I get the feeling that Ed Rendell wakes up every morning, brews himself a pot of coffee, and then spends the next few hours fielding phone calls from Washington reporters so he can talk shit about the president. And that is on the days that he doesn’t take a limo to New York City to talk shit about the president on the cable news programs. It appears to be a full-time job for Rendell, who having served as mayor of Philadelphia and the governor of Pennsylvania, has nothing better to do career-wise. I am assuming, at this point, that this is personal. Rendell clearly has some kind of grudge that he’s nursing. Yesterday, he was whining to Ron Fournier and today he is whining to Edward-Isaac Dovere of Politico.

I don’t understand the point unless Rendell is simply addicted to seeing his name in print. I don’t actually think that he’s doing it on the behalf of the Clintons, although his motivation probably stems from something that happened during the 2008 primaries. Rendell could probably count on a cabinet job in a Clinton administration without spending all his time tearing down Obama. It’s not clear that the Clintons even want Obama to be torn down, since a weak Obama will make it harder rather than easier for Hillary to win the presidency.

In any case, Rendell has turned himself into a clone of Harold Ford. He’s a walking joke.