Does this Supreme Court ruling mean that I can’t purchase a gun for Antonin Scalia’s birthday present?
It’s kind of breathtaking that four members of the Supreme Court think that it should be okay to make a straw purchase of a gun if the ultimate recipient of the gun is eligible to buy it himself, especially if the buyer lies on the forms he fills out.
I’m glad that Justice Kennedy found a line he wasn’t willing to cross on the behalf of Team Crazy.
The answer is yes and Tony is pissed that he’ll be deprived of all those cool birthday gift-guns.
Won’t bother to read what hoops the “mighty four” jumped through to claim that straw gun purchases are only intended to be illegal when the purchaser knows that he/she is making the purchase for someone not eligible to own a gun.
The thread to The Hill article was hijacked with “Yeah, well what about voter fraud!” by those objecting to this SCOTUS decision. The response that voter fraud is illegal was met with “Yeah, well what about X, X, X?” Three people convicted of voter fraud in Cincinnati — one of whom will be spending several years in jail. As Charles Pierce often says, these are mole people.
you mean gun nuts don’t always have perfect knowledge and data relating to the firearms eligibility of every person in America? Who knew?
And if the “innocent purchaser” was wrong about the actual eligibility of the “gift” recipient but thought he was right when buying the fab “gift”, well, no harm done, of course!
Solid second amendment thinking from the RATS, as usual.
Team Crazy = Team Conservative
I think with this one can clearly see just how much regulation of their (phony) gun right the RATS are willing to countenance. How much? Zero. Second Amendment absolutists, which is understandable, since they made the whole “personal right” up.
The RATS trying to act like the statute wasn’t sufficiently clear is preposterous, and of course, they are always sooooo concerned about purportedly ambiguous statutes when the defendants aren’t Traditional American gun enthusiasts. And as though our permanently paralyzed Congress could ever act to “clarify” the statute if it were struck down today. But this is part of the “conservative” schtick as well…
I guess you can see why Kennedy will never retire, since he personally gets to decide the validity of virtually every legislative policy in America. Kind of a powerful position…
The gun nuts are going on and on about how you can’t now buy a gun as an Xmas present.
Who cares?
Just more crushing infringement of LIBERTY!! Liberty of Gift!
Also, too, only Hitler banned gun-gifting! Know your Lib’rul Fascists!
Because nothing celebrates the birthday of the Prince of Peace like an assault rifle.
Dammit, now the choices for the kid’s Christmas gifts are down to explosives or poison. Junior was so looking forward to that AK.
They didn’t rule on its constitutionality, so they didn’t really “uphold” it.
Possibly because they couldn’t expand the case before them (as they did with Citizen’s United) because Kennedy wouldn’t go along with them this time. Not a biggie since they had him in the more important “racism is obsolete in America” case.
On the subject of guns, I’m wondering when some intrepid conservative gun nut puts forth the notion that the best way to stamp out these damn school shootings is to simply disband public education and shutter the school buildings. No kids in schools, no school shootings. Presto, Change-O, problem solved! See, there is a simple conservative answer to everything!
That’s a home run. 1) no more school shootings 2) no more property taxes to support public schools 3) no Common Core 4) Bible study home schooling (like the KSA backed Madrassas in Pakistan)
Or maybe a home run plus as their kids will be unemployable and forced to compete for lawn service and fruit harvesting work with immigrants and thus, drive down the cost of that labor.
But first we’ll try outfitting all the kids with bullet proof backpacks. Wouldn’t want to neglect doing any of the available wrong things in our seemingly never-ending avoidance of doing the right thing.
Yes, after hearing all the rantings on this subject, I’m beginning to see the light. The problem isn’t that we have too many guns. The problem is WE HAVE TOO MANY DAMN SCHOOLS!!!!
Holy Shit! How could I have not seen this? Thank you, Rush…and Wayne…and Glenn…and Sean!! Praise Jesus, I’ve finally received the blessed revelation!
I don’t know why all you damn libruhls can’t see the reality of the situation. The problem ain’t the guns…it’s the schools.
On the topic of weapons, I’m thinking when some smart traditional gun nut places forth the idea that the best way to seal out these rattling university shootings is to simply disband community knowledge and shutter the university structures. No children in educational institutions, no university shootings. Voila, Change-O, problem solved! See, there is a simple traditional response to everything!