Shorter Erick Erickson: “I’m not in this for the money, so please make a donation to the Senate Conservatives Fund who, by the way, will
be sponsoring the RedState Gathering this year, for the first time.”

The SCF has just sent $70,000 to the Chris McDaniel campaign to help him continue to harass the Republican nominee, Thad Cochran. Meanwhile, Dana Milbank humorously compares McDaniel’s refusal to give up to Hiroo Onoda, the Japanese soldier who did not surrender until 1974.

The Cochran campaign has their own problems with how they accounted for their payments to volunteers. This will only heighten the rumors that they paid for votes.

Travis Childers is a very fortunate man. The right is doing all his work for him. I’m beginning to wonder if he might just be the favorite in this race. The anger against Cochran has reached Obama Derangement Syndrome levels, and we know that kind of fever doesn’t go away until the politician leaves office and a good deal of time passes. I think a lot of McDaniel voters and consumers of right-wing media will be motivated to defeat Cochran and punish him for his perceived sins.