Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is a very serious person.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said on Thursday that if he became president he would repeal all previous executive orders.
“I think the first executive order that I would issue would be to repeal all previous executive orders,” he said, according to Breitbart News.
Isn’t that a great idea?
Repealing all executive orders has the potential to undo a large amount of policy. Executive orders, for example, ban assassinations by the United States and organize intelligence agencies under the Director of National Intelligence.
Hmm. Maybe it’s not such a great idea.
“Senator Paul’s statement was meant to emphasize this president’s overt and unconstitutional executive orders, it was not meant to be taken literally,” Paul spokesman Sergio Gor wrote in an email.
Alrighty then. Never mind.
I take it that this falls in the same category as serial plagiarism. It doesn’t matter if you said it or pretended to write it because it wasn’t intended to be taken seriously.
What an A-hole. I can’t imagine why AG supports him.
Booman quotes The Hill…a plainly pro-Permanent Government media site…regarding Rand Paul’s statement of his intent to repeal all executive orders:
Since when has the U.S. obeyed any “ban on assassinations?”
Please. Get real.
And since when are we to believe that an incompetent, lying, ass-covering bureaucrat like James Clapper could ride herd on the vicious Spook System of the United States of Omertica? He’s not supposed to be able to do that. His job is to cover for them.
Please. Get real squared.
Cubed, even.
So…where’s the beef, Booman? If “executive orders” have no real power…if their real function is just more federal ass-covering, more advertising for the rapidly failing brand “USA”…then why would it not be a good idea to can them all and start with a fresh slate? Start with an executive order of some sort…one with real teeth in it, like bringing the troops home as fast as the ships can get there (famously proposed by Ron Paul during his non-personing years)…and then enforce the hell out of it!!!
As things stand now, no laws of any kind…from speed limits and anti-littering laws right on up to First Amendment Rights…are enforced with any reliable sense of regularity on any level of government in the United States. None of them. The police system does not do it, the court system does not do it and the legislative system itself is so broken that it passes so many laws with so many loopholes that the fastest computer in the world could not handle the confusion that those laws cause. Confusion of course being the only thing that said laws are really meant to enforce, because with confusion comes lawlessness and with lawlessness comes great wealth for those who know how to manipulate it to their best advantage.
Your snark is lame, Booman.
Because it is on the wrong side of the law.
In Alice In Wonderland U.S.A., allying oneself with “the law” is a sure sign of lawlessness.
Get it?
The beef is that Paul frequently says something superficial or simplistic (and 99% of the time displays ignorance as well) that is music to some ears. Then when challenged, says “never-mind” that isn’t heard or is dismissed by those that heard the music.
Going off on a tangent about the executive orders that were selected (a poor choice IMHO) to challenge Paul’s assertion of what he would if he were POTUS does nothing for your case because it would be foolish to think/believe that has any intention doing away with those two. Plus Congress is fully vested in the power to legislate away any executive order that goes beyond the administration and management powers granted to the executive through legislative actions.
Just another one of Paul’s lame statements meant to make his Tea Party base feel good. Regrettably, those people will take his statement about repealing all executive orders seriously, and some will quite literally.
Soooo, he hates Executive Orders so much, he’s planning on issuing an Executive Order about stopping Executive Orders.
I’m confused.
He meant what he said . Except when he didn’t.
…or seriously. Next, Paul will promise to abolish the income tax and repeal gravity.
All Rand Paul is doing is holding the door open for Ted Cruz. This is not presidential timber.
Republicans think that having a wooden head equals presidential timber.
You’re saying Ron Paul is cast as Geppetto in this little fairy tale? Maybe you are on to something:
I’m going to start watching his nose.
Could we rescind the entire eight Cheney/Bush presidency years?
Rand Paul makes small-l libertarian statements that gets left-wing libertarians all excited. And then the GOP leadership has him reel those statements back in and toe the permagov line. And he does, and does it so ungracefully that it is painfully obvious that all along he’s just shilling. Just a different flavor of the old John McCain mavericky shtick.
I’ll believe there are some principles there when Rand Paul actually sacrifices something for them. Just another small-town medical practitioner gone to Congress to protect his own precious income. Sorta like Paul Broun before Broun let his license lapse, got religion, and went over the edge.
If you are currently in the system, regardless of how you posture, you eventually have to be permagov-approved. Rand Paul made by inheritance.
Lol@ Paul Ryan being thought of as serious. It’ll be high comedy if he decides to run for President. He’s going to get it worse than his dad.
Rand’s actions speak volumes for who the real Ron is.
“Senator Paul’s statement was meant to emphasize this president’s overt and unconstitutional executive orders, it was not meant to be taken literally,” Paul spokesman Sergio Gor wrote in an email.
by unconstitutional, the senator from KY means “executive orders i personally don’t like.” a very serious man indeed.
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