know who to put on speed dial. “Let’s see, I need a generic Democrat who will give me some tasty concern trolling of the POTUS for the he said/she said/others said narrative. F*** it, I’m on deadline- time to call Ed.”
Right. It’s Benedict Arnold behavior. Benedict Arnold on speed dial.