I guess some people are freaking out about the patient in Atlanta who is being treated for the Ebola virus. They shouldn’t be.
United Nations schools in Gaza do not appear to be any safer as shelters than any place else.
I had no idea that Curb Your Enthusiasm star Cheryl Hines was getting married to Robert Kennedy Jr. Congratulations to them.
Bill Clinton is a big man for agreeing to eulogize Richard Mellon-Scaife. A very big man.
I’m not sure why anyone cares what Rep. Steve King of Iowa thinks about anything. He’s crazy.
The Billings Gazette thinks Sen. John Walsh should give up on seeking a full six-year term.
Most people think Liz Cheney is a despicable disgrace.
Algae blooms in Lake Erie are causing some severe problems with the availability of safe drinking water.
Sam Youngman attended the Fancy Farm shindig in Kentucky. Biggest news was the sheer tonnage of food they had there.
Michael Oren offers a defense of Zionism in the Wall Street Journal.
What’s on your mind?
When I said that the US was backing Ukrainian fascists, I was referring to these people:
Hillary cozied up to schaife during her 2008 campaign. I thought it was kind of a sick thing for her to do under the circumstances and one (of many) reasons I didn’t vote for her.
From one perspective, the Scaife attacks ultimately worked out well for Hillary’s political career.
Oh dear:
Obama Dismisses Russia: It ‘Doesn’t Make Anything’
As compared with the US that makes — what is it we make these days? Oh, right, lots of weapons and a new generation of nukes. Does Russia no longer make weapons?
Immigrants may not be rushing to Moscow, but the flow of Russian speaking Ukrainians to Russia has not been insignificant in the past few weeks.
See Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine for why Russian life expectancy plummeted in the 1990s. Forbes described it as a “botched transition from communism,” but leaves out the fact that it was western neo-liberals that were the architects of that transition. For men it’s now back to where it was before the collapse of the USSR, but it wasn’t all that good then nor now.
On the country that sort of makes things, he said:
Apparently they don’t make the right things.
Oh yeah, and “We tortured some folks.”
Right to the point, Marie! What does he think the USA makes except “financial innovations”.
BTW, those defective GM ignition switches seems to have been made in China, not Ohio. Perhaps they were even designed there.
wow! no drama Obama. love this president!
What’s on my mind? Peach and apple trees shriveling up and dying in my yard despite TLC from me. It seems to be one with the inferno on the West coast and the boiling (metaphorically speaking) Pacific Ocean.
DKos has a front page post about climatologists thinking the the Siberian sinkholes are due to the permafrost thawing. I’ve studied a lot about mathematical catastrophe theory (hardest math I ever studied) and I know a complex system can change state in a twinkling of an eye.
I can’t believe my siblings and I survived a childhood swimming in the cesspool that is Lake Erie…
Check the color of this water: http://www.toledoblade.com/Medical/2014/08/03/Still-no-timetable-on-when-it-s-safe-to-drink-water-Oh
Voluntary restrictions on ag run-off are not working.
The water supply was contaminated last year in my home town just outside of Toledo…the problem is just getting bigger.
C-Span showed the Senate candidates’ speeches at Fancy Farm. I was pleased that Lundergan Grimes’ campaign organized a large and loud crowd for the event. It was also good to see Alison sharp on the stump, and good to hear McConnell trot out talking points of the rawest red meat. Sounded like he’s still trying to hold his base; his right wing hate radio references didn’t sound like they would persuade the persuadeable.
I don’t live in Kentucky, however, so maybe my ear is off. Any Kentuckians here who can tell us what they think of this campaign?