The Republicans are still officially considering six cities to host their 2016 convention: Kansas City, Denver, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dallas, and Las Vegas. However, it appears that the latter two have emerged as the front-runners. I know that there are odd factors that influence these decisions. The GOP has to pay for the damn thing, after all, and so they need access to a lot of top donors. They probably don’t want a repeat of 2008 and 2012, when natural disasters curtailed the festivities. They want a city with sufficient hotel space and a compact layout so that things aren’t too spread out.
I get all that. But it seems to me that the overriding motivator should be twofold. First, what does the selection say about the party. Second, does the selection boost the party’s chances of winning the state in which the convention is to be held?
The Democrats held their 2008 convention in Denver and went on to win Colorado in the fall, which was no slam-dunk. After narrowly winning North Carolina that year, they chose Charlotte for the 2012 convention. They narrowly lost that state in the fall. Say what you want, but those selections made sense.
It seems to me that Dallas would be a particularly inept choice based on these two criteria. The message it would send is that the party is still in the thrall of Texans. I don’t think people are quite over the last Texan president, who also happens to reside in Dallas. It would also do nothing to improve their candidate’s chances of carrying Texas. In any case, if Texas is a swing state in 2016, the GOP’s problems won’t be solved by their convention.
Las Vegas seems more promising. Despite having a Republican governor, Nevada isn’t great turf for the Republicans in a presidential election. But one big reason for that is that their state party is in shambles. They could really use a big infusion of cash and organization and enthusiasm. Probably nothing short of that is likely to turn Nevada red in 2016.
On the other hand, choosing Las Vegas would send a message inconsistent with the party’s family values brand. This is less because Las Vegas isn’t family friendly (it certainly is) than because Las Vegas has a lingering reputation as a den of sin and adultery. I think, however, that this would be more of a problem for individual delegates than for the party’s national image. Picking Las Vegas would make some sense.
The biggest objection to it that I have is that Nevada simply isn’t that delegate-rich. Its six delegates aren’t enough to swing an election is most plausible scenarios.
Kansas City would do almost nothing for the GOP and I don’t understand why it is even under discussion. Columbus and Cincinnati, I think, make the most sense from a strictly political point of view. Ohio is a state that the Republicans simply have to figure out how to win.
Vegas, baby!
It’s well known that Republicans love their simulated Lesbian sex/stripper action and where else are you more likely to get that than Vegas. William Bennett can have his old suite again – with its own slot machine.
The hookers have always loved the Republican conventions – they’re better tippers. So it looks like a win-win, followed by a loss, again.
Don’t forget that Big Daddy Adelson lives in Las Vegas. It’s not going to look good for the entire party to be kowtowing to him at once, while they pick their candidate.
Vegas is also a den of iniquity, and they’re just asking for some scandal to explode involving party and/or elected officials (I am thinking along Two Wetsuits, etc. lines, but who knows).
It seems odd that the Republicans struggle in Ohio. It is historically been a bastion of conservatism in this country. The entire Taft family, for one thing. Though many democratic Presidents have come from Ohio. Man, it seems like we pick a Midwesterns as every other President. And we’ll get another one with Hillary.
Please, if there is a God, let them pick Vegas. The storylines of family value hypocrisy and kissing Adelson’s ring write themselves. And the police blotter would be highly entertaining.
Conversely, the evangelicals could come in vowing to clean up Sin City. That’ll go over well with Middle America like a lead balloon. People love Vegas, even Teahadists. They just don’t like to admit it on Sunday.
Las Vegas is justifiably world famous for its tagline “What Happens Here, Stays Here.” (Or “What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.”) That’s a great tagline for an adult-skewed entertainment city. It’s also a tagline Democrats will be pleased to work with.
“.. the police blotter would be highly entertaining”
Involving booze, drugs, hookers, lizards, firearms, Republicans, a case of grapefruit and a machete, Elvis impersonators, televangelists and billionaires?
Yes, highly entertaining. It’s a crying shame that Hunter S Thompson isn’t around to tell the story.
Hunter Thompson is no longer necessary. The evil now going down in the U.S. is so vast and so deep that it is impossible to miss. How can one exaggerate the collapse of an empire? The drugs!!! The school shootings!!! By children!!! The sheer criminality at the very top of the political, corporate and economic food chains!!! The end of the middle class American dream!!! The likely incarceration of 33% of the male members of one race!!! The total breakdown of the educational system!!! A medical system that is purely-for-profit and prescribes massive amounts of inadequately tested drugs that need more warnings than a pack of cancer sticks to even make it onto national television!!! A president whose only bright moments are on superficial late night gabfests and college humor outings like the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner!!! The mind boggles.
A U.S. president who is only good at comedy???
Who needs Hunter Thompson?
We have an ongoing reality that is more resembles a Hogarth illustration than “the news.”
Thompson more than likely killed himself out of despair He could no longer exaggerate the reality that he was seeing, so he couldn’t work anymore.
So it goes.
Down like a motherfucker.
I give the U.S. less than two or three years into the next presidency no matter who supposedly “wins.” All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t put this broken egg together again.
It’s hard to imagine that Republicans are better tippers. Do you have any data?
Angelina Spencer, the executive director of the Association of Club Executives, which serves as a trade association for strip clubs, said an informal survey of convention business in New York and Denver had determined that Republicans dropped more money at clubs, by far.
“Hands down, it was Republicans,” she said. “The average was $150 for Republicans and $50 for Democrats.”
If they plan on nominating Jeb then Dallas makes sense in a way – going all-in on the Bush thing, figuring that they can’t run from Dubya so they may as well embrace him. They may also figure that 8 years after Dubya the antipathy towards Dubya would have waned to the same extent that (to their mind) Clinton Fatigue waned 8 years after Bubba left office. The difference, of course, is that if it weren’t for the 22nd Amendment Bill would have had a third term whereas nothing short of divine intervention could have given Dubya a third term…
Jeb will not make it. Cruz is going to win the nomination.
If so, with the convention in his home state – not to mention the connection to the Pauls – Teh Krazee would be in full swing. Especially since at every turn they’ve convinced themselves that the best way to win undecided votes is to be more Krazee.
Isn’t his home state Alberta?
The Dems should be so lucky.
we don’t have that kind of luck
Las Vegas has never hosted a national party’s nominating convention. Atlantic City has (Democrats, 1964), but that was in the pre-casino era. Will 2016 be the SHELDON ADELSON CONVENTION, Starring Sheldon Adelson, with a few Republican delegates as extras? Maybe.
Dallas was the site of the 1984 Republican National Convention that nominated Ronald Reagan to run for his second term. I would not discount Dallas for that reason alone.
I agree that their best bets on that list are in Ohio: Cincinnati and Columbus. The Republicans held their 1876 convention in Cincinnati, and the Democrats followed in 1880. Columbus has never hosted a national party convention, but it’s very capable of doing so. OSU’s students won’t be on campus during the convention, freeing up a lot of relatively compact and convenient space. Both cities have Democratic mayors, but that has never been a real problem. They’re also a bit cooler than Dallas and Las Vegas but with just as much air conditioning. Columbus in particular would have no trouble accommodating GOP donors’ private jets.
The Republicans simply don’t have many obvious convention city choices for 2016, though. I’m a bit surprised a city in Florida (e.g. Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville) isn’t on their short list, but I suppose they don’t want to run the risk of being upstaged by a hurricane again. Wisconsin (Milwaukee), Virginia (Richmond, Norfolk), and North Carolina (Charlotte, Raleigh) would seem to make some electoral sense if the GOP were a well functioning presidential party, but they aren’t.
Las Vegas. A natural match for the RatPuibs on every level. It is the essence of the controlling powers of the party. “Family-friendly”? Oh yes!!! With a strong, secretive undertone of furtive sex, gluttony and hopeless gambling. Church on Sunday, the whorehouse on Monday. I love it!!!
P.S. Cruz? Yer kiddin’ me, right?
Cruz wouldn’t even make a good tomato can for the coming fix. It’s Jeb all the way.
Cruz still hasn’t renounced his Cuban citizenship.
They should have the GOP convention at Gitmo.
“Go for the Convention, stay for the war-crimes trials!”
I live near northern Ky – believe me, not anywhere near enough hookers and blow for a GOPer convention. Probably not enough meth and oxy, either.
Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, NYC or Anaheim.
Just like everybody else.
The goal is a pretty infomercial and smooth event for anyone stuck there.
Las Vegas is much more a union city than Dallas. I can’t see it going there…