‘Nuff said – Ariel Sharon.

The favorite slogan of President Shimon Peres: “I don’t look back.” Meaning he never second guesses decision of the past and white-washes all criminal acts. In his last period of his life he hands out and receives decorations and has just one amend to make. Under his watch spy Jonathan Pollard was refused entry at the Israeli Embassy and arrested by the FBI. Peres will do all to get the Pollard’s sentence commuted after 28 years.

Secretary Kerry is on his mission to the Middle East and I-P negotiations. It would be embarrassing for him to be in Ramallah the moment Palestinians explode with joy as soon as Sharon dies. Perhaps Netanyahu should issue one of his gag orders.

It is clear the effort by Kerry has been underestimated in Israel as the MKs and cabinet members unite to block all “concessions” to the Palestinians. Israel wants the status quo of today to be permanent: occupation ad eternae with annexation of East Jerusalem, large settlements and the Jordan Valley. Quite a task for Obama and Kerry in 2014. Israel tries to stall the negotiations to pass beyond the November mid-term elections.

Conclusion: As one bulldozer passes away, five others have already taken his place.