Good morning Tribbers!

John Baer connects some dots in the Pennsylvania’s Pornogate scandal.

Tim Kaine wants to “constrain the president’s unilateral power to make war”, a power I don’t believe actually HAS.

Leon Panetta is complaining about ISIL and Iraq and other things too.

Meanwhile, Reince Priebus (a man whose name sounds like a venereal disease) says that the insane abortion restrictions in Texas are all about compassion.

I will be spending the day at a golf fundraiser for my job, making the rich donors happy. So here -for the gents- is an instructional piece on how to dress business casual. It’s not that difficult, but I need a few more odd jackets (don’t we all).

And finally, a little music. Gus Cannon’s Jug Band Stompers with a mournful little piece…

…and something a little peppier:

Enjoy your day!