Here is House Majority Leader Eric Cantor announcing that he has absolutely no intention of doing anything about immigration reform this year.
“As we return for our summer stretch into the swampy heat of Washington, D.C., we will continue to work on our agenda to ensure that every American has the opportunity to pursue happiness by building an America that Works,” Cantor wrote in the document.
That might not seem like an announcement that the House GOP will do nothing on immigration reform this year, but that is exactly what that announcement means.
He listed his priorities, and immigration reform isn’t among them.
They really need to pay the fucking price for this, soon. I’m pissed.
Did you ever hold out hope, like, ever? It’s played out like I thought, but even worse. I wasn’t cynical enough. They didn’t even debate a bill in committee lol.
It seems to me that President Obama gave the republicans one last chance to do something about immigration reform, and assuming you are right, they have now refused.
Does President Obama have the ability to grant amnesty and offer citizenship to anyone who is here illegally?
Because I really wonder why he wouldn’t do that at this point, if he has the power.
I doubt that Obama plays hardball on this. He truly buys into that ‘accommodating conservatives isn’t just a matter of cynical reality but will in abstract truly lead to the best possible policy because the truth lies in the middle and conservatives just have a different POV blah de blah’ centrist claptrap. Just like Buchanan and the gutless post-Civil War Moderate Republicans.
That’s BS. The President is aware how radical his Congressional opposition is. He’s made a number of statements in recent months, speaking openly about the radical nature of his Congressional opposition, and pointing out how unpopular the GOP agenda is.
Just as Barack promised in the SOTU Address would happen if Congress did not act in a number of areas, the Obama Administration has been taking actions they are empowered to take where Congressional support is not necessary. Shit, in the case of the Bergdahl POW swap, they took direct action in violation of the law Congress made which requires the Executive to give 30 day’s notice to Congress. The dishonorable reaction from Congress to Bergdahl and his family displays in stark relief exactly why the Obama Administration broke a law which cannot be enforced in a just manner.
For those members of Congress who are talking impeachment over this, please, please do so, motherfuckers. Please attempt to impeach the President for getting a member of the U.S. military released from 5 years of POW capture. Yeah, run for re-election on that, you horrible people.
Thanks for the heads up, but I had already forgotten about immigration reform this year, or anytime in the forseeable future for that matter. As well as forgetting about any kind of legislation whatsoever, ha-ha.
That this party of Orwellian doublespeak, bald-faced lies, abject nonsense, plutocrat criminals and willful self-retardation not only maintains power but looks likely to expand it is as damning an indictment of our failed nation as can be imagined.
We can no longer reform ourselves. The system has completely collapsed. The “conservative” movement has intentionally created a Weimar America, which they believe will end just like its namesake, with a “conservative” Strongman in control.
But Let Freedum Ring! “Building an America That Works!” (As satire, priceless. And as a motto for Fascist America, not so bad…)
I take issue with your timeline. America’s democracy already collapsed almost a century ago, when a terrorist organization ran several state houses and more-or-less dictated the terms of the Presidency. If you’re saying that America’s democracy didn’t collapse from that, why would an event of lesser retardation and vileness do the trick?
I take issue with your prognostication. America’s democracy already collapsed almost a century ago, when a terrorist organization ran several state houses and more-or-less dictated the terms of the Presidency. If you’re saying that America’s democracy didn’t collapse from that, why would an event of lesser retardation and vileness do the trick?
Gosh darn it, Chrome.
As an immigration lawyer, I can’t say I’m surprised. The Republicans are Neanderthals on this subject (among many others). It would be nice to know that they actually had an “agenda to ensure that every American has the opportunity to pursue happiness by building an America that Works,” but the phrase is totally empty bullshit. The only “agenda” they have is the word “No” to anything Obama proposes.
Cantor is particularly despicable in his doublespeak. The reminds me of his pro-business “Labor Day” Statement a few years ago praising “job creators.”
Yeah, I remember that Cantor Labor Day statement. We’ve got to avoid getting pulled away from effective work by feeling too personal about these things, but Eric made me HATE him for that despicable tweet.
We will defeat their dangerous political movement. We’ll keep the Senate in 2014, smash them in 2016, and rout them until they turn back from their high-risk strategies.