Saw this in Oui’s diary and thought it worthwhile to add my own thoughts about it.
UPDATE: Mea culpa on getting the Rabbi’s name wrong. It is Shlomo, not Shalom. Changes have been made. As for the objection to the link, I have provided a link to the the Rabbi’s sermon from a site that approves of its message. I wanted to us the link to the website of the Congregation Etz Chaim, but apparently that site has scrubbed it from their site. At least I am not able to get the links to it there to work.
In addition, since I have been accused of pulling a “Brietbart,” I am including the full text of the sermon replacing the excerpts previously shown.
Rabbi Shalom Shlomo Lewis of Congregation Etz Chaim in the Atlanta suburb of Marietta, Georgia gave a sermon on Thursday, September 29, 2014, Rosh Hashanah, one of the High Holy Days in the Jewish religion, to call for the genocidal slaughter of Muslims. Seriously, that is what he preached, a cry for collective punishment for the bad acts of a few.
(cont. reading below the fold)
I thought that maybe I’d start with a rendition of Paul McCartney’s plaintive masterpiece “Yesterday”… “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they’re here to stay, oh I believe in yesterday” – but then I thought too romantic.
And then I thought, how about the favorite classic we all learned as children – “Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, Dormez-vous, Dormez-vous, Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines, Ding Daing Dong, ding daing dong. Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, Brother John, Brother John” but then I said to myself…too French.
Perhaps the story of Chicken Little – “The sky is falling. The sky is falling” and I thought getting closer but too childish. What about Santayana’s “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Maybe, but too philosophical. And then I remembered Joseph Conrad’s sadly, cynical observation – – “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness,” and sadly it felt right. And so, here were are in a place of unimagined chaos and cowardice, paralysis and brutality. The beast roams the earth; we are stymied, stunned and continue to fiddle.
My friends, “Ehr Kumpt. Part 2, the Sequel.”
This is not a time for delicacy. For tiptoeing. It is not a time to parse words nor worry about offending someone with unfiltered vocabulary. Time is no longer a luxury we possess. Distance, no longer provides protection. We are being threatened like no time before, by an enemy obsessed with an apocalyptic end game that will bring only disaster. An enemy that worships savagery. An enemy that celebrates depravity. An enemy that glorifies the death of the young.
There has been a seismic shift in our world. We feel it. We see it. We know it. We dare not deny it. Pick up any newspaper on any day, the first page, the second page, the third page, the fourth page and beyond – – most of the articles are about radical Muslims, not just ISIS, immersed in a vicious culture of blood and slaughter. Skip to the sports page or the crossword puzzle if you wish but that doesn’t make the uncomfortable news go away.
In fact, it brings joy to the jihadists who hope for our indifference. If we deny evil then we need not fight it. It doesn’t exist – just a few lunatics, thousands of miles away, pounding sand, blowing each other up and occasionally beheading an unlucky journalist. Not so bad.
For years we have been mercifully spared the ugliness and intimacy of war. The Battle of the Bulge and Iwo Jima were a black and white movie tone newsreel after Tom & Jerry and before the Pride of the Yankees. We planted victory gardens, rolled up tin foil, bought Liberty Bonds, said goodbye to fathers, sons and brothers. But the trenches were on the other side of the Atlantic and Pacific. So too, every other subsequent conflict. The Yanks were coming but the shooting was “over there.” We suffered little. But today, war has been redefined and relocated. Geneva is finished. We are all combatants in the cross hairs. We are all on the front lines, like it or not. The battlefield has no boundaries and the war, no rules. The enemy targets deliberately, fiendishly, any place of innocence. All are vulnerable and so we must recalculate our strategy, re-examine our tolerance, re-energize our resolve and unequivocally identify the evil doers. Let us not be silenced by fear, by feckless goodwill, by reckless hope, by meaningless rhetoric.
There are one billion Muslims in the world and authorities agree that 5% are committed Islamists who embrace terror and wish to see, by any means possible, the Muslim flag fly over every capital, on every continent. I was relieved when I heard only 5%. Thank God it’s only 5%. Now I could sleep soundly. But wait, let me figure this out, 5% of a billion is… 50 million Koran waving, Allah Akbar howling Muslim murderers out there planning to slit our throats, blow us up or forcibly convert us.
It only took 19 of Osama bin Laden’s disciples to bring down the Twin Towers, plow into the Pentagon and crash a plane into Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 dead. Over $10 billion in damages on that sad day. 19 Al Qaeda. 50 million Islamists. Do the math.
But what disturbs me is where are the other 950 million Muslims who are not terrorists? Who are not bomb blasting, acid throwing, zealots? Where are the other 950 million Muslims who tuck their children in at night with a lullaby, who are okay with Christians and Jews, crave a peaceful world and wish nothing more than a tasty bowl of hummus and a friendly game of Shesh Besh with a neighbor?
I want to believe they are out there for their sake and for ours. I want to believe they weep in pain over the desecration of their faith. I want to believe that we have partners who dream the dreams we do and wish upon the same star.
I want to believe – – but where are they?
A silent partnership is no partnership. Sin is not just in the act of commission – it is also in the act of omission. Most Germans were not Nazis – but it did not matter.
Most Russians were not Stalinists – but it did not matter.
Most Muslims are not terrorists – but it does not matter.
Stand up righteously or get out of the way. Perhaps in every mosque, in every midrassah, in every Muslim neighborhood, Edmund Burke’s powerful warning should be chiseled on a wall in Arabic, in Farsi, in Pashto, in Urdu, for all to read and heed. “All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.”
A couple of months ago, 3 young Israelis were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and killed. And so began Operation Protective Edge. But the Gaza war was much more than shooting down rockets and blowing up tunnels – it was the preview, the soft opening, for a much more serious war – a genuine world war. It was a test of resolve, of fortitude. It was a test watched carefully by the indecent forces of a rising Islamist world. Israel is only the beginning. The first prize sought in what promises to be a protracted, multi-generational Kulterkampf. Israel made the headlines but the front lines are all over the map – we just don’t know it yet. The whole world was watching and our performance was pathetic. We, the good guys, stumbled at the gate; tripped clumsily in an embarrassing display of moral confusion and ineptitude. It was amateur hour and the bad guys were licking their chops.
I say the following unapologetically and with a heavy heart. When the war began, the President of the United States, the leader of the Free World, should have immediately, instinctively invited to the Oval Office, the leading Democrats and Republicans of the Senate and the House, his cabinet and all significant Washington political players. Every domestic and international news organization should have been notified and the following talk broadcast across the planet.
“Fellow Americans – a crisis has erupted once again in the Middle East and I have been told that the war between Israel and Hamas is complex and nuanced. I have been told that our great nation must be evenhanded- but I am here to say with no equivocation, with no hesitation, this war is not complex. This war is not nuanced and we will not be evenhanded in this confrontation of good and evil, of right and wrong, of civilization and savagery. We Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives from sea to shining sea, stand together in unshakable support of Israel against foul, corrupt, murderers who sacrifice the lives of children in their pursuit of power. To Israel we say – do whatever you must. To Israel we say, take whatever time you need to crush this vile enemy and whatever you require, you can count on us. To the world we say, Israel is fighting for all of us – for our values, for our principles, for our civilization. Support her efforts, as we do, in every way possible. I will not tolerate any words of disparagement against our greatest ally and friend in the Middle East. God bless Israel and God bless the United States of America.”
But these words did not ring forth from the White House, the capital of the free world. What we did hear was “No victor, no vanquished.” This statement was our President’s strategic plan. No call for triumph over terrorism, but a weak kneed, stalemate with butchers – a tie between good and evil. Right and wrong. Civilization and savagery.
This did not go unnoticed.
Media coverage during the war was biased and shameful with a few notable exceptions. To permit Hamas spokesmen and Hamas sympathizers to speak and to defend their monstrous deeds to millions of viewers is morally shocking. To promote equivalency between Israel and Hamas is morally appalling. With my remote, I would channel surf, go from station to station and I could not believe what I was hearing on CNN, CBS, BBC, ABC, MSNBC, and all the rest. The grotesque propaganda, the repulsive distortions – the tolerance of the wicked.
And this did not go unnoticed.
As I sat through these numbing broadsides, I wondered if our mainstream media during WWII would have invited the Germans and the Japanese to share their perspectives on the hostilities in Europe and in the Pacific. As they moaned about Dresden and the Doolittle Raid, would the anchors have nodded in sympathy? When the Germans and Japanese explained the need for the V1 and V2 bombardment of London and the necessity for the Bataan Death March, would the anchors have expressed understanding?
The obscenities and outright lies given airtime and legitimacy should be sickening to any person of conscience.
Words distinguish us from the beast. In a powerful Holocaust tale, Eli Wiesel painfully writes that when words lose their meaning, disaster follows. In today’s Middle East, lexicon; restraint means suicide. Terrorists have become militants. Self-defense is a war crime. Democracy is apartheid. Israelis and Jews have become Nazis. Warning civilians to get out of harm’s way has become genocide. 38 Muslim countries – 22 Arab countries and Israel, the only Jewish nation, must constantly defend her right to exist.
Russia invades. Nigeria enslaves. China oppresses. Pakistan rapes. Iraq slaughters. North Korea starves. Iran nuclearizes. Syria massacres. Venezuela plunders. Afghanistan tortures. Sudan annihilates. ISIS beheads and Israel is the pariah state, put under the microscope by the morally noxious.
And this did not go unnoticed.
Eric Hoffer, the longshoreman philosopher, wrote the following in 1968 – 46 years ago. His words have not grown stale with the passage of time. To the contrary, they are every bit as relevant and meaningful today, nearly 1/2 a century later.
I quote: “The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out 1,000’s, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it. Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey drove out a million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out, heaven knows how many Chinese and no one says a word about refugees. But, in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis. Other nations when victorious on the battlefield, dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious on the battlefield, it must sue for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in the world…Other nations when they are defeated, survive and recover, but should Israel be defeated, it would be destroyed…” Hoffers’ final words are chilling and prophetic. “I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish, the Holocaust will be upon us.” To those who are morally obtuse I say shame on you– from university professors to the useful idiots of the media, from liberal churches to Hollywood, from the United Nations to the clueless left – let me remind all the ‘misguided do-gooders” – your deeds do not go unnoticed.”
The world does not like a righteous Goliath especially if Goliath speaks Hebrew.
Let’s leave the Middle East and head to Europe. For those who have not been recently, it has changed. It has changed dramatically. The sights. The sounds. The crowds. The streets are much different than when we backpacked with our Eurorail passes – strolling down the Champs-Elysees, chasing pigeons at Trafalgar Square, wandering the backstreets of Amsterdam after dark. The continent that gave birth to Western civilization, the continent that defined high culture is crumbling before our very eyes. Because of well-intentioned tolerance and an undisciplined pluralism, Europe is returning to the dark ages. By most estimates, Europe will be unrecognizable by the middle of this century – crushed by a demographic tsunami. The birthrate of the Brits, the French, the Dutch and the rest of the EU is well below ZPG. The Muslim community’s birthrate is prolific. The danger, however, is that Europe has not been a melting pot, assimilating new Muslims. And these new Muslims, for the most part, are not interested in respecting the great democracies of Europe. They want Sharia law and Islamic culture to be ascendant and with their birthrate, the ballot box and their disdain for the West, in time, they will get it.
The element that is surging and redefining Europe are not the democracy respecting Muslims but those who are rampaging in nearly every capital. They are preaching hate for Jews, for Christians, for Israel, for America, for the entire Western world. It is not our grandfather’s Europe and it will not be a Europe our grandchildren will recognize.
For the record, Europe is being flooded not by freedom loving, tolerant, assimilating Muslims who wish to share in Western freedom, in Western tolerance, in Western culture but rather by violent Islamists, extremists who reject every value we treasure. We love ethnic communities – they are vibrant, exciting, magical faraway places only a walk away. Chinatown, Little Odessa, Greek town, Little Havana, Lower Eastside, Little Italy, but what is spreading across Europe are not charming, quaint neighborhoods enjoyed by locals and camera toting tourists in search of a charming restaurant. These are beachheads for invasion.
Want to stare down a guard at Buckingham Palace? Do it soon.
Want to see the Follies-Bergere dance the Can Can? Do it soon.
Want to sip wine at the vineyards of Tuscany? Do it soon.
Want to sunbathe on the beaches of San Trope? Do it soon.
The sun never set on the British Empire but now there is a cold darkness settling on Europe. A Nihilism. A corruption. A perversion in the name of Allah. A Kristallnacht of European and Western culture is coming that will destroy a millennia of creative genius. Don’t listen to me. Listen to what the Islamists preach. Don’t listen to me. Look at what the Islamists do. It is not a leap into fantasy to perceive a dystopian future that is irretrievably ugly and inconceivably vile.
· The Sistine Chapel demolished for portraying God’s image.
· The Pieta, Venus de Milo, David smashed. Idolatry.
· Botticelli’s and Goya’s and Renoirs and Rubens torched – paintings of women not wearing a hijab and chador.
· The Guttenberg Bible. The Magna Carta. Tossed into a bonfire. Profane literature.
· Museums all across Europe vandalized by marauding Islamist fanatics.
Even the Nazis saved the masterpieces.
· Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart silenced.
· The end of opera. Rossini, Verdi, Puccini gone.
· For Shakespeare, Cervantes, Moliere. The Final curtain, a dark stage.
Even the Nazis enjoyed the classics.
I must assume there are skeptics out there – folks who disbelieve my warnings and might label me an alarmist – a Paul Revere wannabe – galloping across the Pyrenees through the European heartland in the shadow of the Alps crying out “The Muslims are coming. The Muslims are coming.” I weighed each and every word carefully. Repeatedly. Was I treading into bigotry? … into melodrama?
Speak with the ‘canaries in the mine’, the Jews of Europe, fleeing in record numbers. Synagogues fire bombed. Jewish businesses vandalized. Children threatened on their way to school. Kippot buried in their pockets. Mezuzot. Hamsas. Magen Davids dangling on chains tucked under shirts and under blouses to hide Jewish identity. Israeli products pulled off store shelves. This is not the 1930’s nor the 1940’s and yet it is. 68 years since the Nazis defeat but their descendants are making Hitler proud picking up where he left off.
“I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish, the Holocaust will be upon us.” Slip in the word “Jew” for Israel and we see the future of Europe.
This ever-growing tragedy doesn’t end neatly in Europe, in the Middle East, in Mumbai or the Philippines. Most of us have never tasted the bitterness of war. Witnessed its horror. Clawed our way out from beneath tons of rubble. But we dare not be complacent and cry out confidently – “we have 2 oceans and the TSA to protect us.” We live in a shrunken world. In a porous country. In an open society. We have become perilously naïve. Recklessly evenhanded. Unacceptably tolerant. Dangerously comfortable. The greatest generation has spawned the clueless generation. I say it again loudly, slowly and clearly – we are at war, here in America as well, with radical Islamists. We have been attacked repeatedly and yet we continue to turn away. We euphemize the enemy. Disguising his identity and his intent. There will not be armadas chanting “Allah Akbar” landing on the beaches of Malibu and Boca. No vast battalions chanting “Allah Akbar” while crossing the Rio Grande or the 45th Parallel – but make no mistake – we are at war, right now, this very minute. The tactics have changed. The battlefield is different. The rules of engagement have been redefined but we dare not make the mistake that all is well and that Islamic terrorists are simply violent criminals. That Islamic terrorists are just a bunch of unemployed losers, no part of a vast network hell bent on destroying our country. Their disunity in numbers but their unity in purpose is their power. The Lone Wolf is deadly and we are the prey.
Ask the man or woman on the street when did this all start and most would reply: “On 9/11.” That was a catastrophic day, but not the start. For us here in America, the war began in Teheran in 1979 when our embassy was taken over. It has continued ruthlessly and without pause ever since. Lockerbie and Scotland, TWA Flight 840, the USS Cole, embassies and American interests bombed and Americans killed in Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Spain, Kenya, Germany, Egypt, Kuwait, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
Connect the dots.
Here on American soil, before 9/11, the Twin Towers were attacked in 1993. The Times Square bomber. The Tsarnev brothers in the Boston Marathon bombing. The Fort Hood massacre was not work place violence but the calculated, cold blooded murder of 13 American soldiers by a Muslim Jihadist yelling “Allah Akbar.” The shooting up in Little Rock, Arkansas of an army recruiting station. The murder of 2 CIA agents outside Langley by a Pakistani whose final words before meeting his maker were “There is no God but Allah.” The indignant, impious, arrogant claim By CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic relations-that anyone who commits an act of violence is by definition, not a Muslim. Therefore, a Muslim terrorist, a Muslim killer, a Muslim suicide bomber, is a misleading term of bigotry and Islamophobia. The slick, masterful ISIS recruitment in Minneapolis. New York. Colorado. On Facebook. On Twitter and across the country.
Connect the dots.
Let’s get Jewish-personal. A Zim Line cargo ship was prevented from offloading it’s cargo for 3 days because of pro-Palestinian mobs in Oakland, California. A young man from our shul on his 1st day of university was taught by his PhD, tenured professor that Israel committed ethnic cleansing in 1948… In Dade County a synagogue was defaced with swastikas and the words Hamas scrawled on its walls. A JCC in Seattle was attacked. A pro-Palestinian rally in Miami called for “the massacre of the Jews.” University campuses across the country, hot beds of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish hostility. A local merchant in Roswell told one of our members (not realizing she was Jewish and vocal) that she was fed up with Israel’s brutal treatment of the children of Gaza.
We are not Europe but connect the dots.
I am concerned, as we all should be, of the alarming surge in Islamist rhetoric, violence and influence. I am equally concerned, as we all should be, of the alarming silence and inaction of mainstream Muslims.
I fear political correctness run amuck. I fear the worship of multiculturalism. I fear progressive voices of repression. I fear a distorted media tolerant of intolerance. I fear politicians who prefer the easy, still of the night to the noble, necessary struggle of the day. I fear we are not so far away from where we thought we would never be.
Three thoughts to ponder. This past year many of us saw the Book of Mormon at the Fox. An irreverent, vulgar, hysterically entertaining musical about the Mormons. We parked our car at the Georgian Terrace and crossed Peachtree Street. In front of the theater were a half dozen, well dressed, mannerly Mormons handing out literature. “Sir, if you would like to know more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,” a young woman said to me as I took her brochure, “Please go to our website.” I thanked her. She smiled, wished me a pleasant evening and turned to speak with another ticket holder. I thought, “God bless these folks. This is how we disagree in America.” At the same moment I had another thought. What if Trey Parker and Matt Stone came out with a tasteless, bawdy musical that was hysterically entertaining entitled “The Quran, Allah’s Holy Book.” What would happen? It doesn’t take much imagination to answer that question. Jeff Foxworthy correctly wrote, “Have you ever wondered why it’s okay to make jokes about Catholics, the Pope, Jews, Christians, the Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Chinese, the French (including French Canadians)…but it’s insensitive to make jokes about Muslims?”
A few years back, a Danish newspaper “Jyllanns-Posten” printed 12 cartoons of the prophet Muhammad to illustrate an article. If the photos published were of Moses or Buddha or of the Apostle Paul, the event would have been met with a yawn. But not so with our Islamist friends. The reaction? Not a letter to the editor. Not a request to submit an op-ed. Not a friendly visit to the publisher – – but worldwide rage. Riots. Boycotts. Embassies burned. Ambassadors recalled. Attacks on Christians and on churches. 200 killed.
Soon after, a professor from Brandeis wrote a book on this outrageous event entitled, “12 Cartoons That Shook the World.” It was published by Yale University Press located at 302 Temple Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, United States of America. But what was missing in the book? What Yale University refused to print were the 12 cartoons and images of Muhammad. This self-censorship was shameful, cowardly, un-American and a sniveling submission to Islamic narcissism and intimidation.
Where is a great university’s courage? Where is Freedom of the Press? This happened in America. In the land of the free and in the home of, I hope, still the brave.
I recall, as we all do, the good old days when air travel was a pleasure. When I flew here to Etz Chaim in my commuting, student days, I’d catch a cab outside my apartment on the upper West side and be at LaGuardia in about 20 minutes. I’d check my bags in 2 minutes and be at the gate in 4 minutes, just in time to board my flight. I even got a meal.
In those days, flying was an adventure, even in coach. Today it is irritating and exhausting. What happened? What changed? Who’s to blame? Who has created the need for a multibillion dollar security industry? Who has created a tedious need for us to remove our shoes and belts, empty our pockets, pack only 3-1/2 ounces of Listerine, go through metal detectors and x-ray machines, submit to frisks and wand searches? Arrive hours before departure? Who is responsible? Let’s see – – not the Italian Mob, not skin heads, not neo Nazis, not Columbian drug cartels, not the Russian mafia, not the Crips nor the Bloods nor the Aryan Brotherhood, not the Ku Klux Klan. So who is it that has irretrievably ruined worldwide air travel?
So, think of a Muslim play on Broadway.
Think of a scholarly text on Muhammad.
Think of flying Delta or United or AirTran.
Think about it and connect the dots.
For us, WWII lasted 4 years. It has been 13 years since 9/11. 35 years since the invasion of our Iranian embassy and like it or not, we are still at war with radical Islam. Declaring we are not at war with radical Islam does not make it so. Roosevelt and Churchill got it and understood that the stakes were not just the Sudetenland and a few islands in the South Pacific. From the White House and 10 Downing Street, they understood it was planet earth. Today, the radical Islamists seek the same prize – not just Bagdad or Benghazi – but planet earth.
This is not dramatic fiction but the real thing. A handful of us, here today experienced the real thing about 11 weeks ago in Israel. We didn’t see the real thing on the nightly news nor read about it in the evening paper or hear about it in a long distance phone call from uncle Moshe in Tel Aviv. We were there as Kassam rockets rained down on Israel, on us, targeting, not military bases, not Merkava tanks, not IDF divisions, but children at play, families enjoying dinner, friends laughing over a beer, lovers strolling through a park, teenagers playing volleyball on the beach. The world watched and preached and judged and only now has begun to stir from their slumber of hypocrisy and inaction. Hamas is ISIS. ISIS is Hamas. They are all the same. Hezbollah. Islamic Jihad. Al Shabab. Muslim Brotherhood. Boko Haram. Al Qaeda. Taliban. Iran. The only difference, is the length of the knife they use in their butchery.
Israeli blood bleeds the same red as the blood of James Foley, of Steven Satloff, of David Hawthorne Haines of Christians and Yazidis.
Let’s reason some suggest. One last Hail Mary negotiation. Maybe we can figure out what’s bothering these troubled Muslims and perhaps they’ll tell us what we can do to resolve the friction. I am all for dialogue, but we are dealing with a moral species that eats its own, kills it’s young and celebrates innocent death as homage to God.
Osama bin Laden eluded capture for 10 years. Ever wonder why? There was a $25 million bounty on his head. That’s a lot of money. $25 million can by a lot of plastic surgery. A new identity. Rosetta Stone tapes. Elocution lesson. A suburban home. A Brooks Brothers wardrobe. New partners. New friends. Surf and turf every night and a round of golf every day.
In 10 years, there was not one betrayal of Osama bin Laden – – not one. And I asked myself, “why not?” – $25 million is a great amount of money and can easily facilitate a luxurious disappearance. The answer is simple. These Islamist criminals are unlike us in the most basic of ways and we have yet to accept and understand their total immersion in moral debauchery.
The enemy has eyes and ears. Fingers and toes. Speaks with lips. Runs with legs. Eats. Drinks. Has the face of a human being – but, has a much different heart and a much different soul.
Three years ago on this bima, on this very same day, standing at this podium, I cried out, “Ehr Kumpt – they are coming.” 3 years later on this bima, on this very same day, standing at this podium, I cry out not “Ehr Kumpt – they are coming,” I cry out, “Ehr daw – they are here.”
The fury of ultimate evil is upon us and we must act – not to contain it. Not to degrade it. Not to manage it. Not to tolerate it, but to exterminate it utterly and absolutely.
If we fail in this holy crusade, we will live in a world bereft of color. Empty of music, of art, of romance, of laughter, of freedom, of invention. A world barren of all beauty. Depleted of all virtue.
We are divided today not by faith nor holy book. We are divided today by decency and indecency. By right and wrong. By moral and corrupt. By courage and cowardice. By righteousness and evil.
The good citizens of earth must rise up. Gather on the mountain top and proclaim in thundering unison the words of Isaiah:
“Hoy ha’omrim lera tov v’la’tov rah – woe to them that call evil, good and good, evil. Who present darkness as light and light as darkness. Who call bitter, sweet and sweet, bitter.
We must turn back the evil.
We must turn back the darkness.
We must turn back the bitter.
My friends – Ehr daw – they are here.
Rabbi Lewis’s first day Rosh Hashanah sermon September, 2014
Just in case you missed it, here is the pertinent call in the good Rabbi’s sermon above where her calls for the death of all who profess the Islamic faith:
The fury of ultimate evil is upon us and we must act – not to contain it. Not to degrade it. Not to manage it. Not to tolerate it, but to exterminate it utterly and absolutely.
But that’s okay, because as he says elsewhere in his call to arms, “I am all for dialogue, but we are dealing with a moral species that eats its own, kills it’s young and celebrates innocent death as homage to God.”
Really, I have no words. This is a notable public figure whose views are apparently CNN worthy, since that network had him on as a guest to discuss the ban on US flights to Israel back during the IDF’s offensive against HAMAS in Gaza.
He has the right to say whatever he wants to say, obviously. I just wonder if he realizes who he sounds like to me when I read his sermon. Then again, in his mind, he is one of the good guys. One of the people willing to tell harsh truths, that others are too timid to say. One of the Righteous who can call for the slaughter of innocents without hesitation because they don’t have real souls, not like us. They don’t deserve to live in the same world we do.
How many others feel the same way as Rabbi Shalom Shlomo Lewis? I wonder …
Where are the voices of the 95% of Jews that don’t support the killing, jailing, and expulsion of non-Jews from Israel and the Palestinian territories? (Assuming that violence prone Zionists are as few within the Jewish community as Islamists are in the Muslim community.)
there’s a new thing called the google
There’s also an old thing called being a dick.
The number of Jews that speak up for the Palestinians is not only small, but they are routinely denigrated (labeled “self-hating Jews) and denied/fired from jobs.
Wow, you’re off base.
you are so wrong; use the google, or read some postings on Kos even
“How many others feel the same way as Rabbi Shalom Lewis? I wonder … “
In his own words: it does not matter.
As I read this, the Rabbi is not calling for the extermination of all muslims, but rather for the extermination of the evil 5%, as he puts it, who embrace terror tactics. Or perhaps, merely for the extermination of the evil, not the people, it’s not entirely clear to me. On Yom Kippur, extermination (removal) of evil (mainly in ourselves) is a common theme, through atonement.
We agree to disagree.
What is clear is that the Rabbi may have an alternative reason for what he desires. Could it be he owns large amounts of stock in an ammunition company? Either that or just fedup with all of the extremists in the world.
If the US can’t get beyond Achmadinejad, it will never go anywhere except to the bottom. And that’s where it’s going, fast. This rabbi is a racist hole. He represents much more than 5 percent of USAians, bet on it. We can also get excercised about Chavez or Castro. Why? Because they defy the powers that be, and we can’t have that. Give me instead a thousand Netanyahus!
everyone’s got beyond Ahmadinajad. haven’t you read the news lately?
Well yes, but then I looked at the link with his picture. Evidently my comment struck a … Your comment is misses the point.
well the speaker seems to be a crackpot.. imo Steven shouldn’t have front paged this.
I couldn’t get the links to work, so didn’t see pic
It may be the ‘only’ 5% are members of an extremest group, but their support goes deeper;
Statistics like this are disturbing.
Maybe because we keep bombing them, support the dictatorships that govern them, and do nothing to keep Israel from killing thousands of people in Gaza every other couple of years.
Certainly doesn’t help. Violence against innocents should be condemned, no matter who is the perpetrator: the US, Israel, ISIS.
What is clear is the the rabbi has gone native. His comments are not much different from his Marietta evangelical Christian right-wing clergy in this Newt-loving right-wing suburban city.
The view that people should atone by killing the evil other always is a popular opinion for some religious. That sort of atonement is in the same spirit as the ISIL jihadis’ jihad.
From my diary, in the article the Rabbi wrote last August, his name is Shalom Lewis, see link below. I couldn’t open any pages of the website of his congregation, nor from cached pages. In my diary I wrote about genocide of Muslims, not “all” muslims. Nevertheless the point is well taken, a fundamentalist equivalent to any other religious fanatic. No humanity, exploiting the islamophobic theme put forward by Sharon and Netanyahu for political gain. A sick and evil mind IMO. Israel uses terror for its Zionist ideal to conquer the West Bank. Thanks for covering this story, it will explode in the media just like the call for Obama’s assassination by the editor/owner of the The Atlanta Jewish Times in 2012.
○ Read the genocidal sermon a notable Atlanta rabbi gave this Rosh Hashanah | Mondoweiss |
○ Ehr Daw 2014 – Given on Rosh Hashanah, 5775
by Rabbi Shalom Lewis | Congregation Etz Chaim blog | Marietta, Georgia | Sept. 29, 2014 |
○ Gaza War: Bringing Out the Worst in Israeli Misogyny, Racism
With the same reasoning, the salt of the earth and the assassination of Barack Obama …
○ Atlanta Jewish newspaper calls for Obama assassination
○ Assassinate Barack Obama to Save Israel ¶ Uproar
This idiot, full of hatred and racist person soiling the Jewish religion of Abraham has written an earlier diatribe in 2010. Perfectly in the line of Fear Inc and Islamophobia of Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Daniel Pipes, Geert Wilders … the same rhetoric of hate and racism.
“Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement’s most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She’s relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President Obama is the “love child” of Malcolm X. She makes no pretense of being learned in Islamic studies, leaving the argumentative heavy lifting to her Stop Islamization of America partner Robert Spencer. Geller has mingled comfortably with European racists and fascists, spoken favorably of South African racists, defended Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic and denied the existence of Serbian concentration camps. She has taken a strong pro-Israel stance to the point of being sharply critical of Jewish liberals.”
[Source: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)]
○ Israeli TV News Claims Dearborn Hotbed of Islamist Terrorism | Tikun Olam |
Steven, why did you front page this? to my knowledge the guy is not representative of anything except maybe the [x?] % way out there views. I tried to follow links to find out more and none of the links work. Let’s have a reasoned discussion here in the pond. This isn’t a starting point for any kind of discussion.
I front pages it because we have tons of Christians here that unquestioning support hate speech against Muslims herein America and around the world despite the actions of the U.S. and Israel to kill thousands of Muslims. I tired of giving these people a pass on their hate speech which has included past calls for nuking the Muslims in the middle East, Cheney and his plan to bomb airman wit nukes and the continued vitriol ginned up against Islam in America. this Rabbi deserves to have his hate speech delivered on assrmon durin Rosh Hahshah. And this isn
T a one time mistake. He gave a similar hate spsermon against Muslims on Rodh Hashanh in 2010. I do not support Islamic terrorists but we are playing into their hands with our policies of military intervention that has led to far more Muslima no Arab deaths than American or Israeli deaths. The hate promoters on “our side” to be called on the carpet for the incitement for violence against Muslims, most who are peaceful despite the prejudice and harassment they undergo everyday, not to mention the people in the Middle East who have died or been maimed because of our wrong headed response to 911 and our support for Isareal’ policies that kill far more Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians than Israeli citizens. These extremist have far to much influence on American policy because of the fear of our politicians to pursue a peace policy in the Middle East, or at lesst stay out of conflicts that will creat only more blowback against the U.S. and the west in general.
Ipad screwed up my words, but I hope you get the gist.
My point is why post it “here” – I mean this site; there’s no one one on this site that takes these views, or thinks that some people don’t have these views; Why post an entire sermon that no readers here have anything to say about, it’s just about arousing outrage? are we going to get into a discussion of the function of a rabbi in his/ congregation? the history of that particular congregation? its context? no, except for Tarheel Dem’s helpful comment. there was no background, links didn’t work. I read the cross post over at Kos and there were critical comments there.
Just to add, in fact by posting it like this, no background, etc, you sort of imply Marie’s question which is inaccurate. – I’m offline for a while, so can’t reply immediately
Errol, hate speech is hate speech no matter the source. That’s my answer.
Article published in Juan Cole’s Informed Comment …
○ Tweeting Vitriol – Professor of Minorities Loses His Job @UoIC
– been offline for 2 days; some issues, alas. anyway, just hoping you’ll understand my point. My point is not that hate speech is somehow ok. my point is the following: by front paging this sermon you are foregrounding it for discussion. In this case, I don’t find this to be something that promotes discussion on this particular blog for reasons I tried to explain. that’s my point
Thanks for covering this Steven, similar “crackpots” are part of the settler movement, neo-Kahanists, JDL and a number of members in Israel’s cabinet of Benyamin and Sarah Netanyahu. See articles in The Jerusalem Post and the typical readers’ comments. The “clash of civilizations” is a false pretense by Israel to continue the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, the Gaza blockade and the repeated Gaza Wars. Israel’s war on Palestinians has nothing to do with WOT fought by George Bush against Al Qaeda. Sharon and Netanyahu equated the two. Now Israel has equated the Palestinian cause with Islamic State and even Boko Haram.
See today’s headlines …
The Root of Israel’s Military Response in ‘Search for Peace’ – JDL
Netanyahu has flatly rejected the “two-state solution” in his speech recently and called the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 “outdated.”
Respect to Sweden for ignoring U.S. chastisement for recognizing Palestine. h/t Tikun Olam
I do hope the global community will break the US hegemony of support for the apartheid state Israel. In the last year there have been a number of hopeful signs. But the new government of Sweden went further than a BDS statement, it has recognized the statehood of Palestine. Great courage to FM Margot Wallström. I hope this is a first step and signal Europe is returning to its senses, away from hate and discrimination while respecting International Law.
○ Sweden to recognize Palestine statehood, new prime minister says | LA Times |
○ Reagan urges link to Jordan and self-rule by Palestinians; Israel reacts angrily to plam | NY Times | Oct. 1982 |
Cross-posted from my diary – New Sweden’s MFA Leaves a Good Impression.
○ Israel summons EU envoy over ‘blatantly one-sided’ declaration | June 2014 |
○ Abbas’s UK envoy summoned to Ramallah over Jewish state recognition | June 2014 |
Nearly 10 years ago BooMan left Dkos and started his Booman Tribune. Please do not make us conform to Big Orange madness …
“Also Mondoweiss is on the forbidden list for linking at this site.”
Daily Kos tips the AIPAC toeline on the Israel-Palestinian issue, don’t want to upset Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC now, do you?
Thanks Martin, here at the pond we have always had our First Amendment rights and yes there are alternate views published on the frontpage, often even … topics on Republican candidates and their outrageous views. The Evangelicals (George Bush’s presidency) are exploited by both the US Republican party and Israel’s Likud party and PM Netanyahu.
« click for more info
Rabbi Ovadia Yusef's Record of Hate Speech Sanitized by the Media (By Michael Hoffman)
○ Israel’s Rabbis in Retreat as Obama Arrives
○ Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Racist, Political Boss, Yes. “Spiritual Leader?” Not So Much
○ Rabbi Yosef is the spiritual head of the Shas Party, a member of the Likud coalition of PM Netanyahu | Haaretz |