Now, Racine, Wisconsin is a little different than the North Philly neighborhood that I wrote about on Saturday, but it is located inside Rep. Paul Ryan’s district. His constituents basically back up what I wrote:
Ryan should spend some time talking to people who actually live in Racine so that he doesn’t sound like a clueless dick anymore.
Can’t reach out to a broader constituency without alienating the base. Republicans’ dilemma. I’ll enjoy watching over the next generation as their supporters continue to die off. Until that sweet days comes, as they live out their nightmares (of brown people taking over), they will continue to gum up the works in every way possible. It’s no surprise they reacted as they did to our first African American president.
On an off-yet-related topic, I see Nate Silver is also much like Ezra Klein:
No, Nate, brogrammers may not be macho, but that’s not all there is to it
How French High Theory and Dr. Seuss can help explain Silicon Valley’s Gender Blindspots
And he’s got climate change deniers writing pieces for him:
Watching Nate Silver squander his reputation
Good reads. Thanks.
Appears that Nate Silver only got the mechanics of a narrow range of statistics down. Works well in baseball and political projections.
Also, too, this:
Matt Stroller warning!
Perhaps he could just pose for more workout photos.
Unfortunately, Ryan’s constituents in the small part of Waukesha County in his district love him. Yes, that Waukesha County:
Will Steve Israel, and the DCCC, invest real resources in kicking The Zombie-eyed Granny-starver out of office?
To ask the question is to answer it.
It is an interesting predicament that when a Rep speaks to his/her base he becomes so entrenched in dumbing down his dog whistles that there’s no way to engage listeners in real thought. For Ryan’s part, he is a calculatingly articulate politician so he really can’t claim that he misspoke; instead he’s just gotten so accustomed to dog whistling that he can’t string real thoughts together anymore.
Hence he is now devolving before our eyes into the next Rep who claims women’s bodies can self abort a rapist’s fetus.
WI-1, Ryan’s district, is the south-eastern corner of WI, bordered by Lake Ct, IL and Lake Michigan. There are 2 large cities, Racine and Kenosha, both about 100,000. The famous Johnson Wax headquarters, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, is there. It is a district with a lot of rural turf, plus these two medium-size cities. My wife is from Milwaukee, and we know the northern IL – SE WI area very well.
Byan seems to have the morons there buffaloed. He won the last election, while running for VP, without difficulty.
2012 was Ryan’s 8th election for congress and it was his closest yet. Support Rob Zerban.
Is Zerban running again? Will the establishment Democrats give him the resources to win this time or are they taking a dive in 2014, hoping Hillary will bail them out in 2016?
I hope some folks in WI-1 get active now organizing the GOTV for Zerban. Turn out 175,000 votes and you win.
Phoning it in again. Sheesh. Time for a democratic party.
I live in Ryan’s district and the biggest problem is this image of Ryan as a serious, bipartisan reformer. It doesn’t help that Democrats and media types tend to validate his shtick and treat him like a reasonable, moderate guy. I’d give more credit to Ryan for his ability to hoodwink voters and scribes but I think Wisconsin is just trending too far the to the right these days for him to lose that seat anytime soon. He slipped up with his remarks here but it’s not going to damage him with his local base and may even help him nationally for the primaries.