I do not want to be responsible for any strokes, pulmonary embolisms, cardiac arrests or other health problems that may result should they learn of this recent scientific discovery:

Scientists using two different age-determining techniques have found that a tiny zircon crystal discovered on a sheep ranch in Western Australia is the oldest known piece of our planet, dating to 4.4bn years ago.

Writing in the journal Nature Geoscience on Sunday, researchers said the discovery indicates that Earth’s crust formed relatively soon after the planet formed and that the little gem was a remnant of it.

Especially don’t tell this guy. It might give him a sad.

Often, people challenge biblical creationists with comments along the lines of, “I believe God created, and I don’t believe in evolution, but He could have taken billions of years, so what’s the big deal about the age of the earth?” […]

… So why [do we] emphasize it? It’s important because the issue ultimately comes down to, “Does the Bible actually mean what it plainly says?” It therefore goes to the heart of the trustworthiness of Scripture. As such, compromising with long ages also severely undermines the whole Gospel message, thus creating crises of faith for many as well as huge problems with evangelism.