It used to be that it was bad form to break up with someone over the phone. Then it evolved to be bad form to break up with someone with post-it note. Now, it’s morphed again. Today, it’s bad form to break up with someone on Facebook.
The very public break-up between Rep. Mark Sanford and his fiancée came as a surprise to his fiancée, who told the New York Times on Saturday that she learned about it from the media.
Maria Belen Chapur told the Times that she had spent time with Sanford in Paris last week. Chapur had such a wonderful time during their time in France that she felt it was like a “honeymoon,” she said.
But then she learned Saturday that Sanford had written a 2,400-plus word post on Facebook announcing his intention to break up with her.
“I learned it from the press today,” she told the Times.
I guess I am going with a South Carolina theme today, but one does wonder how awful a Republican would have to behave to get kicked out of office in the Palmetto State.
So, no more hiking the Appalachian Trail?
Not marrying before election day might have been a problem especially since the Ms. Sanford the state First Lady made some press comments recently. Now, he looks to the good-ole-boys like the guy who’s so good he can drop a hot chick like she’s trash.
But there are others in South Carolina wondering about Sanford and whether he’s another closet case. South Carolina political gossip just got a new topic.
And Mark Sanford is unopposed this year unless someone can figure a write-in strategy that deals with SC election law. Another case of political malpractice, given this recent turn of events.
Which makes me wonder is Brad Hutton will call out Lindsey for being a bedwetter.
Guessing the “honeymoon” wasn’t mutual.
As rude (cowardly?) as “Dear Jane/John” letters, break-up phone calls, phone message machine break-up messaging, email messages were, at least they were private communications unless the dumpee chose to share them with others. Perhaps I’m old-fashioned and Facebook is how a unilateral decision to end a relationship is done today. It does have the advantage of cutting down on the time required to let others know that one is now single and available.
As if being dumped isn’t humiliating enough, Facebook/tech facilitates a new level of cruelty with the ease of making the humiliation public. Oh well, it’s not as if people haven’t embraced doing all sorts of things on-line that just weren’t done in the past.
This guy has the judgment of…well, a Republican. There he is, on a huge social media site announcing that he’s intent on screwing over a woman, again. Guess the women’s vote really is irrelevant and something to be jeered at for him.
Political or not he just seems to be a media whore in any position he can get its attention.
Why not? It’s not as if women didn’t prefer this heel for Congress over a qualified woman.
SC: Worst voters in the entire country and that’s up against some heavy competition.
Wouldn’t say worst — at the House level, Sanford isn’t close to being the dumbest or craziest. At least he hasn’t been exposed as a diaper wearing prostitute patron like a certain Senator that had no trouble being re-elected.
But they had Jim DeMint and still have Lindsey Graham (apparently he does do a lot of constituent service) and Tim Scott and Nikki Haley and… but you’re probably right.
And the record of the state from John C Calhoun to Jesse Helms. It’s like they’ve been working at it ceaselessly throughout our entire history!
Iowa has the best schools in the country. Northwest Iowa sends Steve King to Congress. I’ll stack that bunch up against the BMW and Michelin workers who elected Trey Gowdy in SC-04 any day. And then there’s TX-01 around Tyler TX who keep sending Louis Gohmert back. And NC-10 around the University of effing Georgia, who kept Paul Broun in office and now has the option of sending Rev. Jody Hice to replace him.
With Michele Bachmann retiring, I would say that those are your top contenders for the crazy now. The dear folks of Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester, and the other counties of SC-01 are clearly in the minors of bad voters.
We’ll see this year if NW Iowa can keep the fallen farthest crown.
Get kicked out? To where? SC is where they end up, there is nowhere else to go…