I guess it is a little fun to point at Antonin Scalia and mock and laugh. He truly is a ridiculous figure. He’s basically a rotund troll sent here by Ronald Reagan to be a pimple on the ass of the American justice system. It serves him right that his own hateful anti-gay dissent in Windsor actually bolstered the case for gay marriage. And he has to live with that failure. The clown.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I think Kevin Sorbo is right up there with Fat Tony.
Wanker of the Century
An ass wipe for sure. Schadenfreude is nice but I won’t be remotely pleased with anything relating to the S.Ct. or its members until liberals are in the majority again.
Strict construction of “equal protection of the law” and rhetorical slip-up in his ability to actually be a loose constructionist did him in.
God is a just God who will not be mocked.
Is this a subtle hint that it’s time for him to retire?
Time for God to take him home.
Isn’t that the protocol for most drunks who’ve overstayed their time at the bar.
It seems to me that most of these conservative white male leaders are objectively silly and ridiculous figures when one reads profiles of their personal lives, especially the supposedly bright ones like Scalia. But frankly, for Scalia, the laugh’s on all of us, and the nation.
He’s won more than he’s lost, and he’s probably pretty satisfied in these days of Roberts Repubs and their (usually) radical rulings—even though Scalia obviously hasn’t won ’em all, gay marriage most especially. If he was truly unhappy or bitter about future prospects he could just retire, but he knows he’s got a big say in the continued wrecking and damaging of the nation and its (actual) traditions. And he’s lovin’ it.
Like Uncle Clarence, he’ll hang on to the most bitter possible end, likely dying on the bench. His principal motivation right now is to spite lib’ruls and advance all items on the “conservative” agenda, precedent be damned.