This kind of makes me long for the days of two kinds of fruit.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The Defense News coverage of Duncan Hunter’s statement was classic. When you’ve lost Defense News, ….
Shorter Duncan Hunter………
The part about bring in KBR…is that the secret energy policy Cheney worked on back in 2000?
Some pockets of California are clinging to past delusions. Two are the 49th Cong District (Darrell Issa, R) and 50th (Hunter, R). 2010 redistricting moved the boundaries of the 52nd district, long term, original home of the Hunters; so Junior moved over to the 50th and the 52nd elected a Democrat for the first time since its creation in 1992.
He is scary looking like Dick Cheney.
I suppose that it’s very valuable and interesting post.
Good Gawd. This is pure life imitates art, as in Randy Newman’s Political Science. Doncha just hate it when left wing sarcasm becomes reality? “They all hate us anyhow, so let’s drop the big one now.” I knew Hunter was kinda crazy, but this? Wow, just wow.
No doubt that we should have done the same thing in Iraq. /snark
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