Aviva Shen at Think Progress points out that, overall, women will only benefit when the pill is made an over the counter drug if it continues to be fully covered on people’s health insurance. Otherwise, access will actually go down.
The Economist apologizes for publishing a ridiculous review of Edward Baptist’s “The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism.”
The most interesting thing about this tragic story about an elderly British woman being beheaded by a crazed stranger is how the police handled the suspect. Please note, they didn’t shoot him ten times and leave him lying in the street for four hours despite that fact the was clearly a major danger to both the public and the responding officers.
Hillary Clinton makes an announcement, of sorts. She’ll tell us if she’s running for president, but not until next year.
When it comes to Derek Jeter, people talk too much. Just enjoy the next few weeks and show some respect. No one could ever conduct themselves with more class than Derek Jeter.
I know what Lindy West is saying about Ricky Gervais.
At Ten Miles Square Johann Koehler has some weekend movie advice.
At College Guide Sara Neufeld writes about the lack preschool access for Latinos in Illinois.
Let’s have some more Specials.
Agreed, Derek Jeter is a great, great player. That said, this made me laugh out loud:
Anyone who tells Derek Jeter to eat a bag of dicks is on my permanent shit list.
Eh, that’s Deadspin for you. They’re all about the hate. Note the left margin menu with “Why Your Team Sucks 2014” articles for most of the NFL. (I’m surprised the Washington article didn’t even mention the special teams.)
some really fun Economist book reviews on twitter
trying again to link to responses on Twitter:
The Economist apologizes for publishing a ridiculous review of Edward Baptist’s “The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism.”
The Economist did back slavery in the 1860’s. So ….
Jeter is a great player, and will certainly be enshrined in Cooperstown in 5 years. But people are getting overly effusive in their praise – I’ve heard people say he’s one of the best of all time. Just stop. No, he’s not. Unless “one of the best” means “one of the 150 or so best” but that’s not usually what that implies.
OTC Plan B isn’t inexpensive and at $35 to $60 is a barrier for many women, particularly young women. And it’s not so easy to find out insurance coverage/payment options. No wonder Plan B One-Step offers an on-line coupon for a $10 reduction.
The US is backwards on this compared to some other countries:
True or not?
On his tourist visit from Cardiff to Stonehenge, President Obama took time out to use the ancient religious monument to sacrifice and elephant.
Just wanted to start that rumor before FoxNews did.
Hey, White House, instead of an ISIS AUMF vote or an immigration vote as a litmus test before the election, what about this?
“New polling suggests a vote on Social Security expansion could help Democrats hold the Senate”
Couldn’t hurt in the House either.
Well, Message to Rudy is a cover of course, but a good one. I like good covers.
I want to post something to encourage you to keep up music threads. Don’t always have the time to contribute, but I like them.
Here’s another song by Dandy Livingstone, the original artist of Message.
I have heard tell of economists thinking slavery was an economically losing proposition in America. And that it was in fact a drag on the development of capitalism.
Never close out your options before you have to, I say. Which is to say I can’t blame her.