Jonathan Chait makes a good observation about how the right went from insisting that waterboarding isn’t so bad and was, in any case, only carried out on three bad guys, to attempting to gloss over all manner of torture.
The torture regimen turns out to have been carried out on a vastly broader and more depraved scale than the administration’s defenders, or even its critics, ever imagined. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture, released this week, describes practices few conservative politicians or intellectuals had prepared themselves to justify. Men were shackled to walls or ceilings for days, in diapers, locked in coffins, rectally violated, subject to days of sleep deprivation, beaten, and (in one instance) murdered. Several intelligence staffers reported being traumatized by the experience.
Republican Congressman Seems to Have Skipped Some Key Parts of the Torture Report
That is more than one can say for the torture apologists. Having dug in to mount an extended, pointillistic defense of waterboarding, they have found their position suddenly overrun, and have retreated to new ground. “Every civilized nation agrees that torture is wrong,” Senator Ted Cruz complained after the report was released, but, “after six years, enough with saying ‘everything is George W. Bush’s fault.’ ” To Cruz and other Republicans still in office, the allegation that the Bush administration used torture had gone from outrageous smear to tired news without ever having passed through the stage of acceptable topic of discussion.
You might remember when Christopher Hitchens voluntarily subjected himself to waterboarding and declared that it was definitely torture. You probably don’t remember when Christopher Hitchins voluntarily subjected himself to “rectal rehydration” or being slammed into walls and locked in a coffin-sized box, or allowed himself to clothed in a diaper and hung from ceiling-hooks for days on end while sadistic tormenters prevented him from falling asleep. You don’t remember it because it never happened. And it never happened because the right never tried to defend those things, which meant that Hitchins didn’t try (and fail) to prove that they really weren’t more than “a little water on the face.”
If he were alive today, however, these are the kinds of “experiments” Hitchins would have to undertake if he wanted to try to minimize the horror of Sith Cheney’s counterterrorism policies.
Hitchens, circa 2007: Abolish the CIA
In that one article, Hitchens reminds us that he got things wrong as often as the CIA did. If the CIA in fact assisted in pushing back from a war with Iran, good for them. After seeing what happened to Iraq and Libya after they gave up their nuclear weapons programs, why would Iran and NK follow that lead? And Pakistan will never relinquish theirs.
Looks like a bucket list of things to do… to Republicans.
No fear.
What kind of an ass was Christopher Hitchens to question the effect of waterboarding and undergo it himself? Why would the CIA (or whoever) anyway take the trouble to waterboard a prisoner if it would’t be extraordinarily distressing and painful? Right, Hitchens had to reinvent the wheel. Right? Everyone knows for more than at least a century that waterboarding was torture: see America (Philippines), Japan (WW 2), China, Korea and I don’t know where else. What an extraordinarily disingenuous ‘conversation a le Obama’ is being tossed around as meaningful shit today. Let the whole thing just go away, they say. While they all ignore that torture is still being carried out: see the isolation cells in the US. My god, what filth. From the White House right on down to Joe Blow.
The torture regimen turns out to have been carried out on a vastly broader and more depraved scale than the administration’s defenders, or even its critics, ever imagined.
No, Mr. Chait, a lot of critics imagined this and in fact a lot of us suspect that the worst parts are still being kept secret.
You’d think after all of those years in Washington he’d stop being so gullible.
Who’s going to tell him that we didn’t find any WMDs?
anti-torture, if I read you correctly.