The Cliven Bundys would be news if the government had shot them. The government didn’t shoot them, so they are just deadbeats. I’m not going to call them names or talk about them at all. I don’t give a shit.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Its the whole Fox news mentality of the right. Make up a grievance and then flip out. Except the people watching have guns and believe the crap. My God armed mobs defending theft of government resources. Step back and look at what the right could become in five or ten years. Its scary armed and stupid.
Five or ten years? I wish I had your optimism. It’s like they’re going crazy at an exponentially increasing rate. I thought they were pretty nuts last year, but it’s not even May yet and they seem twice as bad at least.
I find it interesting how so many people are living so vicariously through the actions of these nuts. And it’s the same people who, after the Colorado movie theater shooting, would boast out loud, “If I had been in their with my piece, I would have taken him out with a head shot”.
Like Sean Hannity.
Well, let’s see. They’ve been grazing their cattle at public expense for 20 years on land they claim is theirs essentially by squatters’ rights, declare the federal government is illegitimate and has no legal authority, violate repeated court orders, threaten authorities local and public including bringing in an ad hoc army transporting weapons across state lines in declaration of an armed resistance to said authorities, even going so far as to announce plans to shield themselves with (unarmed?)women in case of a firefight which by all indications they wish to provoke.
If they walk away from all this without significant legal consequences, I’d say there’s a bit of newsworthy stuff going on in there somewhere.
Yeah, I find myself incredibly outraged at the Bundy saga. If you can violate any laws you want because you’re a “sovereign citizen with an AR-15” then we no longer live in a recognizable America anymore.
Why not just start shooting Supreme Court justices, because you disagree with their rulings?
At what point did the Right become the Party of Anarchy?
Oh yeah, starting with Scalia, Thomas, and Alito.
Yes, and let this DFH say this was every bit as bad a retreat as Pres. Obama’s on the Budget Compromise. Just wait.
It will be twice as hard to stop the next time, And you do know there will be a next time. You have just showed them two-yr old tantrums back you down. Idiots.
we made Cliven and his militia buddies our piggie of the week.
IMO, the government exercised great restraint. They didn’t want to have another Waco, evn though they could have easily just loaded up a drone and taken care of business without anyone from BLM getting hurt.
Except the BLM lost the public relations battle by being practically silent and that’s never a good thing when the facts are clearly against Bundy and his nutter buddies. Allowing disinformation and lies to win the day on issues and events that they should lose is how the nutters keep scoring wins — why ACORN is no more, why Waco figures more prominently as a rallying cry for them as they ignore OKC, why they believe that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was staged to take away their guns, etc.
Ignoring the sovereign state NJ’s will be done at our own peril. As the Honorable Senator from Nevada says: “This isn’t over”.
A confrontation with the federal government is inevitable. It is what they want. This incident will only serve to strengthen their resolve that they are right and that god is on their side. They will continue to push their agenda, using ever increasing threats and provocation. At some point, the government will have no choice but to engage them in some way. That doesn’t necessarily mean an armed conflict, though how this ever gets resolved without it seems an impossible dream to me. They are simply another variation of the “End Timers”, who are willing to martyr themselves and others in service to what they view as a transcendent issue. Negotiation is simply not in the cards for them.
And at that point the rule of law will need our full and open support.
Quite the opposite. If the government had shot him and some of his minutemen buddies, there wouldn’t be a story. Now we have an emboldened bunch of extremists who know that they can turn the government away with armed resistance. This is now a HUGE problem, and a scary one.
I’m waiting for Obama to apologize to them.
Hopefully he will be picked up by some nice FBI agents one fine day when his buddies have gone home. No lives will be lost and he can sit in a federal pen for a very long time and the sane part of the world will forget it ever happened.
I wish I had confidence that we were able to learn from our mistakes. I don’t.
I don’t care about the Bundys, either. Nutters like them have been around at least 40 years. In different forms, they’ve been around ever since the Europeans originally started stealing that land a couple hundred years ago.
But I do care about the mainstream of one of America’s two major political parties, and all the media organs that serve it, embracing armed sedition. That, I care about very much.
PS The Bundys are correct that the land shouldn’t belong to the BLM. It’s Western Shoshone land. But I doubt that concerns them much, either. Same theft, different owner.
No, they aren’t correct. Their position does not take into consideration the rights to these lands before they were stolen from the native inhabitants or the claim as part of Mexico. Or even the subdivision of the former Mexican territory into states and territories. They claim that the US federal government cannot own land (regardless of how acquired) within any state except for national defense purposes.
And we don’t want to talk about the Mormon invasion of the Utah territory and what happened to the natives that for centuries had been living there.
“They claim that the US federal government cannot own land (regardless of how acquired) within any state except for national defense purposes”
But that’s exactly what it is! It’s to defend the rest of the USA from rabid teabagger morons, by drawing them out of cover so that they can be gunned down!
Well Hannity is doing his best to stir the pot Unbelievable
I wonder if he is related to Ted Bundy?