While I will personally enjoy a cooler than average July, it’s annoying that just about the only place in the world where it’s colder than normal is the area between New York and Washington DC where the people live who make our policy decisions.

Remember that “polar vortex” that hit the U.S. in January, the one that the Obama administration linked to climate change? Well, it might be back.

A blast of chilly air is expected to hit the northern and northeastern United States next week, during what is typically the peak of summer, The Washington Post reports.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a pool of cold air from Alaska’s gulf will move to the Great Lakes region early next week and then slowly slide to the East Coast.
While the sweep of cold weather will take the edge off the summer sun, the cold snap won’t compare to what was seen in January. Temperatures should be about 10 to 30 degrees below average for the month of July.

Then again, even in Texas, where they’re experiencing a horrible drought, climate change is denied by millions. So, maybe direct experience isn’t even enough to overcome the science denial industry.