Virginia Republicans gathered this weekend at the Homestead resort in Hot Springs to discuss their recent losses in races for governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general. Among the things they decided is that the party will nominate their candidate to challenge Sen. Mark Warner at a convention rather than allowing the people to have a role in the decision. This is exactly how the Republicans wound up with three too-conservative losing candidates in November. The convention attracts people like Nancy Stone of Harrisonburg, who might be just a tad more conservative than your average persuadable Commonwealth voter.

She was at [E.W.] Jackson’s hospitality suite, which he catered on a tight budget by encouraging attendees to bring pies for a pie-tasting contest. Stone bagged top prize with a pecan pie she had made.

“He was the real deal,” she said. “I think we need more candidates like him.”

In case you forgot, E.W. Jackson was the Virginia GOP’s candidate for lieutenant governor, and not only is he certifiably insane and uncommonly dishonest, but he was drubbed by Ralph Northam by over 10 points.

Of course, it isn’t certain that E.W. Jackson will challenge Warner. When asked about it, he replied, “I’m running for Jesus right now and that’s enough. If that ever ­changes, you’ll be the first to know.”

You’d think that Jesus would be the first to know.