the world will see what Obama is made of when the present domestic violence inside Jerusalem and settlement expansion will come before the UN Security Council. The blunt expansion of housing for its Jewish citizens in East-Jerusalem across the Green Line will need a strong response.

Nearly everyone in the Obama administration was on point when minister Ya’alon visited Washington and was shunned. Of course colleague minister Hagel “welcomed” him at the Pentagon, only our friendly Ambassador Samantha Power missed the memo and set down with the Israeli hardliner.

On many points in the observations of Jeffrey Goldberg I disagree, especially on an attack on Iran. I love to read the historical content of the years 2010 thru 2012 in a decade or two, how close Netanyahu was to bomb Iran.

US is settling scores with Netanyahu through Ya’alon
Ya’alon: West ‘ignorant’ about Arabs, policies led by ‘misconceptions’

Obama has folded before on two major occasions to Jewish housing expansion on Palestinian land, closing the possibility of a Palestinian state on the West Bank. Netanyahu isn’t proceeding in any way different than all his predecessors, whether from Likud or Labor! Just like Putin, he too has backing of the home front … and more important has US Congress in his pocket. After the mid-terms, Obama won’t come out stronger but will be a lame-duck president.

Why did the Obama administration use AIPAC people Dennis Ross (Ms Clinton) and Indyk to prove they had failed before in peace negotiations. Envoy George Mitchell did not get Obama’s backing! Just like Netanyahu, Obama lacked political courage and leadership. Mitchell’s resignation.

PS Netanyahu was right on Ukraine and didn’t support the neo-colonial support of Kiev and the NATO expansion. Will McCain & Co travel to Jerusalem today to undermine president Obama?

In 1994, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote this article in The New Yorker:
Kahanists Plot Weapons Deal

Today, the same hardliners are inside Israel’s leadership as minister in the cabinet of Netanyahu … leaving one assassinated PM behind.

See BooMan’s fp story – I’ve Been Saying That for the Longest.