Winning Isn’t Everything

I’ve been swamped with WaMo duties, primarily getting our new January/February issue posted online so all you freeloaders can read it without getting a subscription to the print version.

When I have a chance, I will be responding to Paul Waldman’s assertion in the Washington Post that the next Democratic presidential nominee (presumably Hillary Clinton) will not need to do particularly well among white working class voters in order to win the election.

The short version is that this is correct but that, unless the next president wants to spend four to eight years limited to signing executive orders and issuing vetoes, they’ll need to do much better among so-called downscale whites than Obama did, or than the Democrats have been doing in midterm elections.

Winning the presidency is great. Being able to do something when you get there is much better.

Author: BooMan

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.