I’m pretty much conditioned to believe that everything that Glenn Beck says is calculated and dishonest. He’s a demagogue, and quite a good one. This talent has made him fabulously wealthy and famous. So, when he tells me that he went to some doctors several years ago and was told that his brain was working at a 10% level, it’s not like I am inclined to believe him. I never thought that Glenn Beck was stupid or that his brain was diseased. On the other hand, he did seem to undergo some kind of transformation after he left CNN for Fox News, and once at Fox News his act did seem to get progressively more loony. I attributed that mainly to two factors. The first was that there was a Democratic president rather than a Republican one, and the second was that he kept getting rewarded with ratings and attention for his worst behavior, so he just kept pushing the envelope.

Now, he claims that he was eventually diagnosed with a variety of serious health problems, including with his adrenal system. And he claims that he was told that he was headed rapidly for some form of dementia because of a progressive loss of function with his brain. That could explain some of his paranoid and manic behaviors, but he also claims that he’s been cured. If his behavior over the last half-decade can be explained by brain disease, then a cured Glenn Beck would not exhibit those same behaviors.

So, we’ll see, won’t we?