Fred Barnes is pimping a Ben Carson presidential run. Apparently, Ben Carson will not run for president unless he receives some kind of direct message from God. However, Carson is beginning to wonder whether God is texting him:
Carson writes that he suspects many others interested in high office would be better candidates. But in his book he has a caveat: “If I felt called by God to officially enter the world of politics, I would certainly not hesitate to do so.”
Interviewed this week, Carson said he’s “starting to feel it. Because every place I go, it’s unbelievable.” One lady “really touched me the other night … She just kept clinging to my hand and said, ‘You have to run. You have to run.’ And so many people tell me that, and so I think I’m starting to hear something.”
The thing is, if it were me, I wouldn’t want a text message telling me to run. I’d want one that told me that I would win.
Wouldn’t you?
God appears to be quite an unassertive and indirect fellow. Not exactly a Joisey guy, eh, Booman? Also, too, He’s quite vague and ambiguous. As for a message about winning as well, the revelation biz is a step-by-step process and it’s really quite presumptuous to demand a premature guarantee of success, too! Rest assured that ALL will be known in due time…
Anyway, thank goodness for the pious. When the unenlightened hear other people asking them to, say, run for prez, they absurdly “hear”….other humans! But God’s People KNOW that such seemly mundane and terrestrial-based communications (not to mention lingering hand-holding) are REALLY unimpeachable messages from the Divine Beyond! Praise Jeebus, Ben, whoever the hell you are!
God, what cringeworthy stupidity. And to think it’s some huge political benefit for this buffoon to yap it out to the Noise Machine…
Given the history of those “called by God” to run for President, I’d say the Almighty owns a sense of humor that is evidence of a mean streak.
Snark is so over, Booman. So…dKos decade.
How about a quick look at what this guy is saying instead.
He’s black and he’s a brain surgeon as well.
“Right” or “wrong”…or in between which is where almost all of us so-called human beings generally live…he’s speaking from the heart and he’s no dummy, either. A Rand Paul/Ben Carson ticket might prove very…interesting…for the DemRats.
Oh yes it would.
Verrrry interesting.
Bet on it.
Those are some pretty weird examples of what a sincere and smart guy Dr. Carson is.
The implication that pro-choicers are somehow opposed to making babies and man-woman marriage (as against forcing them on everyone else) is fascist manipulation, and the view on King is a well-known outright lie which he is hardly speaking “from the heart” but rather reciting from memory off Fox News or a similar source.
He may do brain surgery but he’s not very conversant with brain research. The concept of a brain capacity that is “more than our national debt” might be pretty funny if Dave Barry wrote it, because then we’d know that it is entirely meaningless. The brain processes information no faster than 60 bits per second. Deep electrical brain stimulation may enhance memory somewhat but does not dredge up photographic memories from the distant past. Nor do such memories exist in any case, though eidetic memories in some pathological cases of autism and Williams syndrome seem like that.
I wish this Sambo would run.
I wish a mofo would.
Another black NeoConfederate to soothe the seditionists.
No thanks.
I was gonna object to the “Sambo” name-calling. But then I saw who wrote it.
Carry on, ma’am.
In the US, a doctor = a god. A few too many authoritarian and greedy doctors in this country believe this is a fact and best demonstrated by getting elected to high office.
yes, indeed, and a brain surgeon (genuflect here) must be the highest godhead imaginable—no matter what blather about “not being intimidated!” they prattle…
Sure seems to have a lot of time on his hands for a busy brain surgeon, sort of like Rand P and his (abandoned) eye practice. Always plenty of time to talk to “conservative” pundits.
I’d have to observe that God doesn’t love me enough to make Dr. Carson run for President. But maybe God’s just watching out for me, lest I die laughing. In which case, kudos, O Supreme Being.