I grow weary of The Stupid. While some states are saving and making money by regulating marijuana sales, Georgia is sending helicopters around their state to seize people’s okra plants at gunpoint.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
During the raid, I wonder if our military police asked the people if they smoked the okra, put it in brownies, or do something else?
And if they smoked it, did they roll it, put it in a pipe, or use a bong?
Our military police need to be retrained, or fired and replaced.
And for the love of the FSM, please, PLEASE, take away the US militaries hand-me-down toys away from these stupid, itchy-trigger-fingered sadists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…First, they came for the okra, and I did nothing because I don’t cook gumbo.
It’s a full on war on southern kultur, amirite? Those helicopters? Black. FEMA or UN.
Next, they’ll come for the baby back ribs, in the name of Obamacare, and that will just be too much. If not resisted strenuously, soon Bubba will be losing his pork rinds and then (say it softly) his guns.
And soon, because of Michelle’s health initiatives, salt pork will be confiscated (along with the guns) – so, no more great tasting but unhealthy greens.
And fried-chicken places like Popeye’s, Church’s, and KFC, will be forced to close their franchises stores, and go underground.
And anyone throwing a pig-roast, will be rounded-up, and put in a FEMA Health Food Camp!
I heard she’s a he, and Obama is a gay Muslim. No wonder the dangerous spread of okra growing is happening on his watch.
I also believe everything I read in the internets because why would it lie?
…itchy-trigger-fingered saladists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wrong link.
Yes, still not corrected at this time.
The Washington Post has an article on this. My late Aunt, an Alabama native made absolutely fantastic pan fried Okra. Still remember it, never duplicated it though.
I understand their concern. I hate Okra. Still, the helicopters were a bit much for bad veggies.
Next it will be broccoli. Where will it end?
Where will it end?
Paramilitary SWAT teams raiding Saturday farmers markets.
Well, Georgia is the state where a toddler had his nose blown off by a stun grenade in a mistaken drug raid, and the pigs won’t be facing any charges.