Senator Lindsey Graham is a grown man who still wets his bed every night when he goes to sleep.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) blasted President Barack Obama’s plan to defeat ISIS during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, calling the commander-in-chief “disingenuous and delusional” and warning that Americans will be “killed here at home” unless he sends ground troops into Iraq and Syria to defeat the terrorist threat.
Comparing the estimated 30,000 ISIS fighters to the Nazis, Graham warned that “this idea we’ll never had any boots to defeat them in Syria is fantasy.” He argued that given the growth of the “radical Islamic army” and its control of territory in northern Iraq and Syria, “it’s going to take an army to beat a army.” “This is ISIL versus mankind,” he said, using another acronym for the group.
“To destroy ISIL, you have to kill or capture their leaders, take back their territory, cut off the finances and destroy the capability to regenerate. This is a war we’re fighting not a counter terrorism operation,” Graham continued. “This president needs to rise to the occasion before we all get killed back here at home.”
There really in no excuse for a 59 year old man to not be housebroken. The idea that we are all going to get killed if the president doesn’t immediately send ground troops to Iraq and Syria is the intellectual equivalent of having night terrors about monsters in your closet and under your bed.
It is unbecoming for a grown man to publicly display this degree of cowardice. I don’t normally associate myself with the prevailing political attitudes of South Carolinians, but if they vote Senator Graham out of office for being an embarrassment who reflects poorly on the bravery of their state, I will certainly understand.
You dare speak about Senator Pittypat like that..
This sort of thinking is, unfortunately, normal in all military empires. A permanent military, absorbing half of all non-retirement (social security and medicare) funds absolutely must justify its existence by: coming up with a military solution to all problems; inventing problems that do not exist (this example here); and intervening to cause problems if the first two don’t work.
Fox News brings someone on television to scare the natives. (yawn) Business Model (/yawn)
For the crowd that screams that we can’t afford healthcare, unemployment extensions, schools and highways, etc. – it amazes me that they will spend and ENDLESS amount of money on killing people.
Years ago Denis Kucinich said “Why is it we have finite resources for health care but unlimited money for war?” and republicans ridiculed him as they gerrymandered him out of his working class congressional district.
Republicans like Senators Graham and McCain are always willing to sacrifice other peoples children to war all for their own political gain.
Just as long as its not their children who are doing the sacrificing.
Sounds like a campaign slogan: “Conservatives are pansies.” We have decades worth of footage of GOP cowardice. Chris Christie yelling at schoolteachers, the South Carolina Senator pissing his pants, not calling out Rush Limbaugh, whenever they say socialism, etc. Damn, the list is endless. That’s some framing right there. Lackoff would be proud.
It’s Lakoff (George Lakoff) for those not familiar with his work in cognitive psychology.
May help him hide the closet from SC voters. Or he pretends not to live in a closet and SC voters pretend not to see a closet.
My sense from my SC friends is that it’s “pretend” and “pretend”. Apparently, more SC GOP pols than Graham are vulnerable if no one cares about sexual orientation anymore. The “don’t flaunt it” rule of GOP politics apparently operates as well. “We accept them as long as they don’t shove it in our faces.” was the way the “Don’t flaunt it” rule was once put by a GOP pol.
That would have been my guess. Conservatives/traditionlists have plenty of experience with hypocrisy. Doubt ole Strom’s secret mixed race daughter was as much of a secret in SC as it was outside SC.
You forgot the detail about that daughter being conceived as a result of rape. This was an event that happened in 1925 with his father’s housekeeper. Southern society was then and now too polite to call it what it was. Most likely only some folks in Edgefield knew and most black communities in an outside SC.
Sort of gives insight into the heart of a Dixiecrat, doesn’t it.
Didn’t forget, but am guessing that as child support was paid, there was more silence for that detail than that of parentage.
All formal rigid class societies operate similarly. With it’s stronger race basis, it’s just more rigid in the south than other parts of the country, but they’re moving forward and the year 1900 is on the horizon.
That would be about when miscegenation laws entered the lawbooks — 1900. Progress, least of all in the South, has never been linear.
Yes, yes, Lindsey. War is fabulous.
This is showboating cowardice. The profound institutional cowardice Lindsey Graham showed was when he and Senator McCain pontificated against Bush’s torture regime and then turned around and voted for the Military Commissions Act because Mitch McConnell told them to.
My SC friends on Facebook have seen the bedwetting GOP and bedwetting Lindsey theme since this run-up to war began.
His “only Americans can be targets” shtick is getting old. There are close to 100,000 troops in the area who are defending the homes and families from ISIL/ISIS and just needing the political accommodation to coordinate.
In my opinion, the entire Congress comprise scared little people, so eager to reach for the gun (military) instead of trying to find out who’s at the door (diplomacy). Or besotten with the idea of controlling other people’s lives.
Where are the Democrats who are going to stand against mission creep, which will completely undo this delicate operation? Where are the Democrats who are going to insist that this operation be delivered accurate intelligence? Where are the Democrats who will insist on proper financial procedures so that the military contractors don’t rip off the American people yet again?
Contrasting against silence is no contrast at all.
Graham and all the other Congressional bedwetters and faux-CINCs have real power to shape our war policy – if they would just do their own actual jobs and stop trying to do the president’s.
When will Graham be asked about the Congressional hearings and votes and bills he’s proposing and/or co-sponsoring to protect Amercia from ISIL?
It’s so tiresome that taking this kind of irresponsible pot shot on matters of grave concern to the entire nation isn’t called out by the media or by other Democrats.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
PolicyBear: Why Doesn’t Linsey Graham Run for President?