I got my hopes up about the peace process in 2000 and I wound up feeling like an idiot, so I am basically biased against even the idea of having hope. No one wants to be justifiably criticized for an inability to learn from one’s mistakes. Yet, I do sometimes find myself tempted to believe again.

JERUSALEM — A full and final peace agreement overcoming the obstacles that have foiled past negotiators is still possible within the nine-month calendar set for U.S.-brokered talks, Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Friday.

“We’re not talking at this point about any shifts,” Kerry said, following two days of meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

The goal remains a complete deal this spring that settles borders of an independent Palestinian state and resolves other long-standing issues in the six-decade conflict, Kerry said before leaving Israel for Vietnam.

A peace deal in the Middle East is desperately needed for its own sake, but I can’t imagine what it would mean for domestic politics.

Yeah, it’s probably not going to happen.