Things that make conservative heads explode:
President Barack Obama shook the hand of Cuban President Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service — the first time the leaders of the two countries long at odds have had any contact.
The handshake between the two came as Obama made his way to the podium, moving across the VIP seating section of the soccer stadium. Castro appeared to speak to Obama, who acknowledged him, leaving Castro beaming, even as Obama moved over to warmly greet Brazil’s president, Dilma Rouseff with a kiss on the cheek.
I’m sure that there are some political prisoners that we’d like to see released, but there isn’t really a whole lot standing in the way of normalizing relations with Cuba. Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles to formalized peace is Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez. He should get to together with the president and John Kerry and get it done.
Oddly enough there are also some (political?) prisoners held in Cuba by the U.S. I would also like to see released.
Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles to formalized peace is Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez. He should get to together with the president and John Kerry and get it done.
What would that take? Anything reasonable?
Castro was beaming and looked actually hungry for the acknowledgment. A legacy of Mandela to open a door.
Hoping Mandela’s legacy helps open many doors …
I can think of three, at least.
The U.S. can not get over either Iran or Cuba. Both countries could use a little more than symbolic generosity at this point after being battered and mistreated by the U.S. for years, especially Cuba. Big guy the U.S., it can make your life miserable. But there is a U.S. expression (or is it biblilcal) one hand gives while the other one takes. As you can guess, I don’t have high hopes for a final agreement with Iran which will end sanctions. The goal posts will be moved again.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Madiba’s last gift to the world.
I’m just laughing at some of the breathless coverage of it.
it’s as if people wanted Obama to body-slam Castro to the ground, screaming “America…F*#{ Yeah” at the top of his lungs as they fall to the ground
Thankfully, domestic terrorist Steve Stockman stepped all over that by announcing a primary challenge to John Cornyn.
Not far off:
The lipreading software has managed to decode the few words that passed between Obama and Castro:
O: “Endorse Ted Cruz for president, and we’ll normalize relations”
C: “Sweet! And a MLB team?”
O: “You got it!”
Well that would be pretty cool.
Beyond Cuba’s struggle to implement the most basic of private sector reforms like allowing citizens to own their own restaurants and food stands? Cuba went all in on the communism thing and has held out far longer than any of its fellow comrades.
Maybe people should just acknowledge that two people were acting like adults at a funeral which was most assuredly not about them, and skip the tea leaves act?
Kremlinology aside, I can’t think of a better argument against continuing the status quo than this: “Cuba went all in on the communism thing and has held out far longer than any of its fellow comrades.”
We’ve been trying the same thing for more than 50 years now, to virtually no effect.
We are not at war with Cuba.
Cuba is the last thingy left from the cold war Reagan ended with Russia and Nixon completed with China. This handshake might prompt Putin to go to Cuba just to piss off the Right.
Yeah, Castro!
Where’s that wise little Tommy Friedman when you need him??
Interesting. Thanks for sharing!
@toddzwillich: AUDIO: Sen John McCain reacts to Obama-Castro handshake: “Neville Chamberlain shook hands with Hitler.”
NYDaily News report
Guessing McCain doesn’t know much about US prisons that house the most inmates of any country on earth — and the US had the highest incarceration rate. Then there’s Guantanamo …